I Think I Might Of Accidentally Inhaled A Small Piece Of Boiled Egg

Is it OK to eat a small piece of egg shell accidentally?

sure.the chicken doesnt mind

I accidentally inhaled some olive oil smoke and ate the prepared food. How bad is it really?

I’m guessing you read a sensationalist article like this: Cooking with vegetable oils releases toxic cancer-causing chemicals, say expertsI’ll have to do more research on this, but my assumption is that these studies were performed with a different context in mind than the home kitchen. Here’s a study that looked at how stable olive oil is when used for deep frying: Olive oil stability under deep-frying conditions.As you can see, they took measurements every 3 hours and ran the fryer for 27 hours. My guess is that they’re looking into the hazards industrial kitchens pose on workers who stand frying food for 8 -12 hours a day, inhaling smoke the entire time and being exposed to tiny levels of aldehydes every day. The exposure over a long period of time is what is worrisome. The industrial worker is the population at risk, not the egg fryer at home making breakfast.In all honesty, if you were offered a cigarette, took a tiny drag, coughed and vowed never to try smoking again, you would be exposed to more reactive compounds than the inhalation you received cooking with olive oil. Most people who smoked once or twice don’t end up with lung cancer and don’t have lasting effects. In addition, most people who cook with olive oil do not have health problems associated with their cooking habits. You should be okay and there should not be any lasting damage to your body.

I think I might of accidentally inhaled a small piece of boiled egg?

What should I do? Should I go to the hospital? I was peeling the shell of a boiled egg when I could of sworn I felt a piece of egg in my right nostril and when I went to blow my nose I couldn't see any piece of egg come out in the Kleenex. It felt like a small piece of egg, like half a centimeter in diameter. It's been about ten minutes since it happened and I can breathe fine. Will I be okay?

Accidental inhalation of crisco butter cooking spray?

i was cooking grilled cheese today and used crisco butter cooking spray i sprayed the can at the pan then turned the heat on while i was cooking i started to smell vapor fumes and freaked out because i was breathing it in the whole time while cooking.I am wondering could breathing to much of the spray in cause serious harm?

What are the immediate symptoms of accidentally inhaling burnt clear plastic fumes?

Dizziness, irritated sinuses. Can lead to nausea. If any of these symptoms start it’s your bodies warning that you are getting poisoned and should step outside into fresh air. All plastic cobustion releases toxic compounds such as carbon minoxide, and cyanide to name a few deadly compounds. If your job involves work around hot plastics your employer must have proper safety ventelation and personal protection equipment.

How can I tell if I inhaled a piece of food?

Anything you inhale means it will travel through your vocal cords and into your respiratory tract. The first thing you will do is cough because your body wants to get rid of particles going in your lungs. So if you inhaled cheese there is a big chance  you would be on the floor coughing violently and probably in hospital if you swallowed the cheese you would have had the time to post this question and think you inhaled it when in fact you swallowed it which means it will be digested in a few hours and would have left your body for good in a day or so.

What will happen if you accidentally drink water with mosquito eggs?

This is interesting.There used to be a huge urn by the sides of most very rural dwellings in a country in South East Asia. Each will have a dipper, usually, a half coconut shell with a long wooden handle. Every passer-by is allowed to dip the dipper and fetch himself a gulp of cool water. Some people in our North also have the same courtesy.You can drink from it, flotsam and all, and when you are very thirsty, be grateful. Mosquito eggs? No problem, a few extra microgram of protein, I guess.Here is this thing, we were on a jungle tracking, we had to climb up a hill, each of us had a huge canteen of water at our side (at the start). Most of us had been sparing with our water, but this one guy was pouring water over his head to cool himself down.We have water purifying tablets with us, and as we were crossing a stream, this guy gleefully scoop up his canteen of water and threw in a couple of the tablets, after shaking it for a few minutes, as we continue our track up by the stream, he took a sip of the water, and said it was so tasty, then we round a curve, and there was a cow/buffalo sprawled over the stream, enjoying the cool water. We have to help the guy walk up the rest of the hill.Near the top of the hill, was a dwelling, with piped water. The rest of us filled our canteen and drank the water without the “tasty” purifying tablets. Malaysian piped water is clean. ( A bit of Chlorine.) we helped the idiot rinse his canteen and refilled it, we threw in a couple of tabs just in case.Nobody got sick. But his face was a bit pale as we march down the side of the hill.The sight of a crowded beach was so wonderful. And when the ice cream man came by, we mobbed him, and finished up his “little” ice cream box.Now that was one happy ice cream man. His usual mob would be little boys with not much money. Here we were about our 20s to 30s. He even sold off his pack of cigarettes.

If I swallow a boiled egg without chewing, will it be digested?

QuestionIf I swallow a boiled egg without chewing, will it be digested?I wont try swallowing one. But I am curious whether the acid is good enough to digest the whole egg? Is my food ventricles are strong enough to squeeze the egg down ?Answer:My first thought, before I saw the “I won’t try to swallow one”, was “if it doesn’t kill you, you will digest it.” I see that others got there before me.Do you really not have time to chew a boiled egg. Maybe you oughta think about slowing down a little, Bud.“Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” (Ferris Bueller).9