How To Lose Belly Fat On A Budget

How to do you get rid of lower belly/crotch fat?

If you want to lose weight you need to initiate oxidative phosphorylation in the cells in your body. This is done by doing aerobic exercise (that gets your heart beating) for longer periods of time (1-2 hrs). Your heart rate should be at the right number, usually between 100-140, to facilitate fat burn. It will hurt, it will take dedication. Moderate your diet and try to reduce sugar and bad carbs and saturated fats. Get on an exercise plan that has you working out a few times a week or even every day.

SITUPS will NOT burn off anything! They will tone and build the ab muscles, but not do anything to the surrounding fat.

20 year old male needs to lose belly fat?

I need to lose my belly fat so i can have my abs show, I get to the gym M W F and start off by using the elliptical for 5 mins, i usually get a mile out of that (I cant run on a treadmill due to a knee accident 8 years ago). Then i use the triceps an biceps machine, and also use a chest press machine. If someone could suggest a better routine that would be great, also i need some advice on what to eat, I eat fairly well but i'm in college and find myself eating bad at sometimes. thanks in advance

How long does it take to lose belly fat?

It will take as long as you allow. It really depends on how determined you are and what you do!
Walking before breakfast is great, just make sure you're pushing yourself harder each day. Eating late in the day is really bad though.
A big breakfast is fine so long as it's healthy, ie. cereal with low fat milk, 2 slices of wholegrain toast, banana, low fat yogurt and an apple is perfect.

Here's a few tips to help speed things up:

Have a no sugar caffeine drink (ideally tea or coffee) before your walk to kick start your metabolism.

Tense your tummy muscles whenever you can and make a special effort to 'hold in' your tummy while walking.

Try to do sit ups or stomach crunches every morning and evening, do one more every day.

Do NOT eat after 8pm.

Drink plenty of water.

Take it easy on carbohydrates and try to go wholegrain where possible.

Later meals should be lighter.

Good luck!!!

What are the best exercises to lose fat fast?

Running is the most efficient calorie burner, but you should not do it every day because it will put too much stress on your body. You should do some form of cardio exercise every day, so run every other day and then do cross training on the days in between. Cross training could be swimming, biking, rowing, anything that is low-impact and doesn't stress your joints.

You should also lift weights every other day, or three days a week. Building lean muscle mass will make you burn more calories at rest, and I'm sure that you want some nice muscle tone to show off once you get lean.

Do NOT listen to the idiot who told you to stretch before exercise. This "rule" is a myth and it can cause injury. Stretching cold muscles only makes them contract more, not loosen up. Before your workout, spend about five to ten minutes doing light cardio, like jogging or jumping rope, to prepare yourself for the work ahead. You can also do some dynamic stretches (google them) during this time. Static stretching - where you hold the stretch for a longer amount of time - comes after your workout, after you've spent another ten minutes doing easy cardio to cool down. Google static stretches to find ones that suit your needs.

No food is going to help you lose fat; your overall calorie intake will decide whether or not you succeed. Find three online "daily calorie needs" calculators, plug in your numbers, get your results, and then average them. Eat 500 calories fewer than this number every day, plus your workout, and you will lose weight slowly and steadily. Slow weight loss is the only weight loss worth having, because it means you're losing real fat. If you're losing a lot of weight in a short amount of time, you're not losing fat; you're losing water, and that doesn't help you in any way.

EDIT to address the above claim that exercise makes you go off your diet: That is absolutely not true. Some people are irresponsible and do as you say, but that doesn't mean that this guy has to. Plan to eat a snack within 30 minutes of finishing your workout, something that contains protein and complex carbohydrates. A half cup of cottage cheese and a slice of toast satisfy this requirement for about 250 calories - hardly breaking the calorie bank. Work this into your daily calorie budget and you'll be fine.

Do treadmills loose stomach fat?

Treadmills are great all around. They help you lose fat from your entire body. A lot of people will say you can't spot reduce, I'm not sure I believe this, but some experts adhere to that.

I think you should definitely use a tread mill, it not only helps you lose fat because you can use it for low impact which is the best for losing fat and increasing your over all health, but you can continually build up to a higher and more intense work out. You can start out by walking, increase your incline, increase speed and build up to jogging which is also good cos of the cardio.

I'm all about tradmills, I lost all my baby weight after I gave birth on a treadmill alone. I lost 7 inches off my thighs in a month and I lost 11 inches off my waist in 2 months. All I did was start out walking and built up to being able to jog on it for 30 minutes. By the time I lost the weight I wanted, I was up to an hour and 15 minutes on my tread mill.. which I still maintain now.

I walk at a slow pace at a 4% incline for 15 minutes then I jog at 5mph at the 4%incline for 30 mins, then I slowly decrease my speed and incline for the last 30 mins. I started out walking for 30 mins up to a 10% incline not over 3.5mph and worked my way up. You get into shape really fast.