How To Treat A Bruised Foot

How to heal a bruised foot?

So yesterday I was helping someone pack because they are moving. I must of hurt myself because I woke up with a bruise on my foot and I went to get ice for it since it kind of hurts. The bruise is on top of my foot like in the middle if my foot but its not that big of a bruise it just hurts.

What else can I do besides ice my foot?

How to treat Bruised Hamster?

I've never stumbled upon this question . But yu should take it to a vet or ask yur local let store like petsmart or petco . Well what ilearned today from 4 hours on my itouch looking up hamster (ihave one myself) that hamster don't have a very good eyes sight and it should be best that you keep it about 8inch off the ground , unless it's very well tamed then yeah . But if it's just a bruise it will heal like us , I got a bruise on my arm because iaccidently slammed my arm in a door and it is healing and going away , but if yu think she has broken bones as I said take it to the vet , sorry it's long . But I hope this helped . This took me quite a bit because I'm using my itouch ... But itype fast . But anyways BAIII^_^ sorry iused up all your time reading this :(

How long Bruised foot bone heal?

It takes about a week for a bruised foot to heal.

How should I treat my bruised and swollen toe(s)?

I recently dropped a weight on my foot while working out and my middle toe is bruised red, black and blue and a little swollen and my index toe has some minor bruising. It's uncomfortable if I walk around or put pressure on it, but it's manageable and doesn't bother me if I'm just sitting or relaxing. I went to the doctor and got X-rays and it's not broken or fractured or anything...just bruised and painful. How should I treat it? I know some people do the buddy tape system but that's usually with broken bones, no? Should I just leave it alone and be careful?