I Need Help With An Essay About The Odyssey

Odyssey essay..? help please!?

im writing an essay that proves Odysseus is a true epic hero.
i need help finding quotes, or parts in the story proving this, and/or any quotes/parts in the book showing his intelligence and physical strength.
any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

Help with essay on The Odyssey?

I need help with and essay for my eng class, its on the transformation of Odysseus in The Odyssey. Please help me

The epic poem of The Odysseus is a tale that has become more of a tradition to read for any reader than an assignment. It takes place after the brutal Trojan war. The main character Odysseus endures many obstacles that delay his voyage home however the challenges he faces help transform his character. Odysseus is best known for his intellect and persuasion , these characteristics can be seen in many examples through out the poem. However Homer gives Odysseus the trait of arrogance. The narcissism he faces is an opponent that he must battle within himself to complete his transformation. A prominent example that shows all of Odysseus's traits is when he faces the Cyclops. As soon as Odysseus’s men reach the land they see a cave full of sheep and crates of milk and cheese. The resident of the cave soon returns to find Odysseus and his men lingering in his home(Homer). The cyclops Polyphemus is the son of Poseidon, he is humble to the men at first but then turns hostile. He then puts a heavy boulder in front of the exit to trap Odysseus and his men(Homer). The notion that Odysseus would want to explore someones house when they are not present shows that the hero is self centered because he doesn't care how the cyclops would react while seeing the invasion of his cave. Odysseus then formulates a plan to escape Polyphemus and succeeds. This shows Odysseus intellect and him transforming as more cunning leader. As the men run to their ship Polyphemus chases them, but they escape. However Odysseus arrogance is seen again when he reveals his name to Polyphemus. In Carters example of the man who committed adultery the man chose to tell the truth when their is no risk to him. This can relate to Odysseus because he revealed his name to Polyphemus after he escaped and their was no risk. Using this example it is possible to see that Odysseus’s integrity is poisoned by his arrogance thus foiling his transformation.

I need help with a personal odyssey essay?

OK, so how about the lure of steroids to improve your ability (Sirens) that others embraced, you however did not, reflecting on the dangers and disasters such performance enhancers inflicted on others before.Or the lure of a girlfriend wanting to occupy your time instead of training (which would lead to disaster)
As for temptation and greed, the drugs could still be used here or perhaps being tempted to do something underhanded in order to win (greed) like stealing money to purchase a speed suit or other high tech gear, which you reject due to your high moral standards etc. Like Odysseus, you warn others not to perform these actions (like killing the sacred cattle) and when they do, nothing good comes of it, the big storm. Due to guilt by association you are caught up in the storm (kicked off the team) but survive even though your reputation is tainted, and you have to fight the good fight (beat whoever took your spot (the suiters), who may have set you up in the first place?) to vindicate yourself and prevail, reclaiming your spot on the team fair and square.

I need a hook for my essay on "the odyssey"?

I'm trying to get into Honors, so I need a really good hook.
The prompt is, "Is Odysseus a hero or not?"

"How do you define a hero" isn't good enough.

"What is a hero in your eyes? Do you think of someone soaring in the air in a cape? Do you think of someone with super-strength and laser vision?" That one was too generic.

Please, please. Help me. I'm trying so hard to come up with a good hook.

"The Odyssey"/Hero's Journey essay-need help with a thesis statement (I have an intro already).?

I need a good, 3-point thesis statement for my essay.
Freshman Adv.English.
The essay is about the connection of the hero's journey with "The Odyssey".

The concept that i'm choosing are

The Cyclops/Belly of the Whale

The Road of Trials/The Sirens: Scylla and Charybdis

The Crossing of the Return Threshold/Death at the Palace

Here's what I have so far:
As stated by Joseph Campbell, “a hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself”. Odysseus in the Homer’s story of The Odyssey would be categorized as a hero because he follows the basic steps of Joseph Campbell’s outline of The Hero’s Journey and uses his knowledge to make it back home to his faithful wife and his son, while also getting some others home safely.

If you think some thing's inaccurate, please feel free to let me know.

I need help writing an essay that's a spinoff from The Odyssey (HS)?'s the deal: I need to write an essay for my English class (duh) having to do with the Odyssey ( by Homer). The assignment is to write an adventure for Odysseus that would blend in with Homer's stories, having a description of the setting, an external conflict, and a resolution. I think i am trying to hard and I can't think of ANYTHING! Please sympathize and give me some ideas!! It should be's high school...Thanx!

I need a creative essay title for 'The Odyssey' please help me out?

"The Odyssey: A Story of Survival and Moral Dilemmas"
The Odyssey: An Adventure Story of Epic Proportions"

Good luck!

How do I write this essay on the Odyssey?

Do you mean Odysseus? Famed for his courage, intelligence, and leadership, Oysseus (Roman name: Ulysses) was one of the great Pan-Hellenic heroes of Greek Mythology. His resourcefulness and oratory skills were instrumental in the Greek victory in the Trojan War and following the conflict, he was the protagonist in many fantastic adventures on his long voyage back home to Ithaka (or Ithaca).In Greek mythology, Odysseus was the son of Laertes and Antikleia (or Anticlea) and the King of Ithaca, leader of the Kephallenians. Married to Penelope, he also had a son, Telemachos (or Telemachus). The hero was also fortunate enough to regularly receive the special aid and protection of the goddess Athena. Hesiode describes Odysseus as “patient-minded”, and Homer most often describes him as “godlike”, also as “Zeus’ equal in his mind’s resource” and a truly great speaker, whose persuasive words “flocked down like snowflakes in winter”. However, the hero was not just a thinker but also a warrior, and his courage and fighting prowess are referenced in the Homeric epithet “sacker of cities”. Homer also states that the name Odysseus means “victim of enmity”, no doubt in reference to the ill-feeling which Poseidon directed against the hero.

I need help for a hook sentance for the Odyssey?

Im writing a paper on the odyssey and i need a hook sentance. The paper is about odysseus and how he worked for what he wanted and the difficult choices he makes. What would be a good hook sentance?

I need a thesis statement for my english essay on the Odyssey. HELP!!!?

Homer's Odyssey is an ancient Greek epic poem. The main character, Odysseus goes to fight in a war and then must return home with Poseidon acting to keep him from reaching Ithaca. Santiago, from Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist,is a boy who followed his heart to find treasure, and more importantly, true love and and an understanding of life. These characters – and others like them - always possess three characteristics that work together and make up the heroic foundation on top of which the rest of the character's personality is built on and there fore affected by.