How To Get Skinny In 2 Months

What are the best tips to get skinny in two months?

The challenge of weight loss can be made much easier if you use sound fitness strategies and avoid gimmicky weight loss methods. The keys to weight loss include proper planning, dedication, eating a healthy, calorie-conscious diet and engaging in plenty of exercise. Although weight loss is best completed as a gradual process, sometimes you can't help the fact that a wedding or beach season is just two months away. With motivation and goal-setting, you can get skinnier in just two months.Before reading it, I have a Free Ebook "Low Carb Living Clarified" for you: 100 FREE EBOOK Low Carb Living ClarifiedEngage in cardiovascular fitness activities such as biking, swimming and running to burn calories. Enter these activities into an online calorie burn calculator to determine how many calories you're burning per exercise session. For example, running for 40 minutes at a pace of 8 mph would burn 600 calories, and swimming at a moderate pace for 60 minutes would burn an additional 400 calories. Note that you'll need to burn 1,000 more calories than you consume each day to lose 2 pounds per week, since 3,500 calories is equal to 1 pound.Eat fewer calories per day while focusing on consuming nutritious foods such as protein, complex carbohydrates and unsaturated fats. These foods will give you energy and help you feel full without weighing you down with empty calories. If you consume fewer calories per day than you do normally, you'll be able to exercise less than you estimated using the calorie burn calculator while still maintaining a daily caloric deficit of 1,000.Engage in strength training to burn additional fat and increase muscular strength, mass and density. Although muscle weighs more than fat by volume, it also requires more calories to support and gives you a leaner, more toned appearance.Click here for more information: How to Lose 50 Pounds in 2 Months

How to get skinny thighs?

Believe it or not dancing, running, jogging, or any other exercise that means "leg-work" will not do you too much good. The key to losing weight in any area of your body is burning more calories than you consume and the average person's calorie diet is 1500 - 2000 So let's say you jog for 2 hours, you burn about 700 calories. That's only about 35% of the calories you consume. To burn off all those calories you're going to need to jog well over 2 hours, at least 6 hours a day. There must be a more simpler way to lose weight. There is! And this magical weight loss trick is very simple. Weight lifting. I know that guys are all into getting "ripped" more than girls, but not all weight lifting techniques will make you "ripped", just skinnier and sexier. Doing just 15 reps a day with small weights for an amazing half hour a day for about 1 - 2 months will make you show significant changes. You know that fatigue or tired feeling in your arms after you lift of push something heavy. That's the build up of lactic acid and it's a good thing. So you might be wondering, How does this work? or How can just spending half hour a day do me any good? Well when your arms feel tired, that means a lot of lactic acid is building up inside your arms and your body is repairing your muscles. The repairing of muscles takes a lot of work and calories. So even a whole day after you did these 15 reps, your body is still repairing your muscles and burning calories. Just from one workout, you can burn 5000 calories! So you don't have to keep watching what you eat and do agonizingly long workouts to lose so little weight.

I hope this helps you

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Fat to skinny in 2 months, please help!?

Well you already know what to do that good.
>You should buy a workout video those are great they really help and they are fun.
>Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day
>Don't eat after 7.
>Control your portions.
>Try to find something that can clean your system out such as: Colon cleanse,liver/gall bladder cleanse, and heavy metal cleanse: Also try Chelation.
All that really works you can have big changes.
Other things that help are :walking for an hour you dont even have to run or jog.
>Fasting is good to do sometime for a day.(but drink water).
Don't do anything extreme stay healthy.

Good luck!

How can I lose weight in 2 months?

the healthy amount of weight to lose each week is about 1-2 pounds, there are 8 weeks in 2 months so you could lose about 16 pounds. but some weeks you lose more than that. don't try any of those fad diets. the only thing you really lose is water weight, and then you end up binge eating and going into a cycle of saying im going to lose weight, then you end up bingeing the next and hating yourself. if you have a pool in your back yard go out for a swim, if not buy some water baloons and go run around with friends in a backyard or a local park, go for a bikeride, go on a hike with your parents, as for eating

eat breakfast that doesnt just mean eat 4 oreos and that counts

breakfast= 1 peice of fruit (orange or an apple) 1 cup of special k cereal.

snack (2-3 hours after breakfast) a bannana and some green tea (green tea helps speed up weight loss by increasing the metabolism)

lunch= whole wheat turkey sandwhich (if u dont have whole wheat then have half of a sandwhich and make some soup. but try not to have any creamy soups meaning clam chowder, brocceli and cheeder, etc

dinner= this should be the smallest meal of the day because you arent going to be using very much energy so if you eat more then you need before u go to bed your food will be stored as fat.

you dont have to cut out any food that you eat (your a kid go out and live a little) but things should be kept in moderation such things as


chips (sunchips are healthy though)

soda (diet sodas are actually even worse then regular sodas so just try to avoid that all together)

and read labels. i no you probably dont no half of wats on their but here are some things to avoid
saturated fats, trans fat, and especially highfructose corn syrup (its practically in every thing so dont stress if you eat something with it in it) but highfructose corn syrup is basically a cheap form of sugar. only it as 1 alchol chemical in it so your body doesnt no what to store it as it ends up storing it in the liver and it ends up being even worse for you then trans and saturated fats.

How to lose weight in 2 months?

Walking is the best exercise to loose fat. A Phd in physical education informed me of that and I was very surprised.

So, if you only need to loose belly fat, that should work.

In addition to walking, any other activity you enjoy is good (swimming, skiing, volleyball, martial arts, dancing, etc.). There are some excellent DVDs on the market, I like the ones from is FREE and has everything you need, including how much protein, fat and carbs you should eat, and how much calories you need to eat per day.

I have been walking 1 hour a day on my tread mill and it really works; my waist has been shrinking faster than when I used to do aerobics.

1. walk (if you have a dog you found a faithful walking buddy)
If you like dogs and do not have one, volunteer at your local SPCA to walk the shelter dogs, you will do them – and yourself a big favor at the same time.

2. drink at least 2 liters of water a day (it helps flush the fat)

3. avoid fried foods

4. fill 1/2 your plate with vegetables, 1/4 with lean meats (chicken, fish or tofu) and the remaining 1/4 with either potatoes, brown rice or whole wheat noodles.

5. stick with whole wheat bread and low fat margarine

6. stay away from sugar.

7. eat snacks (ideally: low fat yogourt or low fat cheese with a fruit) twice daily. I love the 94% fat free popcorn.

If you are a teen-ager you should not be starving yourself, you are growing up, so eat all you want but choose the right foods.

Measure yourself to see the change. Muscles weigh more than fat, so you might loose fat but it might not be showing on the scale. Your clothes will start to feel loose soon.

If you eat 3 meals a day and 2 snacks a day, and you keep drinking water, you will speed up your metabolism.