I Feel Nervous And Panicked

What should I do if I feel panicked and nervous every time I'm doing a presentation?

It sounds the same to me. However, I have some tips for you:Preparation. You have to make sure that you did prepare for your presentation well. Moreover, you should have a rehearsal in order to harmonize everything, corrective action if necessary.Believe in yourself. Before presenting, you can find a quite place, then sit there and meditate. Sometimes self-talk provides you more confidence and energy. Keep saying to yourself that you’re great and nothing can stop you from finishing this presentation.Take a deep breath. When you are nervous, your body generates adrenaline in order to stay calm and focused. A deep breath can help you feel more comfortable.Looking for someone you know and keep eyes contact with them. When I give a presentation, I usually look around the room and find someone I know. Keeping eyes contact with strangers may make you more nervous, so try this way.Practice. This is the key factor to succeed. Warrent Buffet was so nervous and worried when he had the first public speaking. After that, he took a public speaking course and stood in front of many people, giving a long speech. Practice more and more. If you have a chance, don’t miss it.

I feel panicky? what should i do?

I've felt like this quite a few times before, but i still really hate it. I sometimes have panic attacks, but only when i can't fall asleep for ages at night. But i often feel really anxious and panicky for no real reason- this usually happens when the house is busy at night or when something out of the ordinary is going to happen. Like the night before i go on a holiday, i feel like this. And tomorrow's my 16th birthday and i feel like this again. I just feel kinda full of energy and i feel a little sick to the stomach. It's the typical characteristic i feel when i can't fall asleep and i'm about to have a panic attack. But i know i won't have a panic attack unless i don't fall asleep. And i'm worried i won't fall asleep tonight. It's the fact that i'm scared i won't fall asleep tonight- i'm pretty sure that's why i feel panicky.
I don't know how to deal with this. I often feel panicky in the evening and then i sleep fine, but that though doesn't stop me from feeling worried like this. Once i start worrying, it's very hard for me to stop.
Can anyone help me here? What can i do???????????

I almost had sex for the first time and I got nervous and panicked. What do i do to prevent it next time?

Theirs nothing to worry about..i just recently started having sex with my fiance and let me tell you people over exagerate saying that it hurts and its painful its really not especially if the guy your doing it with takes it slow like mine did at first you just feel like some pressure and then everything else happens it maybe unconfortable at first but it will be fine! But dont just have sex because everybody else is doing it if you dont feel comfortable than maybe you should wait a little while longer dont feel or get pressured into doing anything you dont want to.. I hope this helped and good luck with it. and where PROTECTION lol.

Why do i feel nervous for no reason at all?

The three things I would suggest looking into:
(1) Anxiety disorder.
I have a friend who would have mild to severe panic attacks, and finally sought treatment when she had insurance. It was related to a combination of family-inherited traits, past trauma as a child that was still healing which would trigger postponed panics as an adult, and even blood sugar and diet. So she changed her diet and was given some medication to prevent it from being a problem.
(2) Attention deficit or hyperactivity.
Even if this does not apply directly to your case, some of the same resources that help individuals and families cope with nervousness and lack of concentration or focus may help you indirectly. In working with students, teachers and parents on mechanisms to cope with this, I found some of the same advice or solutions to help other people in general as well.
(3) Empathy or hypersensitivity
I have met other people besides myself with a special sensitivity for feeling the emotions and thoughts of people close to me (either personally or physically). This can cause either sudden or longterm anxiety or distress indirectly because I am "empathizing" with someone else in distress. It does not have to be in my immediate environment or knowledge for me to experience their feelings as if they were my own. In extreme cases, I cannot tell the difference. So again, even if this does not apply directly in your case, the books, counseling, or exercises offered to help people to deal with emotional empathy may help you to cope with nervousness and anxiety.

Whether or not the anxiety is caused by reactions from your past or from your surroundings, some of the same methods may help you that are developed for disorders that cause similar reactions in people. The main thing is not to be afraid of it, but to look for coping mechanisms that work for you in the meantime while you try to identify, reduce or correct the causes. Even if it is something that you cannot prevent totally, there are ways to work around it that may help you feel more prepared and confident and less worried or fearful no matter what it turns out to be.

Is it normal to feel nervous before sexting?

Yeah, because you're sending sexual messages out over the internet, YOU DON'T KNOW HIM if you have only seen him on video, and for all you know he may be sharing your sexting with a whole goddamned website of voyeurs.

No lecturing? Sorry, Sunshine, if you're going to do something stupid that can mess up your life, I'm going to say -- don't do something stupid that can mess up your life.

And, yes, if you are under 18, which I'm sure you are, YOU are going to be committing a Federal offense because internet sex under 18 is against the law. No, not everyone gets caught, but if you do, your equipment will be confiscated and you will face fines and a jail term.

For someone online you've never met. Is it worth the risk?

You are nervous because PART of your brain - the part that doesn't run through your gonads--is telling you to back off.

How can I stop feeling so anxious and nervous all the time for no reason?

My whole life I've been on the quiet side, but within the last year or so, I've been getting extremely anxious and nervous to the point where I have panic attacks. I usually get panicky when I'm going to go out with friends just to hang out or go to a concert. Now, within the past month I've even been so anxious that I've been feeling panicked even when I'm just sitting around with my mom and dad eating lunch or just lounging around. In late February I started taking the birth control Seasonique, and I'm not sure if that has anything to do with my behavior since I didn't start getting really anxious until the month of June, and I have been more anxious than usual since about last May when I experienced my first panic attack. So here's my question: What can I do to lower this constant feeling of anxiety that I have? I feel queasy, have diarrhea, get flushed, I shake, I feel hot then cold, and I just feel like something terrible is going to happen, and I can't get away from it. I feel like i lost control of my life and I'm not even me anymore! I have a doctors appointment July 8th and I want to talk to my doctor about it. Do you think she'd recommend medication like xanax or something? I just feel totally crazy and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

Why do I feel panic when my ex is around me?

State dependant memory or emotion dependant memory.  It's primitive wiring in you to keep you safe.  Lets say you felt warm and safe and cuddly and tired and snoozy right now and were ready for bed and noticed your heart rate.  And then you heard glass shatter, a high pitched scream and someone approaching your bedroom door.  At that moment  would you still feel warm and safe and cuddly and tired and snoozy with the same heart rate ?Your ex is stimuli and your body is responding to that trigger in ways that turns on your 'panic'. Your brain learned this and you can change it or let it ride.  In a sense it is a bit like a phobia.  You have learned to activate a fear response when the ex is around. Breath through it, relax your belly and have a laugh about it when the ex panic happens again.  Eventually you teach your brain that your ex can have a different meaning and you can still be safe.  The emotional wiring of this response is strong so give yourself time or do mental training strategies to speed up the rewiring.  Or be ok with a panic response when you see your ex.  You have a choice and can respond in different ways in the future. When you are aware that you 're going to see the ex, be in the now and notice how things are safe.  It is safe, isn't it?

24 weeks pregnant and all of a sudden feel nervous, like we're not as prepared as we should be?

Don't get me wrong, I know that I still have a bit to go before my little man gets here, but all of a sudden I'm starting to feel a little panicked like we dont have anything ready... So far, we have bought:
Bottles (I plan to breastfeed, but this would be for like expressed milk so my husband can feed him to and get that experience)
6 sleepers
3 long sleeved onsies
1 short sleeved onsie
Set of 2 swaddling blankets
2 bouncer vibrator seats
1 sing and swing
Crib and mattress

I feel like we have SO much money left to be spent to get the things he needs in 3 1/2ish months! It makes me feel terrible because he was planned and I feel like we should be on the ball about things.. and right now things with money aren't perfect, we had to make an expensive move a month ago and are just catching up, and I had to take leave from my job by doctors orders because it was too physical to continue doing, and we have no help from any family, really. How can I destress and what are the absolute necessities that we still need?? I hate being so stressed out :/