How To Not Offend Them

What to do to not offend someone who is a seventh day Adventist?

It's just a social occasion. There's nothing formal about it. SDA's dress more conservatively for church but they will probably wear jeans and t-shirts at this event. I doubt anything about doctrine will come up. It's probably going to be movies and games the whole night with maybe a short Bible reading to start things off.


A little make-up is worn by many SDA girls unless her church is more conservative.

Jewelry is more rare. To blend-in, leave the jewelry at home.

They don't eat pork and any snacks at church will be vegetarian, like cheese pizza. Hot dogs will be vege-dogs (made with wheat and soy), burgers will be vege-burgers. Although many SDA's eat meat they only eat clean meat like the Jews who keep Kosher. But out of respect for vegetarian SDA's they don't serve meat at church functions.

The movie(s) probably will be nothing stronger than a "PG".


The Sabbath - They are supposed to keep it holy from sundown Fri. to sundown Sat. No work, TV, popular music, (Gospel/Christian music is OK). No sports, amusement parks, etc.

State of the dead - They don't go directly to heaven or hell when they die, The soul sleeps until Jesus Comes.

They reject "Once saved, always saved". But so do Catholics. Something in common there!

Many are vegetarian and eat meat substitutes like Morningstar Farms and Boca Burgers. And an SDA invented the Cold Breakfast Cereal we all love for breakfast (Dr. Kellogg).

How not to offend the jehovah's witness next door?

They do not celebrate any kind of festivities, Christmas, birthdays, etc. The best thing to do to not offend them is just say good morning, good evening, how are you?

Just the usual greetings and conversation. Some of them get offended when you say merry christmas or happy birthday, but the majority of them understand that everybody belief the same thing and if you say something like that to them they just might smile at you or maybe say thanks.

However my best advice is just to greet them as usual without mentioning the holidays and no gifts, cookies, etc because it is for the same reasons.

You are so kind thinking about them and if everyone of us could be like you we will have a more wonderful world.

May God bless you

How to not offend a Sikh

Whatever you do, don't make any jokes or disparaging remarks about the Sikh holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib. The physical volume is treated with immense respect because of the word it contains. Naming of babies and weddings must take place in the presence of this holy book. Sikhs promote religious tolerance but it would be wrong to assume that you could take any liberties with religion due to this. If your offensiveness includes swearing or taking God's name in vain, then it would be good if you could stop doing that.

Beener's Coffee changed its name so it would not offend Mexicans, but my Mexican friends...?

...are offended that Beaners would think them so stupid they would not know the name refers to coffee beans and not to Mexicans. So they have quit drinking Biggby's (the former Beaners) Coffee.

What is your opinion?

Are Mexicans smart enough to know the difference, or they as stupid as the coffee chain makes them out to be?

Is it normal that I'm always scared of offending people and being disliked? How do I fix this?

Hi there.I am exactly like you. I am a 25 year old male who worries constantly about upsetting and/or offending others. As I’ve grown older, the worry has eased slightly (due mainly to experience and practice of interacting with a variety of different people) but the angst is still there. The worry keeps you awake at night and prevents you from ‘operating’ normally as your brain is constantly making you second-guess yourself.I think genetics and learned behaviour play a large role. My mother is a worrier and I have naturally followed her personality and mannerisms when growing up. Sometimes it’s a blessing, but more often than not, I come to consider it a curse.The inevitable truth is that, no matter how hard we may try, we cannot please everybody. Some people will look at us less than favourably, even if we have done nothing to warrant their disapproval. That is just the way the world works unfortunately. Trying to please everybody and worrying more about them than us invariably does us more harm than good. There’s being prepared and there’s over-analysing. You, like me, are probably a disciple of the latter. You’re sensitive, empathetic and considerate of other people’s thoughts and opinions.What I can probably say is, when you are answering/talking to people, know in your heart that what you are communicating is not offensive and, if the person receiving the communication takes offence, then that is their issue and not yours. It goes without saying that if you say or do something that is obviously offensive then you have no right to complain when the receiver takes umbridge, however I don’t think you’re that type of person.If it’s worrying you to the point that it’s keeping you up at night, communicate your feelings to the other person. 9 times out of 10, the receiver will not have registered any offence and will most likely appreciate your concern and consideration. We all like to know that other people are considering our thoughts and feelings as it makes us feel valued.Talking about your concerns with friends, family or even a therapist can also be a great help. Don’t worry though. It will get better with experience and practice.The very best of luck to you.:)

How do you speak your mind without offending others?

The way you phrase that question, I’m thinking, you don’t. It is not always necessary to speak one’s mind. In fact, most of the time it is not. And don’t try that, “I’m just saying the truth” bit because the truth does not always need to be said. If you do not like that women’s haircut, so what? What business is it of yours? The answer is: none.If someone is doing something you do not like, you can walk away, ignore that person, or just deal with it. You do not have to tell them.Here’s a truth that is hard for most people to hear: Most people don’t care what you think. They have no interest in you speaking your mind.Now, if something needs to be said – and remember, it usually doesn’t – you say it without offense simply by considering the feelings of others. If someone asks if you like their dress and you don’t, you can say, “What a pretty color!” or “It’s not my style, but if you like it, great! I’m happy you love it.” or any number of things that do not insult the person.Before you speak, ask yourself this question: Who wins by my saying this? Is the person it is directed to any better off? Is society any better off? Will anyone but you be glad you said it? If the answer to that question is no, then keep your mouth shut.Here’s a little secret for you: Most people don’t want your opinion. Even most people who ask for your opinion don’t really want it. They want your agreement.So, unless there is some pressing reason to say what is on your mind, don’t. And if there is a pressing reason, be nice. It is always possible.

What do you say to someone when you offended them and you don't know what you did to offend them?

If someone is treating you coldly, and brushes you off when you try to approach them, that’s a warning sign you’re dealing with a dangerous person.What you should do is obvious: approach the person, tell them that it appears to you that you did something to upset them, and ask them what it was. If they tell you, and you agree you made a mistake, apologize. If you disagree that you made a mistake, tell them how you feel, that you’re sorry if you did something to make them feel bad, but don’t take responsibility for something your conscience isn’t telling you you should.If the person doesn’t allow you to repair the relationship, and you in any way feel like you’re being manipulated, this is a serious danger sign that you are dealing with a dangerous person. Research what the characteristics of an abuser is, and make sure you’re not running into this situation, because what you’re describing is a classic example of what an abuser would do. You could be setting yourself up for a world of hurt if you start down the road of doing anything to try to make this person happy.Hopefully I’m seeing potential danger where none exists, but this is a possibility.If it’s not the case that the person is dangerous, this will be immediately obvious, because any emotionally and psychologically healthy person will immediately discern what you’re trying to do and cooperate with you to repair the relationship.

How can I be honest without offending people?

Several things to think about here. Honesty is really important, and you don't ever want to give it up. However, I think before we open our mouths, we always need to ask ourselves what we are trying to accomplish by saying something. Are we just trying to assert ourselves and be right for the sake of being right? Or is there a real wrong that needs to be righted, or some other important goal?It's good to pause before we engage our mouths, and think things through.But if we decide that speaking out is called for, then we have two more considerations to take into account. First, we need to meet people where they are. There is no point talking to people in a manner they cannot or will not understand. If they are younger, older, have biases, limitations, preconceptions, or other differences , it's best to take those into account when we talk and not demand that others just follow in our parade. Second, it's always best to be mindful and compassionate. If we take a few extra minutes to consider our words, we can find a way to be honest in as kind as possible a way. Of course, sometimes, being direct is necessary - and in those cases, plain speech is best. Simplicity is kinder than excess and flowery indirection. Kind of like pulling a bandaid off quickly, or a clear and simple apology. However, sometimes we do all of these things, and people get offended anyway. In that case, there is really nothing we can do. We just have to be content - as with many other things - that we have done the best we can.

Does it offend you when thoughtless people do not capitalize the word "America"?

Yes. It also offends me when they place their hands over their crotch during the Pledge of Allegiance.