How To Fix E0001 Message

How do I fix E0001 error for FIFA 12?

1.Check wether you have Microsoft distribution 2008 and 10.2. If it is a shader problem.then change the compatibility by troubleshoot and test the game.change the compatibility mode to windows 7 or others3. Change the resolution, graphics details or u can try using 3d analyzer or swiftshaders4. Mostly fifa 12 doesn't need much spec to run.try these and install directx 9 version. You can play it..Try these..

How do I fix the missing file "d3dx9_41.dll" file to run FIFA 12?

All .dll files that go haywire in downloaded games are usually because of the fact that they are not LEGAL COPIES OF THE GAME. The easiest fix for this, is to purchase a legitimate copy instead of a pirated one.The real reason behind this is because pirated copies have to be slightly updated, by the various hackers and cyber pirates that post material all over the Internet, to make sure that the copy itself thinks that it is legitimate, and so that the copies do not communicate with the servers, in your case, with EA Sports’ servers. This is because the servers could potentially try to verify and block these copies from using the game. These files that get updated are, you guessed it, the .dll files. These files have no certificate or verification, and hence are identified to be potentially harmful, and removed/disabled by antivirus softwares. A legitimate .dll would have no reason to randomly disappear.Fixing simply one file won't get your game running, as you can’t just download another d3dx9_41.dll file. This file would be probably be from a legitimate copy, and hence, I’m assuming your copy is illegitimate here, will not run. Supposing you managed to download a correct version of the d3dx9_41.dll, you will soon realize that the game still does not run as another .dll file would be found amiss. There's a lot of .dll files, and if all of them have gone astray, I think reinstalling is a better idea. But, reinstalling the game might not have you playing again, as your antivirus will quickly remove these files yet again. You could manually select each of the .dll files in your folder through the antivirus and choose not to remove the threat, but as I said before, there's a good chance there's a lot of them, over a few hundreds.If you've spent time playing a game and truly enjoy it, I believe the developer is owed some money. Even though it may be a supergiant that gives no shits about its customers, EA Sports does put a lot of efforts into sales, and maybe you should just buy a copy.

How can I fix a Python lint error?

Even I faced the same issue few weeks back, and I found some way to disable the warnings which I feel are unnecessary.You can globally disable warnings using the command: pylint --disable=W0102or by using a special PyLint configuration filepylint --rcfile=/path/to/config.fileand this file would be containing the list of codes that you would like to disable.For more information you can check Pylint - code analysis for Python and updated documentation at Pylint User Manual.

What should I do if the FIFA14 3DM file is not launching for FIFA 14?

Install directX and then restart your system.Then launch the 3dm file. Even if the app is not opening then copy a different crack into the installed folder of the FIFA game.You can easily find various cracks on net.If you have windows 8.1 then you will face this issue of not opening the 3dm file..One more thing you can do is disable WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER. Then restart your system. Doing this has helped a lot of gamers and you can try this too..Happy gaming

What is the meaning of error code “e1” in the Voltas window AC?

Fix an Air Conditioner When It Gives You an E1 Code - Press the "Power" button to turn off your unit and then remove the filter from the filter panel on the side or front of your air conditioner. Refer to your manual if you are unsure where the filter on your unit is located.Inspect the filter. If it is dirty, brush off dirt, debris and lint. If it is really dirty, wash it with mild soap and water and allow it to dry completely. Reinsert it into its compartment. If your filter is worn out or damaged, purchase a replacement filter from an appliance or hardware store and replace the old one.Turn on the air conditioner. Move to the next step if the LCD continues to display the E1 error code.Check for a reset button on your air conditioner and press it to reset your unit. Some of the newer air conditioners have reset buttons to restore the default factory settings. Press the "Power" button on the front panel of your air conditioner to power down your unit if it does not have a reset button. Unplug the unit from the electrical outlet. Leave the air conditioner off for several hours to see if it will reset.Plug your air conditioner back into the electrical outlet and turn it on. If your air conditioner is still displaying the E1 error code, turn it off and contact a qualified technician because the room thermistor responsible for detecting room temperature may be defective.The E1 code is an error code that appears on the LED temperature display of some digital air conditioners. The error code could mean anything from dirty air filters to a damaged room thermistor, a device connected to your thermostat that detects room temperature. Troubleshooting the cause of this error code may improve your air conditioner's performance. Before sending your unit in for repairs, inspect it quickly and safely.

Why I keep getting invalid syntax error in Python while using "else" function?

What braces do in other languages, is done by indentation in Python.The syntax is invalid, as the indentation of the ‘else’ keyword is incorrect.The correct syntax would beyear = 20
if year == 20:
Try to read up basic tutorials and Python code to learn the syntax quickly.

I get an 'unhandled exception' error when opening fifaconfig.exe in FIFA 15. Can somebody help?

If you really need to lower graphics to make the game work, head to your documents and then FIFA 15. There must be a fifaconfig.ini file there. Otherwise, just create one using notepad. You can refer to the following settings that I played with:AUDIO_MIX_MODE = 0CONTROLLER_DEFAULT = 0DISABLE_WINDAERO = 0FULLSCREEN = 1MSAA_LEVEL = 0RENDERINGQUALITY = 1RESOLUTIONHEIGHT = 768RESOLUTIONWIDTH = 1366VOICECHAT = 0WAITFORVSYNC = 2(I used shift+enter to make the text at one place, use enter between two lines for actual purposes)Rendering quality 1 means very low. You can change it to 2/3 depending on low/medium. Height and Width is the resolution you need. WaitforVSync 2 means limit to 30fps. Use 0/1 for no limit/60fps. Stay with MSAA 0. Fullscreen 1/0 to have fullscreen/windowed.I guess I answered your question.

How can I correct this, "Can't assign to literal" in Python 3?

You might have assigned something to a number or string; instead of a variable.example: 3 = random.randint(0, 20)

Python "SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character" occurring?

Put the last \n within single quotes, as you have done for others. ‘\’ is the line continuation character. You can escape it by number of ways.‘\\n’r’\n’Hope it helps.

What is unexpected indent in python?

Python uses spacing at the start of the line to determine when code blocks start and end. Errors you can get are:Unexpected indent. This line of code has more spaces at  the start than the one before, but the one before is not the start of a  subblock (e.g. if/while/for statement). All lines of code in a block  must start with exactly the same string of whitespace. For instance:>>> def a():
. . . print "Hello"
. . . print "World"
IndendationError : unexpected indent.
This one is especially common when running python interactively: make  sure you don't put any extra spaces before your commands. (Very annoying  when copy-and-pasting example code!)>>> print "hello"
IndendationError : unexpected indent
Unindent does not match any outer indentation level.  This line of code has fewer spaces at the start than the one before, but  equally it does not match any other block it could be part of. Python  cannot decide where it goes. For instance, in the following, is the  final print supposed to be part of the if clause, or not?>>> if user == "rishi":
. . . print "Quora User"
. . . print "Revealing Super Secrets"
IndendationError : unindent does not match any outer indentation level.
Expected an indented block. This line of code has the  same number of spaces at the start as the one before, but the last line  was expected to start a block (e.g. if/while/for statement, function  definition).>>> def foo():
. . . print "Bar"
IndentationError : expected an indented block.
If you want a function that doesn't do anyting , use the "no-op" command pass:>>> def foo()
. . . pass
Mixing tabs and spaces is allowed (at least on my version of Python),  but Python assumes tabs are 8 characters long, which may not match your  editor. Just say "no" to tabs. Most editors allow them to be  automatically replaced by spaces.The best way to avoid these issues is to always use a consistent  number of spaces when you indent a subblock, and ideally use a good IDE  that solves the problem for you. This will also make your code more  readable.