How Would You Describe Me /my Personality / I

Describe your personality.?

i am very opinionated. I am gentle and i love to be with my friends. i get easily fluster. i love being independent and i cant stay mad at certain people for a long time. i love harmony and balance.

How would you describe your personality?

I sound a lot like you, hahah.

I'm pretty artsy. To be honest (and dramatic, yes!) my entire life revolves around photography/film/painting. I think I'm pretty mature for my age, I'm really good with people. I'd like to say I'm smart, maybe just a tad above average, but maybe that's only because I work hard (like I'm not naturally smart I have to work really hard). I tend to be generally rational but can have a temper. I'm also really, really stubborn and get frustrated easily and I don't like to be wrong. :3 I'm a perfectionist and I can be kinda lazy sometimes. I tend to hold grudges and I'm a pretty sensitive/over-emotional person. Like you, I'm also kind of awkward if put into certain situations, but I've learned to carry myself pretty well the last year or so. I'm a listener more then a talker with most people and I don't have many close friends, and enjoy being independant. :D

How would you describe your own personality? What do you like most about yourself?

I Liked Best: I am a soft spoken person, I always wear a smile when I talk to people, especially to those I liked.I think when alone. When I walk to somewhere, I usually reclined to a tiny corner in my brain. I think about almost everything, politics, arts, everyday life stuff, friends and family interactions ect.I listened in one-on-one conversation. I believe this makes me understand the other person better.In group, I am not the centre of conversation, neither am I the quiet one. I just want to enjoy the group time.Definitely more introverted. I liked writing, even about random stuff. I think there are more introverts on Quora than extroverts.And I cry during a movie. Particularly when ideals and love were involve, and I am not shy to show my emotions.Yeah, that’s about what I can think of right now. Oh, and I love fruits.

Describe my personality, I'm going to tell you about myself and my life and you tell me about my personality.?

I have 2 sisters and 1 brother I'm the second youngest my sister is younger than me in 3 years my older sister is older than me in 5 years and my older brother is older than me in 6 years
I like to stand up for myself and I'm really sure of myself I love going in front of a group and start talking about stuff. I won 2 silver medals in Taekwondo and earned 2nd place in school for the most fluent English reader competition and read LOTS of books (I love books) I won 2 trophies in debates as rebuttal. oh...and if your a Harry Potter fan where would you sort me :).

How would your friends describe your personality?

focused. logical. a good sense of humor. a little introverted.

What color best describes your personality?

Honestly, I don't have just one color that describes me. I'd need every color to describe me! Yellow is hyper and a bit crazy, so I'd be that... but also blue, since blue is calm and relaxing. They are polar opposites, but it really depends on what I feel like. Every color means something different, and I have so many different traits that I need them all!

What kind of personality can be described as play dough?

I have a group interview coming up, and I was asked to bring an object that best describes my personality.

I decided to use play dough because I can easily adapt to situations, as well as being flexible… But what else can I say about it.

The interview is for a 'Peer Evaluation Leader' at my University. I will be leading the incoming freshmen on their scheduling and activities among those lines.

I'm willing to accept other ideas besides play dough if you have a better idea!

Thank you!!

What fruit best describes your personality and why?

Cucumber! 'Cause I AM the CucumberMan!

Oh, and, for the record - it's 'cause I am "cool" as a cucumber under fire! So, my Buddies say!