How To Solve These Math Equations

How to solve these math equations?

Remember your order of operations:

Divide each side by 5
x^2 = 81
Take square root of each side

Subtract 8 from each side
5x^2 = 50
Divide each side by 5
x^2 = 10
Take square root of each side

Divide each side by 5
Take square root of each side
x+1 = SQRT(60)
Subtract 1 from each side
x = SQRT(6) - 1

How do you solve these math equations? 2/3+1/4t=6?


1) The key is to isolate the variable by doing the opposite operation so that you can find out what the variable equals. First what you would do is subtract 2/3 from both sides. 1/4t = 5 1/3

2) Next divide each side by 1/4. This leaves t = 21 1/3

See if you can follow what I am doing for these next two problems:
1/3x + 2/5 = 4/15 + 3/5x - 2/3
1/3x +2/5 = -2/5 + 3/5x
1/3x = -4/5 + 3/5x
-4/15x = -12/15
x = 180/60
x = 3

1/6 (3/4x-2) = -1/5
3/24x -2/6 = -1/5
1/8x -1/3 = -1/5
1/8x = 2/15
x = 16/15
x = 1 1/15

How do I solve this maths equation?

For expanding two brackets you need to use FOIL First Inner outer Last. For the left hand side(a^2+1)(c^2+1)First term in each bracket: a^2 * c^2 = a^2 c^2
Outer two terms: a^2 * 1 = a^2
Inner two terms: 1 * c^2 = c^2
Last terms in each bracket: 1 * 1 = 1
Add the terms together: a^2 c^2 + a^2 + c^2 + 1.For the right hand side note that (ac-1)^2 is the same as (ac-1) * (ac-1) and (a+c)^2 is the same as (a+c) * (a+c). Use FOIL on both these pair of brackets. The other answers show the rest.

Solve the equation - Math question.?

x3= 343

Could some one help me solve these math equations?

1/7 m=9

45=1/4 d

n/3 = 16
n= 16*3

when you divide by a fraction, it is the same as multiplying by the reciprocal.

How to solve these math question?

t + b = 25
4b = t

4b + b = 25
5b = 25
5 bean plants and 20 tomato plants

How do I solve this math equation below?

B^2 = 6 - 2*5^1/2 + 6 + 2.5^1/2 +2(6-2*5^1/2)(6+2*5^1/2)^1/2        = 12 + 2(36-20)^1/2 = 12 + 2*4 = 20B = 20^1/2 = 2*5^1/2

How do you solve the mathematical equation y=mx+b?

There’s four variables there! It’s already solved for y. You could solve for x:[math]x=\frac{y-b}{m}[/math]You could solve for m:[math]m=\frac{y-b}{x}[/math]You could solve for b:[math]b=y-mx[/math]My guess is that you don’t actually want to do any of those things, and that you have a more general question about linear equations. Unfortunately, the “smart math people” need to know more about where your lack of knowledge lies. You’ll get a lot better a lot faster if you have someone go over this sort of thing with you, with a paper between you, practicing and discussing your weaknesses.You can definitely get such a tutor who will do their best to help you succeed. I recommend this company. At least give it a shot: Lynnwood WA SAT Tutoring(Yes, I work for this company. No, I cannot confirm the quality of this particular location. It just happens to be the location closest to you. I suspect it is quite a good one, since the lead teacher has a master’s in teaching, a fairly uncommon trait among C2 tutors.)