I Keep Messing Up Words

I keep messing up numbers and words help?

Yes dyslexia is something your born with, and it is also a hereditary disorder. However some people have no family history of dyslexia or other LD.

Have you always had problems with handwriting and maths, what is your spelling like?

Dyslexia causes difficulty with reading, writing, spelling, maths, memory, sequencing skills, omitting words and difficulty pronouncing words, especially unfamiliar words, and confusion between left & right and difficulty reading maps, reversal of letters, p, q, b, d, m, w, and some numbers, transposing of words such as was to saw, including comprehension of what they have read or heard (spoken language).

Or some people may only have one area of difficulty such as; Dyscalculia can have trouble grasping math concepts, struggling to do multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, fractions, formulas, confuses math symbols and remembering times tables. Numbers can be reversed or transposed 519 might look like 915 or 17 looks like 71, 9 & 3 might look like an 8 etc, and difficulty learning to read the analogue clock.

Dysgraphia, is where the persons hand writing is very messy, words can be a mix of capitol and lower case letters, words can be squashed together or to widely spaced, spelling difficulty and some letters such as b, d, p, q, m, w etc are reversed, sentences can trail up or down the page if there is no lines to write on.

Both my daughter and I are dyslexic we also have ADHD & Irlens.

How can i keep from messing up in math?

Everyone has that same problem sometime in their life. In fact, that was the only reason I lost marks in Grade 8. You should go back and chek your work if you have time. It may seem boring, but I've actually managed to spot a few mistakes I would have made otherwise. What your mom meant was that if you're teaching somebody, you're less likely to make mistakes because you don't want the student to get it wrong. I know what she means because I do it to myself all the time. Even now, I'm talking to myself....
Also, you could check your answer by seeing if the answer actually works in the equation. If it doesn't, go back and see what you did wrong.

Why do I keep messing up my words whenever I write?

Throughout this week, I've been having trouble writing on a device, on a computer or on paper. I would keep messing up my sentences.
I really the time when I did playing hockey. (When I I mean to write)
I remember the time when I played hockey.

Why do I keep messing up like that? My head doesn't hurt. I've been having somewhat of some good sleep. 7:30pm-4:30am. Because of work. Throughout the day, I haven't been feeling tired. I have been stressed little. What is this? Am I thinking to quickly before I type or write?

I keep tripping on my words all the time. How do I start speaking better?

I have a similar issue, when I experience anxiety I have a terrible stutter so though I'm not qualified my experience might help:- Speak slowly. It may feel odd at first, but once you get used to speaking deliberately and with purpose you may find that you trip up your words less since you are making more of an effort to pronounce them. You don't need to be in such a rush to speak, anyone with an interest in what you have to say (or just general politeness for that matter) will not lose interest just because you exceed a certain time limit. - Think about what you want to say When you have a vague idea in your head of the response you want to make, but not how you want to say it, this will manifest itself by making you unsure of yourself. You don't need to go over every word, just take a moment to collect your thoughts. You can buy yourself time to answer by taking a sip of a drink, or a deep breath. - Stuttering and tripping over your words is often a symptom of a lack of confidence.  That one isn't so easily managed, but if someone asks you a question you can generally be assured that they want to receive your answer. When someone takes the time to talk to you they usually value your opinions.- Tongue twisted and mouth exercises Start your day with a series of tongue twisters, the more difficult and varied. Over pronounce them, move your mouth as much as possible. If you can get through these then in time your mouth should be able to form the more natural shapes of your every day vocabulary. If this is an issue that persists or interferes with your life it could be beneficial to see a speech therapist, assuming that is accessible to you.

Math word problem. really easy but i keep messing it up ? help ?

There were 1000 more students at the soccer game than nonstudents. Student tickets
were $8.50 and nonstudent tickets were $13.25. If the total revenue for the game was
$75,925, then how many tickets of each type were sold? Be sure to use a system of two
linear equations in two variables and to check your final answer in both equations.

So I have this math problem and I keep messing up on it mainly because it is a word problem?

So I have this math problem and i keep messing up on it mainly because it is a word problem so here it is: The Warrior baseball team is selling hats as a fund-raiser. They contacted two companies. Hats Off charges a $50 design fee and $5 per hat. Top Stuff charges a $25 design fee and $6 per hat. For how many hats will the cost be the same? What is that cost?

My words keep getting jumbled up when I speak?

Okay, so here's what happens... There is an area of your brain that deals with semantic concepts (i.e, meanings and ideas). When you plan speech (mostly unconsciously), these semantic concepts then activate lexemes (essentially concepts that you have words for), then morphological encoding occurs (changing the 'word' in any ways you need to communicate meaning/grammar). Next, your brain figures out phonetic encoding (the actual sounds of the words), and then you come up with a gestural score (what you need to actually do with your mouth to form the words). And voila, speech! And all of this mostly happens without you ever being aware of it!!

What appears to be happening in your particular case is that many semantic concepts (meanings) are being activated, and your brain selects the wrong one. Numbers and names are both kinds of demographic-type info about people. It's normal for a "spreading" activation to occur, which means that words that are somehow similar or related to the word you're actually looking for can also get activated. In this case, both words also begin with 'n.' So, both of these words can get activated at the semantic level (since they are used in similar situations), and can then both be activated again on the phonetic level (because they also share a sound), which increases the chance that your brain might select this incorrect word.

The cause for this happening can be partly social. If you are under any kind of (social) pressure, your brain might be trying to do these things quicker than normal, or while also trying to deal with a lot of other thoughts, which reduces the amount of 'brain power' that can be dedicated to this one task of speaking. However, there are a number of brain disorders that can cause this kind of thing to happen as well. But unless this is a really constant, pronounced thing for you, I wouldn't worry about it - it's a completely normal byproduct of how your brain works. ^_^

The only thing you can do is to try and think more slowly and deliberately about what you want to say, but in the end that might not be worth the trouble. Orrrr, next time it happens and you're embarrassed, you can just impress your friends with the super interesting knowledge of why that happens. :P

Sometimes when I'm talking to people, I mix up my words and don't make sense because I'm thinking about everything I'm saying. I end up sounding dumb. How can I correct this and does this happen to other people?

You hit my cord as I am exactly like you. But I wasn’t like that. Every day I try to seek the answer to why I became like this and what is the solution? After a lot of pondering and introspection, I came to one conclusion. THIS IS A CYCLE. Ok, let me explain what does I mean by cycle.There was a time when I used to be very confident in speaking on any topic and can present myself with my views in front of anyone, putting aside the thinking how that person is taking my words. Whenever I wanted to say anything I just said it with full confidence. In conversation with friends, I used to forcibly putting my points and sometimes let that friend bogged down with louder speaking who is arguing on my points. Well, that worked and always works because all in conversation don’t like to go into an argument as they are sober enough to listen to others. However, there are smart guys too who can win the argument if they wish, but they choose to keep silent as they know that at the end I will sound dumb.Anyway, it did not take me more time to realise that everyone thinks that I am just confident blabber guy who tells anything to prove himself right. Because people started not reacting to my talk and they took all my spoken words as wrong even though I was right in many instances.This realisation changed me as a person who does not speak now at all. If I am in sitting with other people, I am the last guy to speak. I lose the confidence because now every time I think too much before speak.Now my situation is just opposite with a lot of apprehension in speaking. I want to change now but I fear that the cycle will repeat and I will again become a person of mockery. I don’t want to be insulted in this growing age thus I chose to keep silent.But I know the solution is to be balanced in speaking. Now I started observing those people who are always lovable due to their conversation skill. Hope I will learn some tips and will be rightly confident again.

How can I fill out a form in Word without messing up the formatting?

I am trying to fill out some information on a form I was sent via word. I can insert the information to keep from messing up the overall format, but I can not write "on top" of the line that is provided. I have tried to insert with an underline, but the lines do not match up. Im going crazy!!!! Can you help?