I Am Doing A Cause And Effect Essay With The Topic

Topic for Cause and Effect Essay?

So I have to write a C+E essay, and it needs to be either 3 causes and one effect (one paragraph each) or one cause with three effects (one paragraph each)

thanks so much!!! and it can be on any topic that I can cite!

Cause and effect essay topics?


Cause And Effect Essay: Divorce


Choose one of the following topics and write a cause and effect essay. The details should be clear and specific. You must include an outline when you hand in your essay. The outline must be in the format that has been taught by your instructor.


1) Your essay should not be longer than 750 words in length.
2) Type your outline and essay using Tahoma font, 12 pt., and spaced at 1.5 between lines. Remember to include page numbers.
3) You are encouraged to cite works from experts. You should include at least 4 different quotations or paraphrase from six outside sources/references(newspaper, journal, book, etc.). Three references will be provided. It is preferable that the APA format be used for citation and referencing.
4) Deadline: Week 9(confirm the date with your instructor). Essays that are late will be penalized 2 points per day unless you have prior approval/extension date, or a good and confirmable reason. If you need an extension, ...

Cause-and-effect essay topics?

I am taking a college English Composition I class, and the next paper that is due has to be a cause-and-effect paper. I'm struggling to find topics that I find interesting and topics I know well. My instructor has not assigned any of her students topics, nor has she elaborated much on writing a cause-and-effect paper, which makes my job that much harder. Does anyone have suggestions on topics? I already googled it, and I wasn't satisfied with the results, so I'm coming here.

**Please no links!**

Thanks for your time!

What type of essay is the cause and effect essay?

The Cause And Effect EssayBy Mary Abel.Written May 9, 2018Dear Questioner,This is a cause and effect essay.You have asked a very simple question so I will endeavor to give you a very simple answer in order to help you figure out this very simple quandary.(First paragraph. Restates the question and sets up the proceeding paragraphs.)First I will endeavor to teach you the art of critical thinking. I may not succeed but it is a fine art that has been lost over the last thirty or forty years. Critical thinking is an obnoxious thing to most people these days. So I begin with the cause of myself writing this Essay about Cause and Effect. Why am I writing this 1,000 word essay: oh yes you asked this question.(Second Paragraph: restates the purpose of the essay and asks a question)Secondly I will assume that you know what critical thinking is. So I will assume that you are familiar with the fathers of critical thinking and the scientific method. Perhaps you have heard of Socrates? Plato? Newton? Einstein? Hawking? These were very intelligent people who wrote a lot of stuff.(Third paragraph, answers the questions in the previous two paragraphs and includes some other facts or history to explore. Footnotes are a good thing.However I am not sure if you will take this essay in the manner in which it is intended. So indeed I am unwilling to share this essay because… cause and effect.(Fourth paragraph. A rebuttal or opinion on the previous stated truths.)In conclusion however, I believe that my sharing this with you is a better good than not sharing this with you so you caused me to write something: an answer and this is my effect.(Fifth paragraph. Sum up your argument and return an answer).

Persuading with cause and effect essay?

i have to do a persuading with cause and effect essay. but i cant think of any topic. im 15 and in highschool. pleaaase give me a topic i could do this essay on? any would help. pleaaase.

I can't decide on a topic for a casual-effect essay. Do you have any tips for deciding?

Are you looking for a cause and effect essay or a casual (not formal) effect essay? I’m going to hazard a guess and think you want to write an essay on cause and effect.Your entire life is full of cause and effect. You left the milk out of the refrigerator when you rushed out the door to catch the bus for which you were running late because you overslept because you were up late texting with your girlfriend who was crying on your shoulder because her best friend is mad at her because……oh and by the way, your Mom is REALLY ticked off at you because the milk is spoiled and she needed milk to cook your dinner which is now going to be late because….

Thesis statement for cause and effect essay?


The Cause-Effect Essay

Cause-and-effect writing gives reasons and explanations for events, conditions, or behavior. It answers the need most of us have to understand the world around us.
When planning a cause-and-effect essay, begin by listing the event or condition you want to address. Then brainstorm to generate ideas about either its causes or its effects. Do additional research on your topic if necessary.
Think carefully about the causes and effects you have listed. As part of prewriting you may find it helpful to diagram or demonstrate these relationships graphically. Check to be sure you have not drawn any faulty conclusions. Your conclusions are faulty if the cause-and-effect relationship does not exist or if it is unreasonable or not clearly established.
Ask yourself the following questions:
o Have I assumed a cause-effect relationship when there is none?
Causal Relation:
Necessary Cause - one that must be present for the effect to occur...

You can get mroe info here:

What are some global warming causes and effects?

First of all the premise of your question is wrong. Global warming is not a debated issue. The cause of global warming is also not debatable. There is nothing to debate. Either stop dumping trillions of tons of co2 into the atmosphere or face extinction. You take care of it now, then there still may be hope. If you wait until later then you will be forced to take care of it. The ladder will not be pretty and is the most likely scenerio. It is extremely easy to make the connection between a heating atmosphere and extreme weather. It is also incredibly easy to see why this is happening, look around you. Nobody cares enough to change the problem and we will face extinction. In fact, not only does nobody care, we are dumping more and more co2 into the atmosphere everyday, making things even worse. It is very difficult for me to stand by and just watch us kill ourselves but there is nothing I can do. Everything you own took tremendous amounts of energy to make and that energy came mostly from a coal power plant. We have become accustomed to our lazy, easy, god-like lifestyles and most of us wouldn't even give up a simple item like a remote to save the world. We just don't care and most are too stupid to even realize that they live like a god. Even if they're smart enough to realize that they live like a god, even fewer don't make the connection of how all the stuff they have came to be. You cannot have it both ways. You will live like god's for a very short time period (compared to all of human history) then be wiped off the face of the earth because only god is interested in living like god. There is no debate over global warming. It is man-made, it is as catastrophic as it can possibly get, and it will be the end of our species.