I Think My Hamster Is Pregnant What Do I Do And How Can I Tell

How do you tell if your hamster is pregnant?

the stomach area will become very visible in the last 2 days of her pregnancy. Probably your hamster is just acting normal since she is still new to her new cage :) But if she is pregnant then: When the female hamster gives birth, it is very important not to touch the nest or babies and avoid cleaning the cage for the first 3 weeks or else the female hamster could panic and kill the hamster babies. If it is really necessary to 'clean' a cage area while the mother hamster is nursing her babies, you should only use a small piece of tissue to 'clean' the cage but avoid touching the nest area. Provide additional bread soaked in milk in a small food bowl for the mother hamster and babies as this will provided extra protein for these hamsters. The babies can be separated from the mother hamster when they are 4 weeks old as they become sexually mature.

How Do You Tell If Your Hamster Is Pregnant?

Babies are hit puberty at 4 weeks- YES, it's possible you'll have more babies on the way.

You should have sperated the male ham's from the females 2 weeks ago. She's almost certainly pregnant, and chances are, so are some of the other girls. Hamsters mate every 4 days until a pregnancy occures. Let's say there's 6 boys, and 4 baby girls, plus mom. If each of 5 get pregnant, you're looking at about a week until a litter of anywhere from 10-50 babies are going to be born.

Seperate the males from the females today. If they are syrians (also known as Golden or Teddy bear hamsters), they need to ALL be seperated. Syrians are solitary hamsters, and keeping them together much longer will create bloody results. Literally.

If they are dwarves, seperate them into around 4 cages- half the boys in 1, half the boys in another, half the girls in 1, and half the girls in another.

You'll know in a week's time whether or not you'll wind up with more babies.

If you can't handle the babies you have now, and don't think you can handle LOTS of babies soon, take them into the pet shop you got the mom from, and ask if they will buy them from you. Some will, some won't. That could help you get rid of some of the 11 babies.

In the mean time, clean the mom's cage VERY thouroughly now, and then put in some healthy snacks, such as cucumber slices.

You probably didn't realize at the time just what was involved, but you probably should have thouroughly researched babies when you first discovered the new pups. This would have helped you to avoid this problem.

As the babies won't breed until they are 4 weeks old, I'm estimating a birth time of next week, based on about 2 1/2 weeks to 3 weeks gestation periods.

Below is a site on how to sex a baby hamster, both syrian & dwarf. I would really recommend getting rid of some of them, though, as 11 are a lot for someone who only wanted 1 to begin with, and not counting the babies you are going to have sometime in the next week.

How can I tell if my hamster is pregnant ? I don't even know for sure what breed she is ! ?

My aunt took my little cousin to Petsmart a week ago today and he picked out what were said to be two female hamsters, and the breed wasn't specified because a four year old picked them out I guess. Anyway, at first she was a little timid and then she began to get more friendly. Well, about 3 days ago she started hoarding massive amounts of food in the corner of her cage and she won't let anyone in the cage, she's starting to get sort of chubby but I didn't really think anything about it I just thought she was getting bigger since I don't know her breed. Now she's moving a lot less than ever and she won't let anyone touch her stomach of go new the corner of the cage without being bitten.

Is it possible that she's pregnant ? or is she just being moody ?? This is my first hamster the only other animal even remotely related to a hamster was a guinea pig and that isn't helping.

How do you tell if your dwarf hamster is pregnant ?

I have had two dwarf hamsters for about two and a a half weeks now and I'm pretty sure ones a boy and ones a girl but I'm not sure about how to tell if she is pregnant because you would think that if they were boy and girl they would be doing it right ? Only I never see them do it and they don't seemed to be hurt from fighting if they were they're perfectly happy healthy hamsters so how to tell if she is pregnant and will theydefinatley have sex if they're opposite sexes ? And what doyou do in a hamster pregnancy ?

Why didn't my pregnant hamster give birth?

Ok my hamster Daisy I think got pregnant on February 5th and after 16 days they are suppose to give birth right? Well her due date was February 21st. Well now it's past that and she hasn't given birth. She seems all healthy and everything but why hasn't she given birth? ( I don't think she ate them, she still looks pregnant though.) Please help me. Thank You

Didn't know my hamster was pregnant! what do i do?!!?

I bought a Russian Dwarf hamster from my local petstore. My mom was pretty sure it was a boy. Me and my boyfriend have had the hamster for less than a week. It was only this morning I wanted to get him (now her) out.. he crawled out of his bedding and started fixing it back the way it was before he got out. I thought this was strange considering he'd never done it before. I looked down in there to see if that was where he was hiding the food that he seemed to make disappear quickly, and I see little pink penut like things and their moving.. frantic I told my boyfriend to look in there.. who only expected to see a giant pile of food. Instead wittle babies!! I didnt touch them, the mother or the nest for fear that she might abandon/kill them. instead i left some food in the cage and left her be. I need some advice.. like when i can handle them ect.. please help!!
Kind of disappointed that "wayne" is not infact a boy. lol