I Have An Ingrown Nail

Ingrown toenail?

I would recommend getting some Epsom salt and soke your foot in that. You can either do it in the tub or in a basin of warm water and just place some of the salt in the water. if you do it in the tub sit on the side of the tub but do not get in all the way. after soaking your foot for 10 minutes or so while the foot is still wet rub the skin away from the ingrown side. so if the ingrown area is on your right big toe on the right side rub the right side of your toe to the right. this will help the skin move behind the ingrown part. if this does not work i would check with your insurance and see if you have to see your primary care physician first or if you can just go see a specialist. if you have to see your PCP (primary care physician) then do that and they may send you to a podiatrist (foot doctor) but if you can go see a specialist find a podiatrist that is taking new patients and go see them. they can take care of you! hope this helps and good luck

How can I deal with ingrowing toenail?

Before knowing the treatment for ingrown toenails it is also very important to know what ingrown toenail is. So, let me make this very clear that an ingrown toenail is also known as unguis incarnatus or onychocryptosis.It is very painful condition of the toes and it used to take place when a sharp edge or corner of the toenail digs into the skin at the end of or side of the toe. Inflammation and pain at the spot where the toenail curls into the skin occurs and later on, the inflamed area can start to grow extra tissue or drain yellowish fluid. This is all about ingrown toenails. Now, let us have a look what can you do to treat ingrown toenails.Well, when it comes to treating ingrown toenails, there are several treatments available but trying the natural one is very important and effective. Natural treatments also do not have any side effects, so you can easily try them at home. So, look below to know what natural treatments are available to cure ingrown toenails:#1: Try a Foot Soak: I think you should first try soaking your foot in warm salt water. Yes, you can soak your sore toe in warm water bath for about 10 minutes every day. This will help you get relief from pain and inflammation you get due to ingrown toenails.#2: Keep Your Toes Dry: After you complete the above step, you need to completely soak the foot and keep your feet dry all the time.#3: Take Pain-Relieving Medication: You can also take over-the-counter pain relieving medications like ibuprofen and acetaminophen.#4: Pull The skin Away From the Toenails: You can then pull the skin away from the nail with the use of small nail filer or other blunt device that will not hurt or cut the toe.#5: Rub Your Toe With Antibiotic Ointment: You can also rub your toe with any antibiotic ointment to help reduce the chances of developing any infection.You can try all these ways to treat ingrown toenails with the best natural treatments that are mentioned-above. They are so easy to apply, so do not skip any treatment. If you have a little bit time in your daily life and way to fix ingrown toenails at home only the just for these treatments.

I THINK I have an ingrown fingernail?

I'm not 100% sure, I've never had one before. My finger is pretty swollen, sore, and kind of hard. Whenever I pour peroxide on it, it bubbles for a few seconds and stops. I also have some skin that's green. I've never had a nail fungus, and it just showed up today. Any ideas, solutions? Thanks!

Does ingrown toenail surgery hurt?

hey i just had my ingrown toenail surgery 2 hours ago. What im about to tell you i hope that it helps u. I was so nervous about getting this surgery i was scared of the pain that i was going to have to go thru with the shots but let me tell u the doctor now only does it twice in each toe but they apply this cold liquid that numbs on the spot but when it it runs off of ur toe its back to normal but the doctor poors it on while putting the shot in and u fill just a little pinch. Ive heard so many ppl say it hurts like heck trust me it doesnt i was so nervous but im so glad i got it done i know u can do it. Dont worry its better when u get rid of that ingrown toenail and it doesnt hurt and dont wait get it done fast its a huge relief. Good Luck

I cut my toenail too short and i have a ingrown nail that wont come out what should i do?

This always happens to me, and I swear by this, cut a small triangle in the tip of the nail. The nail will grow inward to try to fill the gap. works overnight!