How To Factor 3b^2 14b-49 Completely

3b 2sqaured - 14b+8 factor completely?

If you mean 3b^2 - 14b + 8, that factors as
(3b - 2)(b - 4)

TEN POINTS: Algebra Factoring Help..?

1) x^2-7x718


2) p^2-5p-14


( +1) ( -14) = -14


(+2) ( -7) = -14

p^2 +2p -7p -14

p ( p + 2) -7( p +2)

( p-7) ( p-2) ANSWER



( m -8) ( m-1) ANSWER

5) 7x^2-31x-20

7x^2 -35x +4x -20

7x ( x -5) +4( x-5)

( 7x +4) ( x-5) ANSWER

7) 7x^2-45x-28

7x^2 -49x + 4x -28

7x ( x -7) +4( x-7)

( 7x +4) ( x-7) ANSWER

8) 2b^2+17b+21

2b^2 +3b + 14b +21

b ( 2b +3) +7( 2b +3)
( b + 7) ( 2b +3) ANSWER

9) 5p^2-p-18

5p^2 -10p +9p -18

5p ( p -2) +9( p-2)

( 5p+9) ( p-2) ANSWER

10) 28n^4+16n^3-80n^2

4n^2 ( 7n^2 +4n - 20)

4n^2 ( 7n^2 +14n -10n -20)

4n^2 ( 7n (n +2) -10(n +2) )

4n^2 ( 7n-10) ( n+2) ANSWER

Factorize Algebra Problems?

I dont understand how to do this, can someone help me, I would highly appreciate it, thank you

1) 12b^3+3b

2) 14s^2-33sr+18r^2

3) 99b^2-704c^2

4) 20q^2-39qt+18t^2

5) 20s^2-41sd+20d^2

6) t^2+4t-32

7) 3p^3+6p^2-21p

8) 20v^2-39vw+18w^2

9) 45w^2-320

10) 4b^2+28b+49

Can anyone tell the solution of this question [math](7 + 5 \sqrt{2})^{1/3} + (7- 5\sqrt{2})^ {1/3}=?[/math]

Take 7+5(2)^(1/2)=a^3 and 7-5(2)^(1/2)=b^3. a^3 b^3=49-50=-1=>a b=-1 and a^3+b^3=14.We want the value of a+b. Denote a+b =x.x^3=a^3+b^3+3 a b(a+b)=14-3x=>x^3+3 x-14=0=>(x-2)(x^2+2 x+7)=0=>x=2 (as x^2+2 x+7 >0) Hence (7+5(2)^(1/2))^(1/3)+(7-5(2)^(1/2))^(1/3)=2

Need some help PLEASE!!!! College Algebra :-&?

1. Factor the polynomial 5a^3b^4c^2 - 30a^4b^2c^3, if possible.

2. Factor the polynomial 27y + 18

3. Find the GCF of the set of monomials: 147, 98

4. Find the prime-factored form of the number: 385.

5. Factor the polynomial. 9a^6 b^4c^8 - 16d^10

6. True or False? a^4 - 5a^2 + 6 = (a^2 - 3)(a^2 - 2)?

8. Use a special product formula to factor the perfect square trinomial. b^2 + 14b + 49?

9. True or False? The trinomial b^2 + 2b + 16 is prime?

11. Factor the expression: 19(x + y) - 5t(x + y)?

12. Factor the trinomial. Factor out all common monomials first. 21x^3 - 13x^2 + 2x?

13. Factor the polynomial. 49y^2 - 4?

14. Factor (3x^2 + 3xy + 4x + 4y) by grouping.

15. Use a special product formula to factor the perfect square trinomial. 4x^2 - 28x + 49?

I am so confused and these are only practice problems!!!!!!! I just need to see the steps with the answer. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Help Me : Algebra 1 (MATH)?

Directions: Simplify the expression for questions 1-2.

1. 4 (1 + 6m) - 3m

A. 24m^2 - 64m
B. 4 + 21m
C. - 9m - 3
D. 4 + 14m

2. 2b ( -6b - 7) + 2b^2

A. 3b^2 + 6b
B. - 10b^2 - 14b
C. 8 + 12b
D. 3b^2 + 3b

3. Solve the equation by completing the square: 7x^2 - 14x 49 = 7

A. {2 + 2√3, 2 - 2√3}
B. No Solution
C. {8, 6}
D. {4, 2}

4. Divide: (8k^2 - 55k - 75) ÷ (k - 8)

A. 8k + 4 - 7/k-8
B. 8k + 9 - 3/k-8
C. 8k + 7 - 5/k-8
D. 8k + 1 - 12/k-8

5. Solve the equation by factoring: 2x^2 - 16x + 30 = 0

A. { -2, 5}
B. { -4, - 3}

C. {5, 3}
D. {4, 5}

Directions: Factor each equation completely for questions 6-7.

6. 126v^3 + 105v^2 - 108v - 90

A. 18(v - 1) (7v^2 + 5)
B. 3(7v^2 - 6) (6v + 5)
C. 18(7v^2 + 5) (v + 1)
D. 3(7v^2 + 6) (6v + 5)

7. 4x^3 + x^2 - 32x – 8

A. 4(x^2 + 8) (x + 2)
B. (x^2 - 8) (4x + 1)
C. (x^2 + 8) (4x + 1)
D. (x^2 + 8) (4x - 1)

Directions: Evaluate the expressions for questions 8-10.

8. ( - 5)^2 - ( 3) - 5

A. 32
B. 20
C. 15
D. 23

9. 29 - 9 / 2^2

A. 3
B. 7
C. 11
D. 5

10. (3r - 3)(2r - 5)

A. 6r^2 - 21r + 15
B. 6r^2 - 9r - 15
C. 6r^2 + 15
D. 6r^2 + 9r – 15

Directions: Find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) for questions 11-12.

11. 48x^3y^2 and 32x ^2y

A. 6xy^2
B. 16x^2y
C. 8xy
D. 12x^2y

12. 49x^4y^2 and 28x^2y^4

A. 24xy^2
B. 14x^2y^4
C. 7x^2y^2
D. 3x^2y^2

Find the parabola of the form y=ax^2+b which best fits the points (1,0), (2,2), (3,4) by minimizing the sum?

Find the parabola of the form y=ax^2+b which best fits the points (1,0), (2,2), (3,4) by minimizing the sum, S, of squares of the vertical distances from the above points to the parabola given by

S= (a+b)^2+(4a+b-2)^2+(9a+b-4)^2


Simultaneous Equations help?

2a + 2(a - 8) = 32
a + a - 8 = 16
2a = 24
a = 12

12 - b = 8
b = 4

Answer: a = 12, b = 4
a + 2b - 3c + 2a + b + c + 5a - 2b - c = 0 + 8 + 7
b = 15 - 8a + 3c

a + 2(15 - 8a + 3c) - 3c = 0
a + 30 - 16a + 6c - 3c = 0
3c = 15a - 30
c = 5a - 10

b = 15 - 8a + 3(5a - 10)
b = 15 - 8a + 15a - 30
b = 7a - 15

2a + 7a - 15 + 5a - 10 = 8
14a = 33
a = 33/14

b = 7(33/14) - 15
b = (33 - 30)/2
b = 3/2

c = 5(33/14) - 10
c = (165 - 140)/14
c = 25/14

Answer: a = 33/14; b = 3/2; c = 25/14

Proof—3rd equation:
5(33/14) - 2(3/2) - 25/14 = 7
(165 - 42 - 25)/14 = 7
98/14 = 7
7 = 7