How To Unfollow My Friend In Facebook

If you unfollow a friend on facebook, can you still send/receive messages from them?

Yes you can send messages to anyone on Facebook that has not blocked you personally or the messages function.
Just know that when you unfollow someone you are still their friend you just don't see their posts in the news feed.

If I unfollow a friend on facebook can they see my posts?

yes, he can still see what you post unless HE unfollows YOU, or YOU add him to your restricted list

other factors are things like if you make public posts or not, and if you are older than 18 (if you are under 18, you cannot make public posts)

How to unfollow someone on facebook?

Go to her page and click the "friends" button again and you will un-friend her.

How do I unfollow everyone on Facebook at once?

I have been struggling with something similar and here is the step by step solution.Go to Home.Click on markdown button, which is at rightmost part of same bar.3. Click on News Feed Preferences. (or google it).5. Open inspect element and go to console.5. Click on “Unfollow people to hide their posts” and then select friends from the option.For Scrolling down to the bottom of the query use this code. Just copy and paste below code in the console and hit Enter.var unf = document.querySelector('[data-testid ="unfollow"]');
var scr = unf.querySelector(".scrollable");
scr.scrollTop = scr.scrollHeight;
}, 200
Wait for some time, till it scrolls down all the way to the bottom.6. Paste the following code:var a = document.getElementsByClassName("_5u3n");
var x = 0;
var time = 300;
function amol(){
if(x++ < a.length){
setTimeout(amol, time);
6. Now finally click Done( You may have to wait a lot if you have a lot of friends)Yureka, you have successfully unfollowed all of your friends :)Note: Facebook bot may temporarily block you from using same method(depending upon the value of variable time used in the code). So use at your own risk.This one will take 0.3 sec for each friend/page/group. You can speed it up/down by decreasing the value of “time” in line 3.Edit 1: For all those who are asking if it is really working. If you have “n” number of friends, then it will take (n*time)/1000 seconds to do the job. So, if n is large try reducing the value of “time” in the second part of the code. For very fewer values, Facebook may not allow you to perform the same operation again so do it in the first shot correctly(if you are confident, else use the above snippet and let the automation do its work without getting you temporarily blocked).