How To Get Rid Of Scars From Cutting .

How do you get rid of scars from cutting?

Here's one unusual method that I got from someone online and have seen pretty good results some vitamin c or e pills that are liquid inside. Break open the pills and pour the liquid right on the scar, then swallow the outside of the pill. Helps heal it from the inside and out.

Some other tips I've seen used would be neosporin, scar healing band-aids (yes, they do actually make those now!), and olive oil (weird kinda, but I've heard rubbing it on it helps). And when you have the chance to be out in the sun not worrying about people seeing the scars, do it, because as your sin gets tanner the scars sometimes get less noticeable.

Hope this helps!

How can I get rid of the scars on my arm from cutting?

If scars just have been formed, you can try one of the following options as these are economic costs:Turmeric:Buy fresh from the Asian market. Take off peel about 1 to 2cm. Rub it directly to the wounds. The scars will heal quickly. Repeat applying it every day until the scars fade. Rub on the scars at night as the orange color might offend you. Clean the color in the morning.I have used on my problematic injuries to remove scars, and it works.Also, turmeric has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial properties.Aloe VeraFind product contains Aloe Vera at least 45% concentration as it helps to heal injuries without leaving scars. Apply twice a day until scars fade.Combination of hyaluronic acid (HA) and vitamin C can avoid scars.Apply vitamin E on the cut asap can avoid scars, and once a day until scars fade.Try all natural and non-abrasive approaches first, if these do not give you results, seek for skin experts.I do have some good products to treat scars but let try the economical approach first. Contact me should you need further assistance.Hope the tips mentioned above address your question.

How to get rid of cutting scars on thigh?

I'm in the same situation as you, I have a lot of really bad scars from cutting on my thighs and I've joined a class in which I'll have to wear short shorts, and I'm really worried.

I've tried covering mine and the only thing that seems to work is a LOT of make up, but that might come off if you go swimming. The thick, dark purplish scars still show through though. I've also tried bio oil but it hasn't had any effect yet as I've onyl been using it a few weeks and it takes months to start to show a difference.

I'm sorry I can't be of more use, I really feel for you. I've had to tell my parents I don't want to go on holiday abroad with them this summer, because I know they'll flip if they see my scars (my parents reacted very badly the last time they found out). If make up wont work, I'd suggest wearing board shorts, like these: I wear them for surfing, and they'd cover your scares really easily. If your parents ask why you're wearing them, say you're self consious about your legs, or that its a fashion. You can also get shorter ones, depending on how far down your scars go. Good luck :)

PS. I love MCR, I'm seeing them next week and I'm so excited!

How to get rid of cutting scars?

First of all, I just want to say congratulations on getting help to stop. I know how difficult it is to stop cutting; it really is an addiction! Unfortunately only time can heal. As a former cutter myself (haven't cut in nearly 6 years!) I can tell you that the scars will never completely go away. Think of them as your battle wounds! You can make them fade by doing any of the following.
Put lemon juice on them
Put Aloe Vera gel on them
Apply honey everyday along with lukewarm water
Apply olive oil to them
Take vitamin E pills or eat more foods that contain it (breakfast cereal, vegetables, fish, fruit, nuts)
Soak a cotton ball in green tea and rub on scars then let it soak

How can one get rid of wrist cutting scars?

Every scar has its story, so does a scar in the wrist. But the time flies and you realize that the scars are disguisting, make you feel uncomfortable and you want to wear your favorite clothes without worry about the scars will be revealed. Unfortunately a self-harm cuts scar, especially the deep one, almost impossible to be completely removed without through any plastic surgery procedure.But if you have no interest for doing any plastic surgery, you still can make those scars fade away little by little. The followings are some steps you can do to make the scars fade. Time and patient, of course, are needed.Using topical treatmentMedermaMederma is a gel which is created from onion extract combined with water, aloe barbadensis leaf juice, xanthan gum, allantoin, methylparaben, sorbic acid etc. Applying this gel will not make the scars gone, but the scars becomes softer, smoother and unnoticeable.How to useFor new scars, you can apply it regularly once a day at least for 2 months.For old scars, apply it once a day for at least 3 to 6 months.Use bio-oilIt is an optional product beside mederma. Bio-oil also well-known to reduce the looks of scars. This oil maintains the elasticity of scar tissue and helps to make the scars seems blend with the skin around it.How to use :Clean the scars with water.Apply some drops of bio-oil directly to the scars and leave it in until it dries by itself.Thank you

How do I get rid of scars, fast?

Baby, I know what it's like to cut. It depends on how deep you cut. I did light cutting, still bled, but it was light and it's like I never did it cause you can't see them. But Mederma for scars can help, or you can go see a dermatologist. But if you see a dermatologist, he'll probably put in a slip to see a psychologist. I haven't cut for like two years and I'm proud of that. Things are a lot better for me now and I'm so happy too! And here's another tip, if there's no way you can get them gone by summer: just take foundation your skin tone and cover them up. Use a liquid foundation for them! :)

Removing scars from razor cuts?

i used to cut over 3 years ago, i kno how it is, as for ur scars, they will go away but itll take a LONG while! most of mine are gone and the ones that arent gone , are not very noticable. im sorry, i no wut its like to have to hide ur wrists. but the scars will disappear. u jus gotta be VERY VERY patient. and i kno ur not doin it for attention.

How to get rid of the scars on my wrist?

I To Went Through the cutting stage, and ended up with some horrible scars!

dont worry, your not "emo". people who are saying that Really need to grow up and get a life. So Please Dont let them get you down. =]

Anyways, to answer your question.
im not sure were you live, but i live in australia and i got this stuff, aviliable in some supermarkets and most chemist called - BIO-OIL!
it is amazing, and my scars started to clear up within a week. and the stuff is pretty cheap (only a couple of dollars)

Another tip to help is when going out into the sun, by yourself some tanning cream (any kind, very cheap, can buy it anywhere) and put it on your wrist before going out, it makes the skin over the scar turn more into the colour of your skin so they are way less noticable.

you could also try googling "cheap ways to get rid of scars"
Or "natural scar removal"

i hope this helps