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Can T-series beat PewDiePie on YouTube?

Yes, T Series will win someday, but the results won’t be what Indians expect. NOT AT ALL.Let me tell you why, First - We Indians are allowing a corporate to Represent Us. This is push the belief that India is a backward country led by corporate’s with Individual Creator’s/Businessmen not given a chance.Second- The Internet is a huge troll and the more we react, the more it trolls. What we Indians are doing by responding is bad, straight out worse. And yeah the better the reactions, the more the trolling.Third- We are letting majorly useful music with bad lyrics to represent us. The item songs and all the songs with music videos that should not represent our nation is NOW REPRESENTING US. Do you know how stupid it makes our mentality look? Music shouldn’t represent us at all. Like does Luis Fonsi represent his country all of a sudden? Or even Justin Beiber? NO. They are more individual and they represent themselves.Fourth- T Series basically publishes songs created by other creators. So, thousand’s of creators are involved in this. This totally bombards the idea of Youtube, there’s no YOU anymore. Why can’t India have an Individual Creator rise to that level? Why do we need a corporation represent us?Fifth- Maybe initially no one cared about the bobs and vagana people, but now due to the reactions made by Indian People who dont even do that kinda shit and thanks to people who make strange daily soaps, it is what the outside world sees now of India.P.S. - I am involved in many ,many like really many communities and this is based on everything I have seen/experienced over the past months. It seriously is affecting our reputation to the worse not the good.Peace Out