I Have A Meade Etx-125 Telescope And Can Not Seem To Find M31 - Andromeda Galaxy. What Would It

I have a Meade ETX-125 telescope and can not seem to find M31 - Andromeda Galaxy. What would it look like through this telescope?

re: "Update" - M31 will not look like your photograph. Cameras pick up faint fuzzy objects just fine and they can build up an image over time from the light. Your eyes can not do that. M31 will will be a faint fuzzy patch in your light polluted sky. It will not stand out the way you see it in your photo. Look for a dim patch of light just brighter than the sky. You need to look off to one side (averted vision) so the light falls on the sensitive edges of your retina. M31 is easy to spot, even in light pollution, but you have to know where to look and what you are looking for.