I Can Press On My Gum And They Bleed

Why do your gums bleed when you floss if you have not flossed in a while?

When you don't floss for a while, plaque builds up on the uncleaned tooth structure. Plaque is a product made of sugar, bacteria and mucin (a protein from saliva). The bacteria eat the sugar to reproduce. As a byproduct, they produce acid and toxins. The acid decalcifies the tooth structure decaying the tooth.Toxins are the second product of the bacteria in plaque. A toxin is a poisonous substance produced by the metabolic activities of a living organism. They can produce an antibody responce by the body. This causes inflammation of the gums. Inflammation is characterized by pain, redness and swelling. The swelling and redness are due to the increased blood flow into the gums. This condition is called gingivitis.Because of the increased blood flow in the gums, the gums bleed when they are disturbed by brushing or flossing.[1]This process is reversible by proper brushing and flossing.[2]If left unchecked it we'll lead to bone loss. This is periodontal disease and will cause the loss of the support of the teeth and eventual loss of the teeth.Footnotes[1][2]

Why do my gums smell like sh*t and bleed?

Gingivitis most likely. You really need to go to a dentist's office and get your teeth cleaned by a Dental Hygienist. Failure to take care of your teeth and get them cleaned professionally can lead to increased bleeding and a more advanced form of gum and jawbone disease known as periodontitis (inflammation and infection of the ligaments and bones that support the teeth= teeth will start decaying and falling out). If you're a smoker, it can aggravate it and move the disease along faster.

Gum bleeding and loose tooth

There are several reasons why bleeding gums occur, it may be caused by vigorous brushing of teeth or which is also known as toothbrush abrasion. Or it may be a symptom of a gum infection. When bleeding gums is left untreated, it can progress to periodontal of gum disease. Periodontal disease can cause gums to persistently bleed, swell and recede. If left untreated gum infection will spread throughout the other parts of the body triggering certain medical conditions to occur, and eventually tooth loss can happen.
The best thing that you will do is to see your dentist to know the underlying cause of your bleeding gums. Proper diagnosis will be done and right treatment will be administered.
To prevent it form happening again, you should practice superior oral hygiene by brushing and flossing your teeth regularly. You can also use a warm water and salt solution as a mouth rinse to prevent bacteria build up and ti speed up the healing of bleeding gums.

more information on bleeding gums and other forms of gum disease at

I LOVE making my gums bleed?

I love picking at my gums with a bobby pin, especially the areas where a small amount of gum touches the tooth (like betweent them). MY favorite areas are between teeth. Is this weird? I just love to press on them really hard, even until they bleed, it feels good.

Bleeding gums and occasional pain?

I was brushing my teeth and my gums starting bleeding in 2 places. Also, for the past few days I've been having minor toothaches in my back teeth. When I press down with the toothbrush at a certain spot on the side of my molars, it kinda hurts a bit. What does this mean? Gum disease? My wisdom teeth are growing?

When i touch my gums they bleed very easy, how can i stop this??

You have inflammation of the gums (gingivitis). The best thing to do is brush twice a day (softly) and floss once a day. Use an antibacterial mouthwash as well after each brush as well to help get rid of the infection. And dont touch and prod your gums. It can aggravate them more.

The first few times you brush them while they are infected - they may bleed a little. This is normal until the infection is treated. If it doesnt go away go to a dentist and get a clean. This will help as well.

I have retainers, but they're making gums bleed. Is this normal?

I have retainers also and even though they do sometimes press into my gums, they def. do not make me bleed. They're probably the wrong shape for you, i'd recommended going to your orthodontist and talking to them, they'll probably fix it.