How To Pronounce Ocarina

How would you pronounce the name Saria?

Looking for a name for my daughter, I came across this one and was like "awesome, that is a character in the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and it's a real name and it means princess? Awesome." However, I have had a hard time finding the right pronunciation. Anyone want to venture a guess? Thanks, peeps. Happy new year!

How do you pronounce Epona?

I'm interested in the Celtic Goddess Epona. How is her name usually pronounced? If there is more than one pronunciation, what are they and where are they from? Thanks.

How to pronounce names from Zelda Ocarina of Tyme?

Hyrule (high-rool)

Kokiri (ko-keery) 'Keery' as in eerie

Mido (mee-do) 'Do' as in joke

Deku (dee-koo)

Saria (sar-ree-ah) 'Sar' as in car.

Hylia (hill-ee-ah)

Kakariko (ka-kar-ee-ko) 'Ka' as in apple. 'Kar' as in car. 'Ko' as in coke.

Gohma (go-mah) 'Go' as in slow

Goron (gore-on)

Darunia (dah-roon-ee-ah)

Dodongo (doh-dong-go) 'Doh' as in office. 'Go' as in slow

Zora (zore-ah)

Ruto (root-o) 'O' as in slow

Malon (mal-en) 'Mal' as in pal

Ganondorf (gan-en-dorf) 'Gan' as in can

Barinade (ba-rin-ade) 'Ba' as in apple

Volvagia (vol-vahg-ee-ah) 'Ah' as in first syllable of lava. 'G' as in get

Sheik/Sheikah (sheek/sheek-ah)

Gerudo (geh-roo-do) 'Geh' as in lager (not larger). 'Do' as in close

Epona (ee-po-nah) 'Po' as in pony

How do you pronounce the owl's name in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?

I say Keep -Ora - Gay-Bora, but thats just me

How is 'Navi' pronounced in 'Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time'?

I thought it was "nah-vee" too, but who knows? Without voice acting in Zelda, I don't think we can really find out anytime soon. XD

How do you pronounce "yoshi"?

All my life I've pronounced it yoshi as in 'O' is the letter o. Like... yOshi. But everyone else is all "wtf Beth, its yoshi.", this question is so confusing. Mad respect if you actually know what I just said xDD

How do you pronounce the name "Navi"?

Lol. It reminds me of the fairy on Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
I always pronounced it NAH-vee.

How do you pronounce Majoras Mask?

The first video at 5secs on this page has the accepted canon pronunciation:

But the original title in Japanese is actually spelled as ムジュラ (Mujura) which sound like "moo-joo-rah".

ゼルダの伝説ムジュラの仮面 (Zeruda no Densetsu Mujura no Kamen)