I Have A Drama Title Page Due On Tuesday. I Was Wondering If Anyone Would Have Any Creative Ideas

In need a creative name for a baby page in the yearbook any ideas?

Back in 199? (whatever year most of your class was born in)
Take a trip back in time...
Baby Faces

sorry that's all i have at the top of my head
Look at what they did in past years yearbooks to get some more inspiration

Creative Writing Ideas?

Your first/favorite pet
When and how you discovered Santa/the Easter Bunny/ the Tooth Fairy was not real
Your version of the life of a wierd/eccentric neighbor/relative
The real life of a nerdy romance author
What your dog/cat actually hears when you scold him

OK, I've run dry. Hope one of these sparks your creativity.

I am writing a research paper on skin cancer and need a creative title... I need it fast! Thanks in advance!?

-"The Deadly Sun"
-"An Enviroment Against Us"
-"A Killer in Your Own Backyard" (or "An Unseen Killer in Your Own Backyard" or something like that)
-"Glamorous Death" (tanning is so "cool" and "glam" but it's deadly)
-"Dangerous Rays"
-"The Sun at It's Worst"

These titles might be a little intense, sorry if you don't like them!

Pictures? never heard of doing that but here are some:

search "sun" or "tanning" and you'll get some good picture on Google images or Yahoo images

best wishes,
Katie <3

How do you get your creative ideas?

Fun drives innovations.Here are some fun histories about invention of computers.Three brothers in Baghdad designed a machine could play music automatically. It works in the way placing pins on the rotating cylinders. A differently encoded cylinder represents a different song. This is the first programmable machine.In 1700s, Jacques de Vaucanson created an automated flute player. And another idea hit him. How about an automated weaving machine creating color patterns on cloths ? Then bang the first programmable loom.Subsequently, the metal cylinders retired as being expensive and time-consuming to make.Jacquard was inspired to apply paper-punched card systems to replace the originally metal cylinder systems.Consequentially, Charles Babbage created the analytical engine, the first true programmable computer.The idea of watching machines playing music evolved in such a unexpected way. The playful minds would seek cheering and exploratory possibilities around them and that idea would drive thoughts into remarkable breakthroughs.reference :The playful wonderland behind great invention

What is a Creative Story Idea?

You get creative story ideas from the same place you get your memories: From real life. Look closely at things and find out how they work. Be interested in everything. Learn new words and experience the world (sounds like fun, no?).

To get good ideas, come up with a character first. First, a vague idea is fine, say, fifteen-year-old boy with brown hair and grey eyes. Then narrow down. Look at his background, family, appearance, everything. Say this boy has five brothers and one sister, he's the black sheep of his family, and he is on the run after he "killed" someone.

To capitalize on this, I suggest the book, "The Plot Thickens" and "The First Five Pages", both by Noah Lukeman. For you, I would suggest "The Plot Thickens", which goes into developing story ideas out of characters. "The First Five Pages" is all about developing the story you already have.

I hope I helped!!! T_T!

Title for a global warming research paper?

Here's a few ideas I came up with...I hope they are helpful and are what you were looking for:

-- Full of Hot Air
[When someone is said to be “full of hot air,” it means that he or she talks a lot about topics he or she doesn't really understand and based on assumption.]

-- Hysterical Heat Waves

-- Heat Wave Hysteria

-- Shedding Light: Uncovering The Truth Behind Global Warming

-- The Heat Is On

-- The Biggest Whopper (i.e., lie) Of Them All

-- Fear Tactics: The Theory of Man-Made Global Warming

-- A Bunch of Hoopla (i.e., an idea, speech or writing intended to mislead or to obscure an issue)

-- (Sun) Rays of Yellow (Journalism)
[This title is a play-on-words or pun based on the term "Yellow Journalism." Yellow Journalism is journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers or viewers for ratings or for other.]

-- Man-Made Apocalytical Absurdity: The Theory of Man-Made Global Warming

-- B.S. (i.e., Bull Sh*t)

-- Behind The B.S.: The Theory of Man-Made Global Warming

-- Man-Made Malarky (i.e., nonsense)

Any idea for a nice and catchy title?

We were tasked to write an essay, which is due next week. I really can't think of a nice title.

The theme of our essay is "The Values of Reading Materials amidst the Advancement of Technology".

The title of my classmate has already been "Of Books and Files". And that is so catchy.

Can you help me have a nice and catchy title too?