I Want To Be Vegan But At The Same Time I Don

I don't want to be vegan anymore, what should i do?

I haven't touched meat, fish or eggs since I was 9 years old. I am 19 now, almost 20, but I am thinking about eating fish and eggs again. Let me explain my story first,

I started to become a vegan after my dad became one. I always did what my dad was doing, I wanted to follow him, don't know why though.

Now that I'm almost 20years I started to see how skinny I am now. I followed a diet to gain weight, it worked! I went from 49KG to 64KG. Then it slowly dropped, from 64 to 54kg. (My height is 1,64 / 1,65, don't know the exact height) Now don't get me wrong, I could easily gain weight, but the money is the issue... Buying cashewnuts or soy products is really expensive. Eating peanutbutter on my bread for so many years is annoying me now. Weightgainers, I don't trust those stuff.

But it is kind of hard to eat meat again. I think it was 3 weeks ago, I accidently ate something with chicken in it. When I saw the chicken I became ill. Everything tasted sour in my mouth and I wanted to puke everything out I ate.. (I have Hinduism as my religion, so cow and pork is something I won't ever eat, don't hate me for that decision)

Is meat really that important for a human? My mum would save a lot of money too if she doesn't have to buy all those vegetarian stuff anymore.

I know my body is pretty weak. It has been like this forever. Hoping that there really is someone out there with some good advice.


I want to go vegan, help?

So I'm 15 years old and I wanna go vegan. I don't eat meat much anyways and I want to stop eating it all together along with eggs, milk etc..

No one in my family is vegan and are strong meat lovers. What are easy meals and such I could make that are vegan? I can't go out to the grocery store and buy extravagant things, but I can make my dad buy me things when he goes grocery shopping, lol.

Also, what are the good and bad things about going vegan? I've read up on it, but I wanna hear how it changed your life personally. Thanks!

Don't want to be vegan anymore?

I've been vegan for 3 years. And this year (after 2 years) I started getting huge cravings for fish and chicken. I'm allergic to dairy and eggs. I eat very healthy food while vegan (some junk food) but I suddenly feel very deprived. I experimented with fish recently for the first time in sushi and really liked it and felt good after eating it. I'm mostly worried what people will say about it, I was a super vegan, I even experimented with 801010 for the entire first year, after that I ate more balanced and healthfully. Now I don't want to be vegan, I feel different morally and feel like I want to eat some meat.... What do you think? Have you stopped being vegan after a really long time?

I don't know if I want to be vegan anymore?

I've been mostly vegan for a few months now and I'm getting extremely frustrated. I originally became vegan to be healthier and for the animals. But recently its been getting harder and harder. I eat the same foods all the time and I don't know what else to eat half the damn time. My family has always eaten meat and it's hard being the only vegan/vegetarian in my household. Lately I've actually been craving meat for some reason, but I'm afraid to consume meat and dairy again because I don't want to gain a bunch of weight. If I do go back to eating I only want to eat it in moderation. And I've also had some slip ups where I'd eat something containing dairy.

I also feel like veganism won't help the animals at all. A lot of people won't suddenly stop eating meat or dairy, so I really don't see the point of being vegan anymore.

I honestly don't know what to do anymore. My biggest fear is gaining some weight back and I'm getting really frustrated with this!

I want to be vegan but I'm addicted to meat and dairy. What should I do?

Something I wrote in my diary when I first went vegan: Vegetarians “addicted” to cheese that wanna be vegan “but cheese” - oh my god groW U P this is real life you’re not a baby and you’re certainly not a baby cow stop stealing others’ shit they need to surVIVE seriously - besides like, it’s a type of food who cares just cry me a river ……… Build a bridge and get the fUck over it. !!! !! Which would've been good to hear as a vegetarian. On a more helpful note: I've seen people advice others on a very brilliant way to deal with anxiety: Treat it like a panicky friend needing comforting. I think that would really help with this scenario as well. When you crave a dairy or animal product, remind your addiction that it is a temporary state of mind, and talk to your addiction out of it. Remind yourself : why are you doing it? Focus on that. When I think about eating an animal product, I remind myself that said product is an outcome of suffering and enslavement. If I want ice cream, I remember that it is a stolen product from a grieving mother. Then remember all the other harm animal products signify: environmental, health, poverty to humans. With time I've had to snap myself back less and less! You will get used to it. If health isn't a concern, you could try vegan substitutes for the foods you crave. - so delicious vegan ice creams - Daiya vegan cheese - seitan or mock duck is so good!- rice milk, almond milk, soy milk, oat milk. Most vegan milks are super easy and cheap to make at home. Also much healthier than cows milk. A nice ice cream recipe: Freeze a banana overnight. The next day, put banana in a food processor with toppings of your choice like cocoa powder or vegan chocolate, vanilla extract, cinnamon, ground cloves, nutmeg!! Top with fruit. I would also suggest befriending fellow vegans (preferably near you) . With Meetup I've found lots of vegans in my city that I meet with and have potlucks with now and then! *** also !! * don't be too hard on yourself. We're all learning. If you make a mistake, learn from it and move on. Best of luck ! : )

I want to go vegan but I love sushi! What can I do?

I have multiple food allergies and cannot tolerate diary, egg, shellfish, citrus fruit, etc, so my diet is almost vegan. I am not a meat-lover so it should not be too difficult, except I really love fish especially salmon! I already gave up my favorite ice-cream and yogurt last year after I was diagnosed with serious food allergy. I cannot imagine taking salmon out of my meal!

However, I really find it inappropriate to bring up my health issue all the time, like explaining to the waiters / waitresses in every restaurant and people I meet for the first time. I tend to avoid all unnecessary social events now and it's deeply affecting my life. I figured out if I could simply say "I am a vegan", it would avoid some awkward situations. But I do not want to feel like a liar when I say I am a vegan but still eat salmon and I do feel sorry for the salmons too because they are almost the only animal I eat, so I really hesitate.

Anyone with similar experiences? Anyone who loves sushi and decides to become vegan? How did you handle it? Is it a lot of work to obtain balanced nutrition? (Besides I am living in a hectic city with very few, if not nearly no choices of vegan food. A Japanese restaurant even refused to substitute mayo with vinaigrette on a meatless salad while they used vinaigrette on a crab salad. Awareness of veganism is extremely low here.)

I want to be a vegetarian for moral reasons, but I don't think I can give up meat. What can I do?

There was no greater carnivore in the world than yours truly. I grew up in Uruguay eating steak (delicious steak from completely organic grass fed cattle), every single day basically. But like you, it always bothered me to be such a meat lover when I'm an animal lover and I believe that eating meat is not ethically right. Eventually, it bothered me enough I made the leap. Now I have no desire to eat meat and I don't feel deprived.My advice to you is don't feel trapped by labels. Who cares if you don't instantly become vegetarian or vegan? Start by reducing your consumption. For example, allow yourself meat when you go out with friends, but not at home. Or on the weekend, but not during the week. You get my point.Meanwhile, research websites with vegetarian recipes. There are many. There are many delicious dishes that are healthy and that you can have fun cooking! You'll discover that plant-based foods are actually richer in flavors and textures than meat. Find a buddy who wants to go veggie with you. Exchange recipes and anecdotes, and create your own mini-support group.Good luck! Your heart is in the right place, and you will become healthier and help the environment too!

What's it like being a non-vegan dating a vegan (and vice versa)?

I'm a vegan dating a non-vegan. We've been dating for over 5 years and I went vegan less than a year ago, so I think that makes a difference. I think how it goes depends on the people. My boyfriend was very, very supportive of my decision. He wanted to buy me every vegan cook book, haha. He checks food labels for me and cooks with me. He doesn't refuse the food just because it's vegan (I know that sounds dumb but I know so many non-vegans who do this sort of crap). He actually eats pretty much vegan now because that's what I cook. I always ask him if he likes the dishes and make sure I make something we can both enjoy. We eat out at vegan places or at places that have vegan options. If there's no vegan option, we won't go. The longer I stay vegan the more the smell of meat bothers me so he knows that he has to handle it and cook it if he wants it. When I talk about the cruelty of meat and whatnot with him it's never accusatory, I just kinda vent my feelings about how horrible animal agriculture is. I try not to do the whole, "why do you still eat meat?" thing, though every once in a while it happens, haha. I've discussed with him why I'm vegan and also vegan nutrition so he doesn't do the whole, "you need your bro-tein" thing. He also does my b12 injections for me, haha.I don't know that I could easily date a non-vegan if I were to date someone new now. I'm not the most social person, though. However, my BF and I are very close so he's also my best friend. He's a good person and our relationship didn't suddenly turn sour when I chose to go vegan.

Why are you a vegetarian but not a vegan?

Selfishness and laziness.I completely agree with veganism. I abhor the cruelty of the dairy and egg industries. And I don’t have any real ‘arguments’ as to why I think vegetarianism is ‘better’, because I see veganism as vastly morally superior.Veganism is more work. To make it healthy, you need to consciously think about protein intake, iron, calcium, fat. I went plant based for around six weeks and felt weak and lethargic a lot of the time. It probably wasn’t anything that couldn’t have been fixed with a visit to a dietitian and a nutrition plan, sure. That’s just, a lot of effort, you know? I’m a busy gal.The kicker is the restriction, however. You need to refuse a lot of treats. I have experienced disordered eating in the past, and it’s difficult to distinguish between the voice telling you not to take the brownie because it has eggs in and baby chicks had to die for them, and the voice telling you not to eat it because it’s unhealthy and impure and oh my god why did you do that you have NO self control you fat bitch. Veganism and disordered eating can be closely connected, because a plant based diet is inherently restrictive, and because of the clean eating wellness avocado HCLF chia seeds!!! types who demonise animal products for (dubious on the evidence front) health reasons.Ultimately, I am in conflict with the concept of labels. Admittedly, before I went veggie, I was eating more meat than I thought I was. Purposefully deciding to stop eating meat actually made a significant difference to how much I consumed, and I became a lot more aware of the ethical issues with meat/dairy/eggs in the process, because I decided to stop dismissively tuning out those crazy vegans without listening to them. The label of vegetarianism was helpful to me. However, when it comes to veganism, at this stage, I am not going to go the whole way. I am basically-plant-based-ish, but you know what? If I really want the buttermilk blueberry pancakes, I will order them, and I refuse to feel guilty about it.I am currently in a really good place mentally where I am eating intuitively and listening to my body, and I want to separate food from guilt. It’s selfish, but it’s what I need right now.

What is bad about being vegan? Or why does it suck?

The worst thing about being vegan is that your eyes have been opened to a travesty that very few other people recognize, and most of those that do know what is going on, make a living by it, and have thus deadened their senses to it.You are brought up thinking that everything is running smoothly, that people are wonderful and responsible. And then you find out that BILLIONS of animals are being tortured and murdered at a constant rate of roughly 12 animals per second. Everyone you know supports it. No-one wants to be told about it. No-one even considers that this might be wrong. THIS IS WHY GOD CREATED ANIMALS.It is like being completely at odds with everyone you know and love. You wake up to find that your whole life is based on the constant enslavement and torture of other creatures that can feel every ounce, every nuance of pain that is inflicted on them; that they are powerless to stop. And the cognitive dissonance is overwhelming. The people you love pay others to torture, humiliate and destroy BILLIONS of creatures based on the fact that they are not human. What can you do to remain sane and not isolate yourself from everyone else?No-one wants to open their eyes.No-one wants to stand up.No-one wants YOU to stand up.Do you risk your ability to care for your loved ones? Do you risk jail, humiliation, condemnation because you said STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?And how do you live with yourself if you don’t?