I Have A Stuffy Nose And When I Lay On My Side One Nostril Becomes Unplugged

Stuffy nose on one side?

A few things may help

1. don't take a warm milky drink before bedtime, dairy roducts tend to exaccerbate such condition, go for a hot camomile tea or peppermint - very de-congesting.
2. massage the sinus area , you could do this as part of your bath and beauty routine, all round the cavity areas of nose , eye sockets, cheeks and you may even hear popping sounds or feel like blowing your nose.
3. make sure you have the right height pillow and the c heating is off with natural air circulating.
4. do some neck head and body stretches before getting into bed
5. don't use feather pillows
6. use only cotton pillow covers/sheets/duvet and make sure they are washed without clothes conditioner on them. Wash at 60 degrees to remove dust mites. Vaccum mattress every 2 weeks.
7.Vacuum and damp cloth dust the bedroom daily -you'd be surprised how little bedrooms are cleaned in comparison with other rooms despite the fact we use them for all sorts eg make-up, hair products,sprays, deodorants,perfumes etc
8. a breathe right strip may help to keep the nasal passage open

best wishes

Why is my right nostril always blocked when I lay on the right side?

It is well known and documented that a person’s nose is not equal on both sides. Why? The nasal septum deviates from the midline in practically all people. On top of that the interior looks different as the turbinates are also differently shaped naturally. The turbinates are located on the left and right side of the midline nasal septum. They are a network of bones, blood vessels and soft tissues within the nasal passages that warms, humidifies and filters the air breathed in.Those are the reasons you have that complaint.

Why does my stuffy nose unclog when I roll over laying down from one side to the other?

Picture one of those oxygen hoses that go over patients’ faces with those two little prongs that go in the nostrils and the ends are slung behind the ears.Now, try to picture a similar type of tubing on the inside of your face that runs from your left ear across your cheek under your eye, to your nose, and then across your other cheek to your right ear. There’s actually more to it than just that one ‘tube’ across your face, but those ‘tubes’ are your sinus cavities.It’s within your sinuses that mucous builds up, blocks your airways, and makes your nose feel stuffed up. When you’re sitting up, the fluid in your sinus cavities is sitting toward the bottom of the ‘tubing’, such as if you drew soda up into a straw and turned it sideways; it’s distributed pretty evenly, putting most of the pressure on the lower end. When you lay down, the fluid shifts, and when you’re on your back, sometimes you end up coughing from a tickle in the back of your throat. Your throat is connected to your nose, which is connected to your sinuses - the fluid drips down the back of your throat, and that’s called post-nasal drip.When you turn over onto your side, however, the fluid drains entirely to one side, or, at least, as much as it can, depending on how swollen your sinuses are, and usually it drains enough so that one nostril then feels like it’s not clogged up anymore. Turn over onto your other side, and after a minute or two, you’ll feel both nostrils plugged up for a minute before the other one is cleared up as the fluid drains down to the other side.Get some of those nasal strips like those Breathe Right things, and it’ll help to open the sinuses and allow them to drain. And believe it or not, if you get a saline mist spray to use when you’re all stuffed up, though it sounds counterintuitive, it’ll help flush your sinuses out and reduce any swelling you’ve got going on.

Why does lying on the opposite side of the blocked nostril unblocks the blocked nostril?

Lying on the other side doesn't do much except pass some time before the Nasal cycle alternates and shrinks the mucosa on the blocked side. See the Wikipedia article about the Nasal cycle for more details.

Why do I always have one nostril blocked when lying down at night?

I am sure someone will come up with a more complete answer.But our body is designed for nostrils to alternate for breathing.If you are having trouble with congestion, you can get cayenne based nasel sprays from health oriented stores that work great without the rebound effect of Dristan.Also you can check youtube for ways to decongest your sinuses through various natural methods, like stroking your face in certain patterns etc.They work for me.This youtube video demonstrates a technique that I use and find effective

Why does walking outside (not inside) clear the stuffy nose I have when I wake up?

You might be allergic to something that's inside your home environment -- molds, mildews, dusts, and pet-related stuff are the most obvious culprits, though it might be a chemical-outgassing issue.

Why does half of my nose get blocked whenever I lie down?

I have had a problem with nasal congestion since childhood,especially when lying down. For the last few years,I’ve used a device I found in the drugstore that really helps me by keeping at least one nasal passage wide open,so I can breathe freely when in bed. I hesitate to name the brand for fear of being accused of promoting it,but I will say it is much superior to the nasal strips that stick on the outside of your nose,because mine is reusable,and I have been using the same one for several years. Just remove in the morning,rinse and it is ready to use again. I highly recommend it for drug free relief: