I Need To Make A Very Important Decision In Leage Of Legends

League of Legends basics?

As stated, the best thing to do is to not start jungle, learn a bit how YOU play. Are you an aggressive dps? Do you want to tank and take all the godly amount of damage? Do you like to heal and support? After you decide on what role you enjoy, pick a champion that suits that role. I personally love to do everything, supporting with champions like Blitzcrank, and carrying with champions like Twisted Fate.
Bot games are your friend in when you're just starting out, sure they are pretty easy, but it builds speed in decision making for skills and item choices, and if a bot starts to whoop you ***, then you should learn to change tactics. After you feel comfortable with bot games move onto regular matches, always make sure you have the time to play, no one lies people leaving on short notice. From personal experience I invested in tunes after I hit level 30, sure they can help, but the most useful ones come last. You can always look up builds to play on I still to this day look at item suggestions to use for new build ideas. The key thing about League is you need to be having fun, if you get mad you'll do worse, and just drag your team down.

League of Legends Tips?

league is a very difficult game to master, mainly because the information to learn isn't online, but in the game. I could tell you advice, but its all circumstantial, as league is about accepting hundreds of different pieces of information and making split second decisions based off instinct. The greatest advice i can give you is actually the mind set.
1. if your going to play league you will have to accept the community. League has a horrible community and the second you make a mistake people will jump on you and scapegoat you, especially in lower elo, not so much in higher elo.
2. every game you play never blame other people for your mistakes, what i mean by this is you need to look at every game you play and critique yourself. You need to think and say, well i could have warded, or i could have bought quick silver sash to negate the fiora ult. There is a reason people play this game for years and never improve, and its because they blame others for their mistakes and dont look at how they can improve. * my team fed, * my trash jungler didnt gank, * i had a trash support.
But some good champs for your elo are mundo or udyr.

good luck