I Want To Become An Animator But How

How do you become an animator?

I like drawing, so animation has always seemed like a fun job. However, I don't know how to go about becoming an animator, or if this is even a realistic goal. Do you have to attend college and which ones? If so, can you attend a college that offers other courses, i.e. math, english? Are there many studios you can work for or is it really difficult to become an animator? What steps would you take to increase your chances of getting a job at a good studio...? Sorry this is such a long question.

I want to become an animator when I grow up?

You can become an animator now. I started when I was 11. I'm 13 now. Open up a YouTube channel. The longer you do it the better. Don't worry if you first few and all that great. Mine weren't and now they are good. You get better each time you make one. I recommend using GoAnimate when you first start. I did. I use more complex programs like Blender. Trust me, it's really fun.

I want to become an animator but where to start?

Wow.. you're only 14.. so young to decide a career path. You know how basketball players play basketball, and cooks cook? Animators draw!! All day long! They are paid for their skills. They draw until there's a pencil dent in their fingers. Their lives are real busy and studio-trapped. What makes you so sure you want to be an animator? The arts field is broad, why not look around a bit before jumping into conclusion?

Regardless, working in the arts field, the first requirement is the visual skills. Artists can draw ONLY when they know how to *look*. Artists also need to expand visual vocabulary as much as possible; they need to open their eyes to everything in the environment, whether it be art works, sculpture, images of all kind, and just about everything else in the environment. They also need to be highly 3D-oriented; this aptitude (inborn skill) is called structural visualization. Are you good with assembling 3D puzzles? Are you good with origami? Those are the indicators of 3D skills. People who are 3D are born naturally liking those activities.

Take courses on visual studies, drawing, illustration, etc. Get background in most of the fine arts tradition, including sculpture, painting, drawing, ceramics, video, etc.

Books are ok, but live instructors are best. If you need resources, here is a partial list for starter:

Learning to Look

Drawing from Observation

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

Keys to Drawing

Good luck!

What should I major in to become an animator?

Here is some information directly from the Pixar Studio site:

This info doesn't mean that you HAVE to start out you training this way, but, it does tell you what kind of education will have have, at some point.

Good luck.

Can I become an animator even if I can't draw?

This depends on the type of animation. Most animation done commercially is computer generated, ie.. all PIXAR films, DISNEY films most Cartoons and short films. Not all but most. To be a good animator (CG) you need a sense of timing and staging. You can learn the principles of good animation, such as lines of motion, correct timing to convey weight and speed - all without being a good natural drawer.Don’t let the notion of drawing stop you. Animation is motion and timing as much as art and drawing, for example stop frame animation is very much performed by animators, be that computer assisted stop frame or just old school stop frame. (BTW there are programs for your iphone for stop frame so there is no limits on making your own films). At the high end animators use programs such as Maya for animation, and while maths helps enormously, just like drawing - it is not a requirement, and the skills needed to be successful can be learnt.I would focus on developing your ‘eye’. Which means noticing what can convey emotion, what timing is funny, what pause is sad… these are the gift of a true animator (IMHO)mike