I Delete Messages In My Inbox On My Smart Phone And Later They Reappear How Do I Stop This

How do I stop deleted emails from reappearing in my Gmail inbox?

So when I was trying to delete all my mails, I could see it reappears immediately. But finally I could solve this.Go to option on left side bar, click that and in the drop down you can see all, select thatThen you will be able to see 50 conversation selected, just beside that select ***** conversation, select thatDO NOT click “clear conversation”, rather click on the delete or trash button aboveYou will receive a confirmation pop up. Click okThis step is quite important ,move immediately to trash section, in the same manner as before select all mails in check box , then use the option delete forever given near to select all box and bamn all mails are deleted.Thanks

Deleted emails reappear in my inbox?

For about the last month or so, I've noticed that when I delete an email, or a group of emails from my inbox they will reappear in my inbox, sometimes almost immediately and other times after several minutes.

I am not using Yahoo basic.

I do go to my yahoo inbox via several browsers, mostly firefox (v21.0), chrome (Version 27.0.1453.110 m) and IE (8.0 at work, later version at home). I noticed this issue happens across all of these browsers.

Emails won't delete in yahoo mail, they keep reappearing in my inbox?

I click on an email and then click on delete. Presto, gone. And then it's back in my inbox. sometimes up to five times. I click on trash and click to empty it, sometimes the trash empties and sometimes it doesn't. If the trash empties, it seems to take the email permanently, but it shouldn't come back in the first place when I initially delete it. I'm using Firefox, if that makes a difference.

Does deleting a message remove it for both parties on Facebook Messenger?

Thanks for A2A.No, deleting one message from your account won’t delete it from other person’s account. It will be there, in his chat.If you want a message to be deleted from other person’s inbox when you delete from your’s, then you can have chat using secret conversation.tap on the name of that person or small circle in the upper right corner of messenger, and then click on “secret conversation” and you can set a timer after which your sent and received messages would automatically be deleted.

If I delete a direct messaging conversation from Instagram on my phone does it remove it from the other person's phone too?

Yes, but ONLY if they haven't already seen it. A couple months ago my girlfriend left me, and because her phone was broken, I tool advantage of the fact that she wouldn't be able to see the messages I sent her on Instagram. I spent the next week pouring my heart out to her, and every time the thought crossed my mind, I would tell her I loved her. I would tell her good morning, good night, and all the other things I missed being able to tell her when we were together. But before she was able to get her phone fixed, I went back and deleted every single one. Now she's none the wiser and I don't feel like such a sad piece of shit because of it.

Can you delete direct messages on Instagram?

Yes! On the mobile app:To unsend messages that you sent so that you can no longer see them and the person you sent them to can see them, hold down on the message and the “unsend” option will come up.To delete the whole message history, slide to the left when in the inbox and the delete option will come up. This will only delete the history for you though, the other person can still see messages.To delete it so neither you or the other person can see it, block the other person. You can unblock them too and the messages will still be gone.Be careful though, once you do any of these there will be no way to get the messages back.Cheers :)

How do I delete all the emails in my Gmail inbox by one action only?

Note: This only works for Gmail and is updated to March 2, 2019. Lots of these posts are old and thus not relevant anymore since Gmail is always changing the layout. This does not pertain to unsubscribe, but there is a blurb at the end for those who asked since it is relevant for spam.Follow the below steps carefully:In the left box where you can see your different mailboxes (Inbox, Sent, etc), scroll down and select ‘More’.Select ‘All Mail’Click the check-mark to select all the emails in the current view, and then click ‘Select all x conversations in All Mail” (see screenshot)Hit the garbage can button above the emailsThen, select ‘Trash’ from the same left box where your different mailboxes are show and select ‘Trash’.Click the box above to select all the messages in the folder and click ‘Delete Forever’.Now all of your emails are deleted forever.This does not unsubscribe you from spam emails. Even in google’s spam folder, it does not catch all the spam, and sometimes mistakenly puts important emails in there. Also, sometimes you do not have the username and password to unsubscribe, and you are not able to.For this, tools exist. A famous example is personally prefer newer applications, of which there are many. These have better usage and design and take less time.My personal favorite is Mr Clean, linked here. This one automatically identifies the least relevant emails and allows you to delete them or even put them in a hidden folder that deletes after 30 days. I like this function in case I mistakenly put something.Best of all, no spam and easy unsubscribing means a less cluttered life and more focus on the things that make me smile, like my pet fish Dracula and eating pancakes in my overalls.