How To Lose 15-20 Pounds In 4 Months

Can I lose 15 pounds in 4 months?

Lately, Ive put on like 5 pounds, and honestly I already wanted to lose 10. So my goal was to lose all my unwanted weight before school starts nextt year. Ive been eating around 700 calories a day for the past 2 weeks, but Ive actually gained weight!
Im 118 and I would like to be around 100 by the end of the summer (Im extremely short), how can I do this?

Lose 20 pounds in 4/5 months?

i'm 14, going on 15 in Sept. and I want to lose about 20 lbs. around or before December. The last time I weighed myself a few weeks ago I was 132.. Most of the weight is my waist and down. The upper half of my body is fairly thin, but it's all proportioned weird. All the food I eat goes to my butt and thighs. But this is a little plan I'm going to try and I want to run it by you guys.

I'm trying out for volleyball so we have to go to weight training in the mornings, so I'll go to those everyday until August 8, then more weight training starting August 12.. I will run the track at my upcoming high school on the weekends, and around my neighborhood on weekdays. I'll do, maybe, 50 crunches a day. 10 in the morning, 15 when I get home from school, and 25 before I go to bed. I'll do about the same for pushups. The thing I need most help with is portioning my food. I'm good leaving out certain sweets and foods, but the hard thing to give up will be sodas and slushies, lol. It's summer and I walk to the gas station everyday (not EVERYday, but 4 out of 7 days) to get slushies. What kind of meal plan can I get on? And what other kind of exercises can I do?
How long will it take to see some results if I do ?
For the food, I suppose I'll cut out sweets, soda:(, junk, greasy stuff... and slushies. Should I eat one big healthy meal so i'm full & won't wanna pig out, or small healthy meals throughout the day?

How do I lose 20 pounds in 4 months?

cut out the refined carbs (sugar, white pasta, white bread) ... eat minimal rice and potatoes, eat lots of veggies and lean meat, cut out the dairy and egg, drink more water, cut out sugary drink, get a good-solid 8-hours of restful sleep, don't eat within 3 hours of bedtime, drink a glass of water when you first wake up, exercise anytime from after lunch through early evening, avoid caffeine (cause sugar fluctuations and binge eating), go for a walk after dinner, add 45 minutes of high intensity exercise (swimming, kick-boxing, aerobics) at least 4 times a week ...

How to lose 15-20 pounds in a month?

seriously,do NOT listen to those other people telling you to fast/starve yourself...I'm a wrestler of 7 years, and trust me, starving yourself is NOT what you want to do...I currently am in your shoes,too,in dropping 15 lbs in a's a bit easier for me because I do this stuff all the time, so behold my wisdom:

start eating 5-6 small meals a day, a meal every 2-3 hours...normally one eats 3 meals a day,but what that does is it makes your body store fat because waiting 5-6 hours for another meal means it's going to try and pace itself in using its energy. But in doign this, it stores excess calories into fat and burns muscle,instead...less muscle=slower metabolism=not as good of a eating 5-6 small meals every 2-3 hours tells your body,"hey,I'll be eating in about another 2 hours,I know I won't need to store this energy because I'll be using the energy from the next meal fairly soon, so it goes ahead and burns up the energy right there,which in turn=no storing of calories=fat loss and muscle increase (trust me,it's not gross muscle,it'll be toned muscle)...try to get in healthy foods,look up a diet on,that website has helped me tonsssssss.....

to go along with the diet,you need to start doing cardio/weight training....I lift weights about 5-6 times a week,but to start off, I'd say you should do weights about 3 times a week,mon wed and fri...try and do cardio after those workouts by doing about half an hour on your favorite cardio machine or go biking/running at your own pace...On tues and thurs do HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)....for example,do 12 sets of a minute jog then a 30 second sprint then repeat...this burns a higher amount of calories at one burn many more calories in the 18 minutes of this compared to the half hour of a constant pace.....if you need mroe help jsut message me =]

How hard is it to lose 20 pounds in 4 months?

This depends on how much you weigh now, and what you are willing to do to lose 20 pounds. 4 months is a long time, losing 20 pounds should not require an insane amount of effort, but it does require a great amount of commitment and consistence. Here are some tips for losing your 20 pounds.-Replace carbs such as wheat, rice, and grain with cruciferous veggies.-Get enough rest.-Handle bad stress by doing something you enjoy with someone you enjoy being around, and do it out in the sunlight, in nature.-Do HIIT training, don't just jog on the treadmill. Cross fit or power fusion yoga may be a good fit.THE NUMBER ONE WAY IS TO CHANGE YOUR DIET. Less grains, more veggies, sufficient protein and healthy fats.Check out my website for info on increasing your performance at Of course consult your doctor before making any major changes to your diet or workout routine. Good Luck!

What is the best way to lose 15 pounds in 3 months?

Yes. I lost over 30 is six weeks, but it was by sticking to a strict low to no carb diet. The Middle Age Cure to the Middle Age Middle diet.Three protein shakes and a meal per day, grading up to three low carb meals per day in weeks five and six.It isn’t something you want to say on forever. Little or no caffeine, no to little alcohol, and no carbs that you have to cook and no sugars. It is very effective in getting rid of visceral fat, in your insides, particularly on the liver. You will lose pounds and inches.It puts you in ketosis, so that you burn fat for energy rather than carbs and the pounds just melt away so long as you stay on the program.Afterwards you just have to keep from falling back into old habits by forming new ones and sticking to moderation in carb intake.

Can I lose 20 pounds in 4 months?

Wow! You are the first person I've ever encountered on here that has set a reasonable time frame for their goal! Yes, this most certainly can be done.

Switch your foods to the available healthy alternatives. Wheat bread instead of white. Fruits and vegetables instead of sugary sweets. Lean meats like ground turkey instead of fatty burgers. Start drinking lots of water (2L per day at least). I once heard this said as "cutting the white out", white bread, white rice, white condiments, white fat in meat, all of it. Cut it as much as you possibly can and replace it with alternatives (Wheat bread, brown rice, oil or seed based condiments, lean turkey, fish or chicken).

Do cardio every day. Even if you just go for a 30 minute walk every day, do it!

Only weigh yourself once a month. The human body carries water weight that can fluctuate and get us down if we fluctuate up and gain a pound after 1 day. If you look for long term results instead of immediate results, you're more likely to stick to it.

You can do this if you believe it can be done! This is an attainable goal that you can reach as long as you believe that you can and you work hard to get there!

How do I lose 20 pounds in one month?

Not sure why the tight deadline, but let’s see if I can help.First though, let’s get something straight…Can it be done? Yeah, unfortunately.You’re like, “Wait! Why is that unfortunate??!!”Well, because it’s possible, but you won’t keep that weight off. I can pretty much guarantee it.So then what’s the point, right?I am constantly trying to get people to understand that rapid weight loss is rarely a good thing.Unless you’re a prize fighter or fitness model, then it makes sense as you approach your fight or photo shoot date.But if you’re just a regular person (meaning someone that doesn’t earn their living from the performance of their body) then goals like this end in more frustration than anything else.However, I hate when people don’t answer questions regardless of personal opinion.Here’s what to do:Eat 3 times per day, with 4–5 hours in between meals and a 12 hour fast between your last meal and breakfast.Meals consist of protein and green veggies only. Protein shakes are perfect here, otherwise it’s chicken, lean beef, or white fish. Protein per meal is 40–50g (guys) or 20–30g (girls). Veggies are anything green and 1–2 cups per meal.Train intensely with weights, “metabolic circuit” fashion, for 30 minutes every other day. Full-body routines, focusing on squatting, lunging, pushing, pulling, and carrying.Walk an hour every day. Easy, leisurely walking. Not jogging, or running.Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water every day. For example, a 200 pound person should drink 100 ounces of water. That’s about 12 cups.Sleep at least 7 hours a night. This. Is. A. MUST.Those 6 tips above are essential to get the belly fat burned off, not just in a timely manner, but with a long-term focus on keeping it off, as well.-BradP.S. - If you’re weight loss has stalled, you can check out this guide on what is going wrong and how you can fix it.It’s an infographic set that can be downloaded and printed off, to put anywhere! (And bonus - there’s no charge!)

How do I lose 15/20 pounds in one month?

Great question! It depends on where you are starting from. If you are 50 pounds overweight thats one scenario if you are 20 pounds overweight its another.The easiest way to loose weight is simply burning more calories that what you intake.calculate how many calories you intake each day.calculate how many calories you burn each day.reduce your caloric intake.reduce your animal fat intake.increase your fiberincrease your healthy fats from fish, nuts and avocados.reduce your sodium.increase your exercise. For many of us this is the easy part. I like to burn lots of calories so I can eat more.increase your water intake to a gallon or more per day.get 8 hours of sleepintermittent fasting. Eat within a 10 hour period each day then nothing after that. So eat at 9 am for the first meal then 7 pm is you last meal.find the best whole supplements to augment your food intake. Talk with Mark Alan Effinger about the kinds of nutrients you might need.