I Have Depression And Anxiety Is My Life Ruined

How do depression and anxiety ruin your life, work, and love?

Any disorder is a disorder when it affects your social personal and occupational functioning. When you are not at mentally peace level your work life will get hamper. Your concentration will impair, you won't have motivation and will to initiate anything. You will be down sad on mood.. When you will lack proper diet sleep etc you are bound to suffer at all aspects.You can follow my page on Facebook juhi parashar psychotherapist for mental health issues

Depression has ruined my life. How do I turn it around?

I remember the time I met a very powerful preacher in India at his residence. I went up to him and I wept bitterly. I wept because I was depressed and sad about life. I was really sad and upset because of all that I was going through. To my surprise - the preacher suggested for us to go for a movie. I was like “what?”. And before I knew it - I went with him to watch a movie, and then after that we went to eat ice-cream. And after that went for walking around and talking. And then end of the day - he dropped me back home. And since it was late - he asked me to come and meet the following day after prayers and worship.I very happily went to meet him the following day. He looked at me smiling from ear to ear. As I walked towards him, I gave a super big hug because I was so happy. He too was happy and then he asked me to sit down. As we sat down and spoke, he told me this. (and I am paraphrasing)“Son, I want you to know that the day we spent together, I truly enjoyed it immensely. You were the most wonderful friend I could spend time with. But I want you to know, I have to go. And tomorrow when I go, I don’t want you to go back to that lonely place where you came from. There is always a world out there where you can enjoy, have fun, be happy. Life is more than just being sad and feeling sad. But no one can make you happy, until you choose and decide to be happy. So the next time you feel sad, and no one is around, I want you to remember what we did together. We did everything that was fun, exciting and joyful. And we did it because we choose to make it happen. So the next time, you feel depressed - make it a choice - A choice not to be depressed. But a choice to be happy.”Loy Machedo

My anxiety/ depression is ruining my life but I don't know how to get help...?

What the first answer said was true. I feel you, I have been thru hell major the last 10 years and feel exactly the way you do. I went thru a horrible divorce and before that was through, I was hurt on the job, leaving me permanently disabled, there went my college education. So that's all I have done to, watch tv and my life basically a vegetative state with no hope. When I was hurt on the job, I lost my insurance and had no income with 2 boys at home to raise. Things got darker, but what I want to say is, there is help in the community if you look. I found the county hospital, which treats people mental health wise who are even homeless. The city has a pharmacy that charges $10.00 for a 3 month prescription. The county, when I applied, even has a program that will pay for health care. I would start by making calls, call places like the welfare office, human services, etc. Getting medical help and the proper meds will help you start to get on your feet. Hang in there, being in the darkness sucks, I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, I think you will too. Keep calling and asking questions, there is help out there. God bless.

Anxiety ruining my life?

Well my advice to you is to spend the time trying to deal with your anxiety disorder. Most anxiety disorders are centred on something. It can be based on a sense of a loss of control. Or based on a phobia. Or social situations. The point is that there are lots of techniques out there with proven effectiveness. Psychoanalysis, behavioral therapy, even medication can help.

Worrying about how you're going to fit the job around your anxiety suggests that you're not really ready yet for that. Your anxiety seems to be the all-consuming factor that you're trying to fit your life around. And if that's the case, you'll never deal with the anxiety. You'll merely try to fit everything else around it and still suffer.

So my suggestion is who cares about jobs, college, money? They will still be there in 6 months. Or a year. What you need to do is take time for yourself. Your friends, boyfriend, and family will support you.

Anxiety ruining my life..?

i know exactly how you feel.
first of all, you might feel hopeless now but you should know that you can feel happy and you will be better. this is not permanent.

there are a few things that i have tried that have worked for me. seeing a psychologist was probably one of the best things as she taught be techniques to deal with my anxiety and helped figure out what was causing it.

one technique she taught me was to allocate a time for my worries. carry a little notebook and every time you have one of those irrational thoughts, or get scared by something write it down and then save it for later. set aside a time every day to go through the list. make it short, only about 10 minutes.
if you need to cry about your fears, do it then. if you need to talk to someone and vent about something that has scared you, do it then.
the idea behind this technique is to teach you to recognise your anxious thoughts, acknowledge them but then move past them rather than dwell on them as someone with anxiety might.

Mindfulness breathing exercises are another good one. They help you relax both your body and your mind and if you have trouble getting to sleep then they are great to do before bed. if you cant do them by yourself there are audio segments online that you can play and follow the instructions.

another important thing is to keep trying and have honest communication with people you trust. if you're scared to go out, do it anyway, but do it with someone who can support you.
cbt (cognative behavioral therapy) is basically where you gradually expose yourself to the things that scare you in a way that you feel safe until eventually the anxious response is "unlearned". it might be simple things like going to the shops or calling people you dont know on the phone. do what you can and each time just go a little further.

there are of course medications that can help. you would need to see your doctor and discuss options. i got mine right on the first prescription, some people go through a little trial and error to find the right one.

good luck.

Anxiety is ruining my life?

Im a junior in college and anxiety is ruining my life. I'm constantly stressing and living in a shell of fear. Can't drive, can't talk to girls, stress way too much about my grades etc. I have a 3.5 gpa and am a very hardworking student. In one of my classes, on the first two quizzes out of 12 I have only gotten a 80 on them. This makes me feel like a idiot and a loser since I spent so much time studying. My only responsibility is school, and I can barely deal with that. How am I gong to be able to handle a family without going overboard. I want to be a normal 20 year old. Talk to girls, be excited about the future, have fun with friends and enjoy the weekends. I just cant. Im so sick of living like this. It seems like everything ends in anxiety and stress. I don't see how my life can ever be good with this anxiety. Im a good looking guy and a lot of people like me. Thats why I dont get it. I have no reason to be so afraid and nervous all the time. what should i do?