How To Make Myself Look Pretty

I'm Fat how do i make myself look pretty?

Wow. Okay. Its difficult to believe that a girl that looks like you do actually feels this way.

Before I give you any advice, there is something you need to know. You are NOT fat at all. Not even one bit. You're curvy. And that's great! And don't you own a mirror, sweetheart. You are gorgeous. I just love how your smile is a lil' crooked. I'm a girl and I don't swing that way, but you the most enticing smile I have ever seen.

You look perfect. There's nothing you need to change. But yeah, if it'd help you sleep any better at night, you can start working out. Not to lose weight but to tone up. Become leaner [even though you don't need it]. For instant results, you could start doing your eyes differently. Something smokey. If you don't have time to do a full fledged smokey eye do, use some 'kohl' instead of an eyeliner and smudge it a little bit. You're 13. That and a little lip gloss and you're good to go.

Trust me, if you try to give yourself a makeover right now, you'll regret it. Because you're so young. There are so many more important things you can do right now. Work on your health, your body....changes that come naturally are the only ones that'd give you confidence.

And once again, you are stunning and don't you forget that.

How to make myself look even prettier?

Be yourself. If people tell you you're pretty, then you don't need to do anything else. On top of that, prettiness is subjective, so it's all opinionated and there is no ONE definite way to be pretty.

Please DO NOT make mistakes like most elementary/high school girls these days who think pretty=dress slutty. 85% of the girls at my school dress and apply makeup and look like sluts and think that's hot. Yeah, some people think it is, but I think it's absolutely disgusting and now younger generations are doing it (I've seen grade 5s like that) and if this keeps up, future generations are gunna be more spoiled and stupid.

So how to make yourself look pretty? Be yourself--no makeup. Make up once in awhile is fine like to parties and big events, but for school, I think it's unnecessary (this is just my opinion). If you really want make up, just a little bit. DO NOT DRESS UP LIKE A PROSTITUTE.

I'm so ugly how do i make myself pretty?

Okay, first things first. NO ONE IS UGLY. Think about it this way. You may not be religious, but you are made in God's image, and if he made you the way you are, he did it for a reason. God does not make mistakes! Next, take a picture of yourself, or draw yourself. When you're done, look at it hard, for a long time. Look at the entire picture, and find one thing that you really like about yourself. For example, the one thing you really like could be your hair, like how nice and straight it is, or how pretty the color is. Once you're done with your positive, go over the picture again, this time pointing out things you want to FIX (not things that are wrong. Say (or write) I want to FIX how my hair looks, NOT my hair is wrong, so I need to make it right). Then, tackle a new feature/thing you need to fix each week. You can do this on the weekends, or throughout the week. Dedicate time making yourself beautiful. For example, you could set next week on your skin. You say it's bad? Well, go online and go to your library. You can easily find books on how to improve your skin. These books will also tell you how to take care of your skin type (you can find out your skin type in the books too). You can also do this online! Look up ways to treat your skin (ex. face masks, scrubs, etc.). You can easily search on youtube all kinds of ways to make yourself beautiful on the outside. I know people say, true beauty comes from within, and it does, really, but sometimes it takes some prompting from the outside to help discover the inner beauty. Remember: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. (say that to yourself anytime you are down)

And to help you get started:

Bad Skin: (assuming you have oily skin)


Smile: (you can't fix it being 'goofy' although I've never seen a person with a goofy smile. Sometimes I think my smile looks goofy, but deep down I know it really doesn't. However, here is a tip to whitening your teeth for free!)

And I know you didn't mention this one, but hair is a big one:

And lastly, makeup:

Hope this helps!

How can i make myself look pretty when im indian?

try wearing some makeup. for your appperance i would go with bronze, golds, light rosie pinks, browns...

if you want something a little more dramatic try purples.

wear some mascara the black will make your brown eyes show better.

and braces arent a problem alot of girls look really good in braces and im sure you do too.

for your long nose. i have the same problem and it really sucks. but i learned a trick from youtube that really works!

go to "" type in ----> how to make your nose look shorter. and it will bring up videos that really do work.! ~ hope i helped :)