I Got A Blister From A Burn That Popped What Should I Do

Should I pop my burn blister?

Do not pop it. Burn blisters are filled with fluid, not pus; there's no need to get the fluid out and in fact puncturing the blistered skin only opens you up to infection.
As stated, it will shrink and go away by itself as your body reabsorbs the fluid. If you want to speed the process up, soak your finger in warm salt water (preferably Epsom salts, which are a different composition than your standard Na Cl table salt). Osmosis should occur and help shrink the blister.

What to do with my popped blister?

You did good. Ideally you would keep the blister intact and it would re-absorb the fluid and heal without opening. Once it pops, it is considered an open wound. The main objective after a blister pops is to keep it clean so it doesnt get infected.
You really dont need to keep applying Neosporin unless you see signs of infection. You want your bodys natural defenses to be able to do their job. Keep it clean and covered when there is a chance of getting it dirty. Uncover it and wash your hands normally with a mild soap and water once or twice a day. No need for antibacterial stuff- just when you are washing your hands or taking a shower. Leave it open to air at home. A blister is a second degree burn. It really depends on your immune system and nutritional status as to how long it will take. Id estimate a week to ten days. Get plenty of vit.C & D because healing requires extra.

Watch for increased redness, swelling, drainage. If you see these, use the Neosporin again. The skin that was over the blister may turn white and end up coming off or may dry into a scab. Either is okay. You can also use a pair of disinfected scissors to cut off the dead skin if you are careful.

Should you pop a blister on a burn?

The body has an auto response of building a blister to maintain fluid to that available skin. If you pop the blister and drain it that fluid leaves and will cause a nasty scar, I recommend you don't pop it and try to rap it with some kind of gauze to protect it.

Also like someone said, it is more prone to infection.

How do i heal an already popped burn blister?

When you pop a blister of any kind, you are exposing a delicate and once sterile area to bacteria and infection. Make certain that you have a gauze pad that is LARGER than the area placed on top of it, tape it down with a paper tape(or one that won't pull at your skin) and change it as soon as you see the area "weeping" or fluid seeping from the blister.

It's up to your body as to how long it will take to heal. If you have kept the area clean and changed your dressing, you'll be developing "new skin" in a matter of hours. But remember that the dressing must remain dry. It needs to be changed if you exercise, sweat, or bathe.

And if you don't have any of the aforementioned items, you know what is on your To-Do list today: Make a good first aid kit!

Can i pop the burn blister i have on my finger?

I wouldn't. I popped a blister from a burn and the pain came back from the burn, it was like I had burnt myself again. But in general you shouldn't pop blisters unless they are going to pop on their own (like on the sole of your foot) The fluid inside and the skin protect and heal the burn under the skin. Its a natural bandaid.

Second degree burn, blister popped?

Depends on what the blister looks like and what the fluid looks like coming out of it. If the fluid is clear and the area around doesn't appear to be red or inflamed. Cover it up with a dry, loose dressing or bandage. Keep it dry & clean. Change the bandage as needed. Don't try to stop the fluid from seeping out until it does that on its own. If the blister is red, inflamed, painful to the touch and the fluid coming out has any color to it (yellow, green) or blood. You really need to get it looked at then. DON'T break open (any more then it already has) or tear the loose skin that makes up the blister. Leave it intact. Don't squeeze out any fluid that collects under the blister.