I Dislocated My Shoulder 1 Day Ago. I Can

I think I dislocated my shoulder?

It was about 3 weeks ago, I had to do swimming in gym so I was just doing the back stroke or whatever when I pulled my arm back it made a seriously loud cracking noise, it sounded like a bunch a bunch of glass being smashed into pieces. My arm locked up and I couldn't move it, so I went to the nurses office and they told me that I pulled a muscle.

I'm just wondering why every time I move my arm, it makes a crack/popping noise and it locks up for a second. I can still move it around and stuff but certain movements make it "pop". Also, this one time I just moved my arm to left, something caught my eye so I looked and I saw a bump rise in my arm and slide over to the right and then it went back down.
I checked my shoulders, the one I hurt is lower than the other.
And my friend tried to massage my shoulder and she said that the one shoulder had a a hard bump in one place but my other one didn't.?

But everyone tells me that its no big deal,and i just pulled a muscle or I shouldn't worry about it. So what's going on here?

Do I have a dislocated shoulder?

The other day when I did shoulder press about three days ago, there was pain in my in the back of my left shoulder toward the upper back of my left tricep and but only when i raised my arm in a backwards motion. It also hurts when put my left shoulder in a shoulder press position. But I can still move and raise my left arm just not backwards. It can still move in that direction but its painful also my midback is sore but I also worked on back and biceps that day. Theres no pain when I'm walking or sitting or even using my left arm. Could this be a dislocated shoulder? I can still shrug.

How do I treat a dislocated shoulder?

I dislocated my left shoulder 7 days ago. I went to the doc and they game me a sling and i can move it but it hurts. I clicks and pops a lot. I want it to be strong fast. Can I take vitamins or excesize?

Can you play soccer after you dislocated your shoulder?

I dislocated my shoulder while playing indoor soccer exactly 21 days ago. I have taken to the hospital and my shoulder put back in to the place. Its been 21 days since they put it back and I am just wondering if I can start playing soccer. I do have little sour pain when I raise my hand above my chest. Please can some one tell me, if I can play soccer lightly. Its killing me since I havent played soccer in 21 days. Any suggestion would appreciated.
FYI- My physician told me not to play soccer for 6 weeks, but I am just curious if I can play or not? Thanks.

Is it safe for someone who had dislocated their shoulder 4 years ago to go to the gym or play badminton?

NO! Get it checked first. Be sure if at all there was any damage, it has been healed and then play. I dislocated my shoulder in 2009, and never got it checked. I dislocated it again, while playing badminton after almost a year, and continued playing cricket once the pain went away. Because of my carelessness, I had  recurrent dislocations and later realized I had a bankart lesion tear, because my shoulder never got the time to heal. I have attached all the medical reports: The infamous shoulder of VIshu KambleThe thing with shoulder dislocation is you can't predict the internal damage. When it is a fracture, you know, because you cant move that part. But with ligaments you can never be sure. 4 years  is a long time, but if your shoulder had some internal damage and you never gave it proper rest, there's a pretty high chance that the dislocation will happen, once you start putting pressure on it.I did workout for 2 years, but I took extreme care when it came to doing shoulders. I skipped them! Because I knew putting pressure will dislocate it, as I was aware of the tear. But working out and not doing shoulders isn't productive tbh. Anyways, just get it checked from an orthopaedic surgeon before doing anything. To be on the safe side, request the doc from an MRI just to avoid any further damages to the shoulder.

Recovery from dislocated shoulder?

Hi I just dislocated my left shoulder for the first time, a few days ago. My doctor has told me to keep it in a sling for 3 weeks after which he will check it again and then its likely he'll set me up for physiotherapy. I haven't had an MRI scan yet and will do so when my doctor asks me to. I'm 19 years old.and I gym regularly and play soccer. I've felt only a little pain once, the day after the dislocation occurred. I am aware that there is a very high chance of dislocating it again since my muscles must be stretched. Its still too early to predict anything.

I'd like to know - is a close to full recovery possible from this injury? Also, will surgery prevent the recurrence from taking place? I am expecting the worst, but I am willing to do all it takes to get my shoulder back to full strength, if it is possible that is. More importantly though, I don't want it to reoccur.

Should I golf 3 weeks after dislocating my shoulder?

I dislocated my shoulder a little over three weeks ago and I played golf regularly before that, and would like to play again. My labrum is torn and I am scheduled for surgery in April (soonest they had... i know its a long ways off). I took some swings with a 9 iron and seemed to be able to swing the club about 70% speed ok with no pain (im just worried it might "pop out" again). The labrum was torn on the front (i did it by diving and landing on my left arm causing too much pressure and pushing it through the front of the labrum). Any help from someone with some sort of medical knowledge would be great. Thanks.

Should the dislocated shoulder still hurt after 1 week?

I dislocated my shoulder 10 days ago. Doctor said I need to wear a sling for two more weeks and do therapy for 2 weeks after that. After that I should be able to get back to my athletic activities. When I wake up, my shoulder is sore sometimes. Is this normal? I also have mild pain once in a while when I move it. Is it supposed to be like this? I would think the pain should go away after 10 days.