How To Make The Answers Here Remain Sorted From Oldest To Newest

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What is the fastest sorting algorithm?

Ha! I have asked my students “What is the best sorting algorithm?” many times. If they answer with any specific algorithm, then they are wrong — because the only correct answer is “it depends.”Yes, QuickSort is great for generalized sorting, if …1) you don’t worry about worst-case input sets (i.e. order is generally random),2) you need it to operate in-place (and the entire data set fits in memory), 3) you don’t need it to adapt to already- or mostly-sorted inputs, and 4) you don’t need it to be stable (for use in progressive multi-key sorts).If the data is mostly-sorted, then Insertion or Shell can be great.If you really must eliminate the possibility of that worst-case, you could use Heap (or at least Quick3) which are NlogN and in-place. On average, Quick is faster than both of these, but they radically improve any guarantee you can give.Merge is a great stable NlogN sort without Quick’s “potentially pathological performance” (but it’s a memory hog). It’s also the only reasonable choice if the data set is too big to fit into memory.And of course the best trivia question of all: if for some reason Writes are incredibly expensive relative to Reads, then you might actually want Selection (or even better, Cycle).For short arrays, there is less initial overhead with Insertion, too.So yeah, it depends. (-:

How do I remove grouping of e-mails by date ("Today", "Yesterday", "Last Week", etc.) in my Yahoo Mail (desktop version)? save screen space?

I can live with most of Yahoos improvements, particularly after they tweak it a bit. But I HATE these "dynamic date separator headers." They get rid of a whole bunch screen space, totally wreck the visual flow, and are completely unnecessary. We already KNOW the date. We don't NEED these spacers. I've been sorting my emails by Newest to Oldest for at least the past five years - I do not want to have to get used to a new format.

I do think that it would be a great addition as an option, but ONLY if we can turn it off, since most people would do that anyway.

Please get them off my screen.

Amnesty for Cubans????

Serious answer :

The answer to your question is Politics. The following explains the details.

The wet feet, dry feet policy (sometimes called the wet-foot, dry-foot Policy) is the name given to a consequence of the 1995 revision of the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 that says, essentially, that anyone who fled Cuba and got into the United States would be allowed to pursue residency a year later. After talks with the Cuban government, the Clinton administration came to an agreement with Cuba that it would stop admitting people found at sea. Since then, in what has become known as the "wet feet, dry feet" policy, a Cuban caught on the waters between the two nations (i.e., with "wet feet") would summarily be sent home or to a third country. One who makes it to shore ("dry feet") gets a chance to remain in the United States, and later would qualify for expedited "legal permanent resident" status and U.S. citizenship.

Just a note: On January 5, 2006, the Coast Guard found 15 Cubans, including four women and two children, who had climbed onto a piling on the old Seven Mile Bridge in the Florida Keys. The old bridge had been cut off from land because it was no longer in use and the United States Coast Guard argued that since the refugees could not walk to land, their feet were still "wet". The decision to repatriate the Cubans was made by the Coast Guard's legal office in conjunction with Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The Coast Guard stated that the Cubans "were determined to be wet-feet and processed in accordance with standard procedure." In retaliation to the Cubans being returned, Ramón Saúl Sánchez led a hunger strike against the policy, and on January 18th, the White House agreed to meet with Sánchez at some point in the near future. After eleven days, the hunger strike was ended, and Sánchez has yet to meet with White House officials. On February 28, 2006, a federal judge ruled that the United States government had acted unreasonably when it sent home the 15 Cubans. The judge ordered the government to make its best effort to help the immigrants return to the United States

Hope this helps.

Ok evolution scientists, can you answer this?

I'm sorry, but your post shows that you are just predisposed to disbelieve anything put forth by *recognized science sources*, and to believe "facts" that have no scientific sources at all.

For example, you write:
"i do know that the geologic column does not have things neatly sorted, there are many places were remains of modern animals and "prehistoric" are buried together, or even in the wrong order, and in some cases, they are even buried vertically, in many layers."

I'm sorry, but that's just FALSE.

Can you cite any *scientific* sources to back that claim?!

You can't just make fantastic claims like "the remains of modern animals and prehistoric are buried together" ... without *SOME* source to back you up.

Contrast that with the bottom of this page:

A lot of people (especially Creationists) love to trash wikipedia ... but my point is to look at the *References* section at the bottom of the page. Every single fact is backed by scientific papers, scientific journals, articles written by scientists, references to scientific insitutions (like universities, and the National Academy of Sciences).

Here is an excellent site full of evidence of evolution ... from the University of California at Berkeley:

And here's another page of evidence, again, look at the *References*:

So the reason you don't believe that there is "tons and tons" of evidence is that you are looking in the WRONG PLACES.

Which sorting algorithm is best and why?

As per the standard QUICK SORT is the best sorting algorithm among all the comparison based sorting algorithm but it will give the worst case only when all the elements of an array is already sorted which is rarely happening.Which sorting algorithm is best and when:1.INSERTION SORT: when arrays most of the elements are sorted2. QUICK SORT: a).when arrays most of the elements are randomb).small size array3.MERGESORT: a).when arrays no behavior is givenb).big size array4.COUNT SORT: when in the set of n elements each element range is given5.RADIX SORT: when in the set of n elements every element contain the number of digits is given6.SELECTION SORT: when we required lesser swaps