I Need Somebody To Skype About Vladmir Lenin For A Project.

I need some info on Vladmir Lenin?

difficult to say anything decent about that creature

born poor, active revolutionnary, forced to emigrate. Became a german agent and was sent back to russia (WW1) in order to disorganize the country. He failed in his treason and escaped to Finnland.

Came back once the Tsar was deposed and made more trouble for his ex-allies (constitutionalists) pulled off the so-called 'revolution" by promising freedom to the minorities (especially Latvian troops who were based in StPetersburg). Had the tsar and his whole family murdered,then organised the mass murder of every opponent- real or imagined- as well as their families.
He smashed the Russian economy by trying to institute hand steering at every level. Never kept a promise and immediately after he got all the power he began to rebuild the Empire- among others by waging war on Poland. Completely useless as a military leader- even having a 10 to 1 advantage in forces he managed to lose the war with Poland.

His end is fitting- he got a stroke and was sidelined by Stalin and completely isolated from power. he died a very poor and bitter man- but still this was a better fate than what he gave to hundreds of milions of his countrymen

I need to interview somebody for a project!?

I like soccer, i get straight B+ and i go to christian church with friend.

I will anwser this again but not now... in a bit

The Man

How did Vladmir Lenin come to power?

Lenin had been living in London and had read Marx. The Russian military had generally been responsible for the harvest but with the war dragging on was unable to meet that demand. A great many people felt that the Czar was out of touch with the people and were unhappy with the war and his aloofness. The Germans were being bled dry with their efforts to fight a two front war. A plan was hatched to allow Lenin to pass through the lines of battle so that he could then rally the people into revolt against the Czar. Sewing the seeds of revolt would allow a distraction and the Germans could then move their forces from east to west. The plan also included the use of unrestricted submarine warfare -- sufficiently cutting off both England and France from the war materiel being shipped in from the United States. The gamble then, was in knowing that such a maneuver would ultimately drag the U.S. into the war. The Germans were banking on the U.S. effort being a case of too little, too late. The intention was to drive the allies into the sea so they could then either pursue peace or attack Russia with full force and bring the war to an abrupt end.
Lenin crossed over into Russia and was able to fan the flames of revolt among a people who were hungy and tired. He preached a message of hope via land and wealth redistribution. Many bought into his dream and many died.

I need somebody to interview for a school project...?

Hello world of the internet!
I have a school project I have to do for my Computer Technology class, and I am wondering if there is anybody who is willing to be interviewed?
It's a project on computer/television/video game addiction. You do NOT have to be addicted to answer these questions for me.

I would really appreciate it if you helped!

All you have to do is fill in this template:

Your Name: (this is not your real name unless you want it to be. it can simply be your Yahoo answers name)
Country: (I am NOT a stalker. but you do not need to fill this if you are uncomfortable)

What problems do you face whilst on the computer/video game console/television?
[answer here]
Do you have any other pastimes besides computer/video game console/television?
[answer here]
Do you think that you spend too much time on the computer/video game console/television?
[answer here]
Would you change your current lifestyle to make a healthier body?
[answer here]
What is your record time spent on computer/video game console/television?
[answer here]
Do you like spending this much time? Can you help it?
[answer here]
Just for kicks, what’s your favorite game/channel/thing to do on computer/video game console/television?
[answer here]

Thanks for taking your time to answer these questions!

I need a catchy title for my history project.?

I Titled my twenty page research paper on the foundations of Roman society Blood and Ashes. what is your project on specifically, just Rome. If you talk a lot about the republic you can use SPQR (senatus populusque Romanus, the people and senate of Rome) in some way. antiquitas propositum Romanus, Latin, translates to Roman history project.

I need some help. does anyone know who Vladmir Lenin is?????

Lenin, originally named Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov, was born in Simbirsk on April 22, 1870, the son of a successful government official. The first breach in Lenin's comfortable childhood came in 1887, when the police arrested and hanged his elder brother for plotting to assassinate Tsar Alexander III. Later that year Lenin enrolled in the Kazan'= University (now Kazan State University), but he was quickly expelled as a radical troublemaker and exiled to his grandfather's estate in the village of Kokushkino.

Vladimir Lenin Lenin gained political stature through his writings and then as head of the Bolshevik party. He led the 1917 Bolshevik takeover of the provisional government, which had governed Russia since the fall of tsarist rule a few months earlier. After becoming dictator, Lenin set a slow course towards socialism, waiting until domestic and foreign conflicts were resolved before initiating most of his revolutionary economic policies.
During this first exile (1887-1888) Lenin became acquainted with the classics of European revolutionary thought, notably Karl Marx's Das Kapital, and he soon considered himself a Marxist. Finally granted the necessary permission, he passed his law examinations in 1891, was admitted to the bar, and worked as a lawyer for the poor in the Volga town of Samara before moving to St Petersburg in 1893.

Can someone please answer these questions on Vladmir Lenin for me?

1) Lenin came to power in a coup led by his Party, the Bolsheviks: the October Revolution. This was consolidated by the shutting of the democratically elected Constituent Assembly in November 1917.

2i) After a period of oppression - the Red Terror lasting a few weeks where many atrocities occurred people were generally treated better, especially if you were a worker.

2ii) The Civil War which started after the Bolshevik take over led to the policy of War Communism, which was basically stealing the peasant's grain for food for the cities.

2iii) However this didn't last forever, and the New Economic Policy which came in in 1921 gave economic freedom to small businesses and the peasants.

3) In some ways he made the country weaker - agriculture wouldn't recover from War Communism for many years. But he improved industrial production and laid the foundations for the rapid industrialisation that followed under Stalin.

Would Karl Marx, Vladmir Lenin, and Joseph Stalin all be very proud of Barack Hussein 0bama?

No. They would see him for who he is. The LEADER of the free world and Democracy and show him the respect the President deserves. They may however see the Republicans for who they are and would wait, hoping they'd gain power, so they could take advantage of their uselessness.

Info On Lenin and the Bolsheviks?

What was Lenin's role in the Russian Revolution?

I can give you my personal opinion. I cannot give any "concrete" or "iron" proofs to support it. But I am sure that without Lenin the October coup would had not taken place in Russia in 1917. And the whole civilization history would be different.Probably we had not have the WWII. I am sure that without the USSR Hitler would not get the power. I do not mean that the USSR helped him to get the power. I just mean that without the USSR example the people in Germany and many other countries in Europe would not got infected by the communist ideas.Without Lenin we had not have a lot of so called socialst (actually totalitaristic) regimes all over the Earth.Millions of those people that had been killed by the communist ideas would be alive and could do a lot of good things to the world.That bastard Lenin was very resolute and persevering. We know that even his closest friends hesitated and did not believe in success. He could persuade them. Without him they were just a herd of frightened sheeps. All those who had been cosidered to be very influential leaders of the Bolsheviks (Bukharin, Zinoviev, Rykov) turned out to be the cowards. When other smaller leaders of the Bolsheviks saw that their leaders were cowards they began to promote themselves. In this way we got Stalin, Trotsky and other bastards.So the Lenin's role had been decisive.