How To Get Thin In A Week

How do I get thin within 2 weeks?

You cannot “get thin” in two weeks because that is a vague and subjective goal.However, you can lose [x] amount of weight within [y] amount of time. Setting a measurable goal will net you results much faster because you can track your progress.Keep in mind that when losing weight, one should always focus on losing body fat, because losing muscle will be detrimental in the long term. Also keep in mind that being an “active” person does not guarantee weight loss. In fact, studies show that exercise has a negligible effect on your bodyweight, in comparison to NUTRITION.That said, I am assuming you are asking the fastest method to lose weight within two weeks. The fastest method to do so is to lose water weight.You can do this by:1) Increasing your water intake - 1 Gallon per Day will encourage your body to begin flushing excess water out of your system. Be sure to increase vitamin and mineral intake as those will be flushed out of your body too.2) Decreasing Carbohydrate Intake - Keep below approximately 50 grams of carbs per day. Each gram of glycogen bonds with water molecules and is stored in your body as water weight. Cutting carbs will quickly result in losing that excess water.3) Performing HIIT Cardio - This High Intensity Interval Training will rapidly deplete your glycogen. Moreover, it has been proven to burn fat up to 9x Faster than traditional steady state cardio. Here is a sample of HIIT to try:In combination, you should be able to lose around 10+ Pounds in 2 Weeks.Keep in mind this will be mostly water weight and will return as soon as you increase your carbohydrate load.The only real, long term solution is to eat a nutrient dense diet composed of whole foods at least 80% of the time. Combine that with consistent 8 hours of sleep and an active lifestyle and you will see long term success.

How can you get skinny in 2 weeks?

You cannot “get skinny” in two weeks because that is a vague and subjective goal.However, you can lose [x] amount of weight within [y] amount of time. Setting a measurable goal will net you results much faster because you can track your progress.Keep in mind that when “losing weight”, one should always focus on losing body fat, because losing muscle will be detrimental in the long term.That said, I am assuming you are asking the fastest method to lose weight within two weeks. The fastest method to do so is to lose water weight.You can do this by:1) Increasing your water intake - 1 Gallon per Day will encourage your body to begin flushing excess water out of your system. Be sure to increase vitamin and mineral intake as those will be flushed out of your body too.2) Decreasing Carbohydrate Intake - Keep below approximately 50 grams of carbs per day. Each gram of glycogen bonds with water molecules and is stored in your body as water weight. Cutting carbs will quickly result in losing that excess water.3) Performing HIIT Cardio - This High Intensity Interval Training will rapidly deplete your glycogen. Moreover, it has been proven to burn fat up to 9x Faster than traditional steady state cardio. Here is a sample of HIIT to try:In combination, you should be able to lose around 10+ Pounds in 2 Weeks.Keep in mind this will be mostly water weight and will return as soon as you increase your carbohydrate load.The only real, long term solution is to eat a nutrient dense diet composed of whole foods at least 80% of the time. Combine that with consistent 8 hours of sleep and an active lifestyle and you will see long term success.

How do I get thin in 3 weeks? (Please, read details)

I have the answer to your problem, but you're not going to like it. I once lost 40 lbs in 5 months without doing any cardio (I would only go for an hour long walk a couple of times each week, but this isn't really cardio). The reason I could lose so much weight without doing cardio, was because I put an extraordinary amount of effort into my diet. I used Myfitnesspal to track all of my calories, and made sure to consume ~2,000 calories a day, 40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% healthy fats and 35 grams of fiber; while also performing strength training 5 days a week. If I had done cardio, I could boost these numbers up a bit and still lose weight. So the same situation now applies to you. You can either power through, do some cardio and eat a bit more. Or you can skip cardio entirely and eat a bit less. It's up to you. Lastly, you can eat whatever you want to eat and still lose weight just fine (I usually have a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich (or 2) each day and I'm still losing weight. It's called IIFYM diet. But no matter what, you can't go above your calorie limit each day, or you won't lose weight. Dr. Stoppani recommends body weight (in lbs) x 15 - 500 = calories per day. Good luck. Note: consider taking a diuretic the day of your party. It will flush out 5+ lbs of water within an hour, making you appear to be much thinner throughout the day. That weight will come back on as soon as you begin drinking normally again; but it has become a popular technique for bodybuilders on stage and fitness models on magazine covers to do for that last little boost.

How can I get skinny legs in a week?

Walk 5-10 minutes to warm your muscles. Stretch for at least 1 minute per muscle. Jog for 15 minutes. This may also be substituted by 10-15 minutes of skipping a jump rope, just make sure you do it properly. Kick your legs up to your butt. These are called butt kicks or kick backs . Do at least 50 times per leg. It may seem a lot but it's not as much as you think! Run and lift your knees up to waist height. Walk for about 5-7 minutes to slow your heart rate. Do leg squats and leg rolls. Leg squats are just simply spreading your legs shoulder width apart and squatting. Leg rolls are where you lay down on the floor and place one leg in the air and roll it in a circular motion. Stretch or walk around for at least 5-10 minutes to cool down. Break into a jog every chance you get! And try to drink lots of water in order to stay hydrated. Go biking or cycling. Cycling around is a great way to burn fat and substitute it with muscle mass. By some estimates, if you weigh 130 lb (59 kg), you can burn anywhere from 325 to 550 calories per hour, depending on your speed. This makes cycling a great way to lose weight. There are several ways to use a bike to get skinnier legs: Biking around casually. Bike to the grocery store instead of driving. Bike to work instead of taking public transportation. If you bike casually, going about 11 mph (17.6 km/h), you can burn 275-450 calories per hour, depending on your weight. Use a stationary bike at home or at the gym. Because this is a bit lighter of an exercise, expect to burn anywhere from 250-450 calories per hour, depending on your weight. Do a spinning class. Spinning classes are butt-kicking but definitely worth it. The advantage here is that you burn a lot of calories: a 145 lb (65.8 kg) person might expect to burn about 750-1000 calories per hour of very vigorous spinning. On the other hand, spinning can be quite monotonous and you'll have to push yourself for maximum results.

I m 18 and very thin , i masturbate 4-5 times a week and have a gud diet but don't eat fruits , help me....?

How can i becum healthier , i m very thin and very worried , my girlfriend loves me a lot but i know dat she wnts her boyfriend to be strong(every gal wants it), i feel embarrased in front of my other frenz , plz help me , is masturbation and not eating fruits the reasons?????

How to get thin fast?

Here are some good ideas:
1. Do something that gets your heart rate up a bit like, walking, running, biking, and swimming.
2. Eat Whole, Organic foods like: Broccoli, Cabbage, Organic Brown Rice, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Apples, and other fruits and vegetables in their Natural State.
3. Avoid eating corn, white bread, white rice, candy, sodas, chips, and anything else that you already know you shouldn’t be eating.
4. Drink clean water as your beverage of choice. Avoid Fruit drinks and fruit juices (unless YOU juice them yourself)
5. Stop smoking, drinking beer & wine, and drinking coffee.
6. Get 8 hours of sleep each night.
7. Hang out with people who want to be healthy.
8. Avoid anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup.

Tone up the muscles:

1. Join a gym and get a trainer.
2. If you’re short on cash, start a light stretching & yoga regimen.
3. Do push-ups, and light dumbbell curls for the upper body.
4. As I said above, walk, run, swim, and or bike
5. Take an aerobics class, a yoga class, or some other fitness class.
6. Join the local YMCA..

Mental Health:

1. Get a friend to talk to each day about your feelings.
2. If you have some money or insurance, get a counselor to talk to.
3. Learn how to meditate.
4. Join a support group for the issue you’re dealing with.
5. Ask your Higher Self (or God) for guidance.
6. Start keeping a diary or journal about your feelings & thoughts.
7. Write a ‘gratitude’ list every night.
8. Do something that makes you happy each day like: listen to your favorite music, draw, paint, write, or anything creative.
9. Do something for someone else who needs help.

How can I get thin, bony arms?

I understand why you would be uncomfortable with having "thick arms," but if you can lift 3.3 kg and play badminton so often during the week, this means that you are strong and most likely VERY fit. If you lost the muscle that makes your arm look (in your opinion) "big", then your arm will become flabby with fat instead. Would you rather have strong, firm arms or weak, flabby arms? I suggest you keep doing what you are doing and enjoy/appreciate your athletic abilities.

EDIT: If you look up Natalie Portman's Black Swan fitness routine, she basically starved herself. In addition, female dancers do not emphasise upper body strength (arms). Therefore, she most likely did not do any kind of weighlifting/arm exercise while training for the movie.
Different body types suit different sports. Dancers have very muscular/lean legs because of the things they do, and tennis/badminton players have developed upper bodies that suit their needs.