How To Lose A Little Bit Of Weight On The Stomach So I Can Get A Six Pack Quick

How can I get a six pack (defined visible abs) without losing weight?

Hey!Here are some tips about your nutrition!Everyone has abdominal muscles. For some, this seems new but it is true. The question is how often you use your abdominal muscles, and the answer is every day! Just think about it, if you crawl out of bed you use core muscles helping you to sit upright. When you tie your shoes while sitting and raise your foot slightly, you use core muscles. There are countless everyday moments when your abdominal muscles are at work without you thinking about it. Alright, but where does this story go? With the above explanation, I try to make clear that everybody has abs, but they are not always visible! The simple reason is that fat and especially abdominal fat is covering the muscles. One of the most important steps is to ensure that your body fat percentage goes down so that the underlying muscles are visible. An important first step will therefore be to change your diet so that you, without even a single exercise, your percentage of body fat takes down. In short, this means that you give up fast food, fatty snacks, sugars and processed carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates such as pasta is okay but not every day because it is the fuel that you need during your training sessions. What you wanto to eat more is greetings, fruit, nuts, healthy fats such as fish, avokado and olive oil. Divide your meals into five or six times, with each time you eat smaller portions than when you would eat three times a day. This makes your metabolism go up which means your body is constantly burning fat even when you are not doing anything. Do not eat your last meal late (ie after 8 pm) and take no TV snacks (unless it is a carrot or a bowl of low-fat cottage cheese). Drink plenty of water and avoid all kinds of sweet fruit drinks. Smoothies are a good alternative, with fresh fruit and low-fat milk for example. If you drink plenty of water it also provides a "full" feeling, making you less prone to snack on something. In short, eat more healthy foods and Avoid food with many processed calories. (More..)Read more about my personal effective workouts and tricks there!Good Luck!Martin Spencer

Best way to gain weight? but get six pack?

Gaining weight and getting a six pack at the same time is more of a conundrum. Bodybuilders will tend to go through a weight gaining phase called the OFFSEASON. This is when they start eating a lot of calories. They specifically intake much more carbohydrates and protein than when they are ONSEASON. This combined with heavy exercise (weight training) ensures weight gain. Because of this high calorie diet, they lose definition. You already have a six pack, but it's probably covered in a bit (or maybe a lot) of fat. I suggest you set which is your priority first. Getting a six pack or gaining weight. Doing a billion situps and crunches will do little if you are eating lots of carbs. Although weight training burns fat (and utilizes carbs in the form of glucose and glycogen); it's not as quick to the burn it off as you might consume. Thus, if you do start on a weight gain diet and exercise regimen, you'll first allow yourself to increase to a goal weight (say 5-6 pounds of muscle) and AFTERWARDS, do exercises that targets the core profoundly. While on a weight gaining regimen, you can do core abdominal exercises which will help build those abdominal muscles. Once you gain the weight you want, cut down on calories (especially carbs), eat a lot of clean protein (egg whites, salmon, chicken breast, nuts and protein powders that have little to no sugar) and start doing intense abdominal exercises which you didn't do during the weight gain phase. These exercises resemble HIIT exercises, standing core exercises, hanging core exercises and so on. This high intensity will burn off the fat you have covering those abs.

Note: Everyone is different; everyone reacts differently. Try the exercises and see where it leads.

The difference between a six pack and a flat stomach?

So far I've been doing everything right. Eating right, excersising, cardio, abs, the whole thing.
However, instead of getting the flat, toned stomach I've been waiting for, I getting the bulky, bulgy muscular stomach.
I'm not a big fan of the woman six pack and i just want a flat, toned stomach.
So what am I supposed to do?

How can you get six pack abs fast?

Everyone has perfect abs, just some have layers of fat over them so you can't see them as well. If you want a six pack you are going to have to lower your body fat by eating right and doing cardiovascular excercises. Good luck. Hope I could help.
Email me if you need more information.

How should I go about getting a six pack?

Hey everyone. Since i posted my first question about me being fat, I've lost 40 pounds and I've gained a LOT of muscle in my arms, back and legs. Yet, my stomach seems to still be a little flabby. I have a pretty big body ( 6 foot 4 220 pounds size 38 waist) and I was wondering how long it would take me to get six pack abs? There's a big party at the end of the school year and I intend to look good at the pool. I work out at the gym almost every day and I eat a balanced diet. Suggestions for exercises? Ideas? Advice?