How To Up Video Memory Help Asap

How to upgrade your PS4 memory?

Where can I buy the best hard drive for my ps4? I have the newest model of the ps4 (500gb) and I want to upgrade the memory ASAP so I don't have to worry about it. I saw some videos on how to install it but I need help on what and where is the best place to get it. Thank you for your help!


Ok where do i copy the exploit to on the psp memory stick?

-what firmware must you be running to play the lumminies UMD?

-what does the exploit downgrade your firmware to?

-can this exploit brick your psp?

-is there a pached version of lumminies?

-And finnaly IF there is a pached version of lumminies then should i buy the lumminies game used

How do I transfer the video from my Sony Handycam to my memory card?

I have a Sony HandyCam (blue one) and I took a video with the SD card (memory card) and I plugged the memory (SD card) into the computer and nothing popped up. My friend told me I need to transfer the video into the SD card first. How do you do that? Do you need a wire/cable or something? PLEASE HELP!!!!! ASAP.

Physics Help Please!! ASAP?

Approximately capacitance is

C= eA/d
e - permittivity of insulator between plates(assume free space) = 8.854× 10^-12 F/m
A- area of the plates (m^2)
d -separation between the plates (m)

d= e A/C
d=8.854× 10^-12 x 18.0 x 10^ -12 / 60.0 x 10^ -15 F=
d=0.0000000026562 m
d=26.6 Angstroms

I tried to do it ASAP. I hope it's timely.

How do I turn this question into a Hypothesis? Help ASAP?

Always remember that a good hypothesis is worded as an "if... then..." statement.

For example:

"If I ate that rotten food, then my stomach would feel sick."

In your case a good hypothesis would be:

"If we tested Visual and Audio Information to see what helps memory more, then Visual information will help memory more."

What is the best method to memorize GRE Word list?

Many GRE experts say that you don't need to learn the exhaustive word-list in the new GRE format. Well it's true that you won't encounter many words out of the "high frequency word-lists" on your D-Day. For example, in most of the sentence equivalence questions, your answer will be the pair of words, among which, one is a general word and another one is a High Frequency GRE word. Say, "support" and "bolster". But ETS doesn't provide you any such word-list. Many words in one High Frequency Word List won't be on another list. The truth is, learning 2000-3000 words can give you an extra edge and you can score at least 5 more marks in your verbal section. Not only this. The good thing about learning new words is the fact that this is the only part of your GRE Test which is going to help you in the long run. Suppose you learned a word yesterday and you encounter that word while reading today's newspaper. The bliss it brings is just amazing. Your frequency to check for a word meaning in a dictionary will reduce by nearly 60%. Improving your vocabulary is really a good thing. And the GRE Test is the best excuse to achieve it. Don't take it as a burden. Take it as an opportunity.Okay, I am sorry I digressed from the main question. The best method to memorize GRE Words is to make FLASH CARDS and REVISE REVISE and REVISE. Pick a wordlist and aim to learn 50 words per day. On the next day, before learning the next 50 words, revise what you learned yesterday and make Flash Cards for those words which you don't remember. Also make flashcards of those words which you think you'll probably forget in the future. Don't learn new words on Sunday. Revise all the words you've learned till date from your flashcards.If you don't revise on a weekly basis, most likely you'll forget most of the new words within two weeks.Ankit Sharma's answer to Which is the best word list?Good Luck.

How to get the internal videos on DCR-SX44 to be on external memory card?

I have a graduation project due in a week. I borrowed a camera from my cousin and she didn't really tell me how to use the camera. I looked on youtube and google to figure out what memory card to use and i finally figured it out. I recorded all my footage not knowing the setting was on internal memory not external. So yesterday I tried to upload the video onto my computer and it didn't work. I looked up the manual on how to use the DCR-SX44 sony handycam and found out how to change the setting, so i changed it and there is no footage on it. I need to know how to get the footage from the internal memory onto the external memory card.
I NEED HELP ASAP!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!