I Need Help / Someone

I need help can someone help me?

If you wanted to find out who won the World Series in 2006, of the sources listed below, which is the best choice to use?

a. a subject encyclopedia
b. an almanac
c. a directory
d. a general encyclopedia

is someone from Shiraz(Iran)? I need a help

You will be fine, I just gave you some examples of illegal things and acts in Iran which may make trouble for you, just avoid them:Do not bring any alcoholic beverages with yourself.Do not try to share political and religious opinion, as if you say something that the government does not like, you will get into a big problem.Just keep in mind, in Iran every kind of relationships with other gender out of marriage is ILLEGAL. Even do not tell any official if you have any girlfriend or boyfriend. LGBT is also not acceptable and illegal in Iran.Kissing in public (kissing lips of someone) is not socially acceptable in Iran. \U0001f610Do not tell any official if your religion is something different than these only four legal religions in Iran: Islam, Christianity, Judaism and Zoroastrianism

I need helP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone please?

logx = 3.71
10^logx = 10^3.71 <-- To get rid of log we use the 10^
x = 10^3.71
x = 5128.61

How do I tell someone that I need help and I am not okay?

Congratulations, you just did it!Or is it not for us? Who would you want help from? Your loved ones? Friends, family, your romantic partner? It really depends who you want feedbacks from. Since this question is quite general, I could only suggest you begin a conversation with this phrase:“Hey, I have something to say. Could you listen a for a few minutes?”.Simple as that. Those who love you, will listen to your problems. Hope you will feel better than okay soon.

I need advice...Someone please help...?

I have a crush on my friend and I don’t know what to do. Every girl in the school has a crush on him because he’s strong and tall and whatever but with me it’s not like that. He’s been there for me through thick and thin. He’s helped me through trauma and my ex leaving me after bad things happened to me. I don’t know what to do because if I never tell him how I feel then I will regret it. But if I tell him how I feel he’ll think I only like the idea of him just like everyone else. He’s been there to support me and that’s probably why I like him. I’m stuck, really stuck.

I need help someone keeps messing with my car?

They are not stealing anything? No stereo ripped off?

At first I thought that you were dealing with just plain old vandalism, but now I doubt it.

Your truck is the one being hurt.
Your life is the one being affected.
You are a target.

Who did you p*ss off? Maybe you didn't even know that you did at the time, but, buddy, let's face facts. Someone has a serious problem with you, and they are taking it out on your vehicle.

Did you just break up with a girl-friend? Did you screw someone in a deal? Did you report some rowdy neighbors?

As for suggestions:
Do report this to the police. They may be undermanned and not able to do anything as you say, but possibly they can send a patrol through from time to time.

What do you think of setting a wireless webcam in the vehicle? Do you live close enough that the cam can transmit to your puter? If so set the thing to take one frame every 5 seconds or so and see if you can get a shot of the perpetrator.

An alarm is a good idea ONLY if you can hear it from your apartment. Otherwise it is just annoying. And it seems as if you annoyed someone already.

I need someone to talk to? Is there anyone who can listen and help?

You can go onto the website, which is a support community for people struggling with anything like loneliness, depression, anxiety, self-harm, drug addiction, etc. and looking for a social network of compassionate people who are familiar with the same kind of issues. You can log in as a guest or set up a free member account. Anonymity is strictly protected so you do not have to worry about anyone knowing your personal info. It’s a good way to connect with other people, through 1 to 1 chats with a support listener, support chatrooms, as well as other options such as threaded discussion forums, all of which serve as a safe outlet for you to vent your feelings and speak openly about what is on your mind. It might be worth your time to check out. The only reason I have been a member of the site for 6 months or so is that I have the same aching need to build connections with people whom I can chat with and who can listen to me as I am battling with severe depression and extreme loneliness. You are not alone.God bless.

I need advice on how to help someone, if possible?

I don’t know what to do necessarily. My friend is broken beyond all belief. They have nightmares, they can’t trust, they can’t feel, if you know what I mean. This person means so much to me and I don’t want to accidentally push them away. I’ve been helping however possible, mostly using common sense and understanding what they’re going through. They’re broken, scarred forever. I’m there for them but I need to know how to better help them. I’m doing what I can but I fear it’s not enough.

Animals and such not...i need someone to help me on Homework please?

Here are detailed answers to your questions.

1. Many scientists are convinced that birds evolved from the dinosaurs. Numerous finds in recent years have seemed to support the hypothesis that birds descended from two-legged, running dinosaurs called theropods.

2. keratin; A tough, insoluble protein substance that is the chief structural constituent of hair, nails, feathers, horns, and hooves.

3. The warm-blooded animals such as birds and mammals have a high metabolic rate and an efficient double-circuit circulation is a necessity for these species.The hearts of birds and mammals are Four chambered organs, in which blood flowing through pulmonary circulation is completely separated from that of systemic circulation, and vise versa. This allows for no mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood and, as a result, is much more efficient.

4.marsupials. They are the oldest infraclass of therian mammals. Their young are born very immature and cannot live without further development in the mother's pouch. The word marsupial comes from marsupium, the Latin word for purse. Marsupials include kangaroos, koalas, opossums, and many other similar animals. Most of them are native only to Australia and New Guinea.

5.The answer is Poikilothermic (They are not cold blooded)

6.Placental mammals are the group that includes humans and almost all other live-bearing mammals. so the answer to this qusetion is "always true"

7.Look at this link for the answer

I need help on chemistry homework! can someone help me?

1. What is the percent composition of each of the following?
a. HgS
b. Mn2P2O7

2. How many kilograms of iron can be recovered from 639 kilograms of the ore Fe2O3?

3. Write a empirical formula for I2O5.

4. Vitamin C has a gram formula mass (molar mass) of 176g. What is the molecular formula for ascorbic acid?

5. MnO2+4HCI --> MnCl2+Cl2+2H2O
Given 130.5g of MnO2, how many moles of HCI may react?

whichever can be answered would be great! thank you.