I Had A Dream That I Was Screaming For Help And No One Was There For Me

I dreamt that I was screaming but no sound came out?

The other day, I was taking a nap and I had a dream I was screaming at the top of my lungs for help and no sound came out. I don't even know what I was screaming for. I physically felt myself screaming. When I woke up, I had a terrible headache. I asked my boyfriend (who was napping next to me) if he had heard me scream and he said no...

Does anybody know what this dream means?

Thanks :)

Dream about no one helping me?

I had a dream that I was at a bus station and there were two people there. My boyfriend and a guy I didn't know. The guy I didn't know got in my face trying to hit on me and when I took a step back, trying to ignore him, he got angry and got in my face and I then got scared and started yelling for help. But no one helped me not even my boyfriend. I then woke up and after that I went back to bed and I had another dream that someone was following me and tried to kidnap me. I also had previous dreams about that. What does it mean?

Screaming for Help in Dream?

so i had this dream a few weeks ago but cant seem to stop thinking about. and its starting to bother me since ive never had one like it before.

so like i knew i was dreaming, and something was happening in that dream, nothing worth remembering , but i woke up from the dream, but like i was still actually dreaming, i think. anyway in that part like i was laying in my bed. and felt like something was attacking me, and i was screaming for my moms help and like trying to get away but nothing was coming out while i was screaming. and then i eventually woke up like forreal.

i didnt know if there was like anything that would cause that kind of dream, or even what it would mean if it even does.

I had a dream that i was screaming but nothing came out! & there are ppl N the room all around me they cnt hlp?

I had a dream like that when i was little. Don't make fun of me, but I had just watched Peter Pan, and i was dreaming that Captain Hook caught Peter and drown him in my pool in the backyard. He was after me next, so I was running through my house, screaming that he was after me. Then i saw my dad and i was screaming for him to help me, but he couldn't hear me. It was a terrifying dream and every time i watched Peter Pan after that, i would cry.

I think that it is just when you are starting to wake up and you are half dreaming, you are partly conscious, so when you scream, you actually don't scream because if you did, then you would actually be screaming out loud. That's what I think happens because my sister was half sleeping once and she was saying something in her dream, but since she was half awake, she actually said it out loud. You just happened to be slightly more asleep than her so nothing came out of your mouth either way. Hope that explains it a little better!

Why can't I scream in my dreams?

Holy crap you just described what happens to me in my occuring nightmares. I have the same dreams - it's set in whatever I'm doing at present time which is weird cos I am unable to see as I'm asleep so it's a bit freaky cos it's so accurate - and then I scream for help but it's like someone's turned the volume down on my voice and it's horrible. I can only make suggestions at what it means. I thought it was personal but now you've had this too it must mean something similar for you as it does to me... Maybe it means we are afraid of no one being there to protect us and feel not totally independent - we are afraid of the abnormal popping up unexpected in our normal everyday lives (the dog on bed - man hand thing) and not being able to cope with it. You could be anxious, fearing fear before it's even started. Start by not watching scary films, it's what I aim to do. Cos I can't remember being scared of hands grabbing me etc in my dreams as a kid - maybe it's cos I never watched horror films and didn't know what it was.

What does it mean to dream people can't hear you screaming?

Yes there are trainging techniques that you can use, lucky for you, i am a dog trainer. Learn here

Have you ever heard of the "leave it" command. It is veryimportant your dog learns this. To teach it to your dog, start with something you use as a treat. Put it on the floor infront of your dog. When your dog lunges for it, but your hand over it and say "leave it" really strenly, so your dog gets the message. Do this a few times until your dog gets the idea. When your dog has performed this well, gove him the OK and let him have the treat with you okey dokey command, which could be anything to tell him he canhave the treat.

Then move up a level. Put the treat in your hand and hold it near your dogs nose, finger pointing up. If your dog tries to snatch it, say "leave it" When your dog's nose points in another direction ither than the treat, you've been succesful. Now take it to the next and final level.... the dinner table. sit at the table and enjoy a meal. When your dog begins to beg, enforce the leave it command. if your dog doesn't leave, tell your dog to lay down somewhere in the room far away.

I understand if you like having your dogs with you while you eat so the location of you dog while training is essential. Keep you dog as far away as possible. If you see your dog sneaking over to your table, make eyecontact and enforce the leave it command. If your dog gets up, it isn't obeying, now you need to stand up and make eyecontact. This tells your dog you're ready to do whatever it takes to keep him away from YOUR food. ALWAYS make eyecontact while your eating and your dog is laying down. Make frequent eye contact so your dog can't sneak up to the table with out you knowing. I've done this with many people, and it works even for the worst of beggars. This training may take time, but have perserverence ok? And NEVER feed the dog at the table. It encourages begging.

What does it mean when you hear screaming in your dreams?

This may sound silly, but first you should identify if it was an actual noise from your environment. I often hear noises from my environment as noises in my dreams.If you are just talking about something in your dream screaming, you need to identify what kind of screaming. Someone yelling? A kettle boiling? A jet taking off?I’m no expert, but I dream vividly and all the time, so I have some experience. Long ago I read that everything in a dream is some aspect of you. The house is your physical body. The car is your life path. The various people are the different aspects of your personality. Things like that.I would assume that screaming is your mind telling you to pay attention to what is screaming. For instance, if, in the dream, your mother is screaming; maybe you have some unresolved family problem that your subconscious is trying to draw your attention to. If your house is screaming, perhaps you are actually in physical pain.Each dream, and each dreamer is different, so it’s impossible to answer your question. But maybe you can look at it like that, and it will make sense.Good Luck.

Can you scream / shout in your dreams?

It's yes according to me because I have seen and heard it from a friend some time back when I stayed a night at her place. Not once but twice in one night. Once I woke up to her talking to someone in a dream. I tried to listen but I could not understand a word she said and the second time i woke up she was crying. I asked about her crying and talking in dreams but she didn't remember anything. Her mom was aware of it and probably got used to it.

Why did I wake up screaming after having no dream whatsoever?

hmmm that's tough. You could have been thinking in your sleep, or have been hypnotized. I was reading this book where this girl was hypnotized to try and bring back a memory and she woke up screaming without knowing she had been screaming the whole time! Good book. Um, maybe you were thinking of something unconsciously and it got your emotions, so you started screaming? Maybe you have a mental illness? There's endless possibilities.

Did you ever have a dream that made you want to scream?

No, I never had one.My dream’s greatest theme is about murder. I keep constantly dreaming about myself killing my closest friends or family, being a mass murderer and simply being as ‘evil’ as possible.Want to know why I never woke up screaming to the fact I was choking my own parents?Well, I just had a great time doing it.Our dreams are a door to our unconscious mind. Things are not what they ought to be. Killing them actually weren’t killing them, it was actually about killing myself. I feel great after waking up from it; never filthy or guilty.A man [or a woman] is unlikely to wake up from a dream, screaming. I believe it’s a cliché. Many people tend to sweat and move around in the bed when frightened, heart rate might also raise up a bit, but that’s all, really.Cheers.