I Want To Cut Off My Legs

How can I cut my leg off?

I just got a scratch (my cat scratched my leg) about 5 mins ago and now I'm bleeding. I am scared that it might get infected or the bleeding won't stop so I just want to cut off my leg (the part with the scratch on it). What is the best way in going about doing this?
And no, I don't want to go to a doctor. I hate the doctor. And besides, why should I go there and have somebody else take care of me when I can take care of the problem myself.

I want to cut off my leg..?

Whenever I'm alone with my thoughts, or I get any form of stress. My left leg gets this disgusting feeling, I want to scream. It's unlike anything else. And it's so uncomfortable I throw up sometimes. I want to cut my leg off. I just tense up my leg and start hyperventilating. And I claw at my leg crying because it's so uncomfortable. I want it gone. I want it to stop. What is wrong with me..?

I want to cut my arms off...?

this reminds me of a lovely Canadian film.
If you lose your legs you can always make new ones out of glass and fill them with beer.

If your leg were to be cut off, where would you feel the pain?

In your head. What do you think pain works like? Receptors get stimulus, they send information to the brain, brain processes information. Thus, it is your brain that feels the pain.If you are curious about what bodypart of yours would register the pain, obviously the area where the leg was severed. Yes, this means that theoretically if your leg was chopped off with an insanely sharp object in an instant, you’d feel very little pain due to little damage to the tissue around the wound. You’d still feel pain afterwards, when you start to bleed out, though.Additionally, amputees experience “phantom limb” effect, where they perceive neural disturbance from missing limbs, but more often than not this is not a painful experience.

Would people be happier if they cut off their legs?

Before you say, "This is the weirdest question I have ever laid my eyes on," allow me to elaborate. So, every time I would experience a negative emotion or something such as fear, anxiety, or whatever emotion would entail "You don't like me very much, do you?" there would be this feeling in my legs right above the calf area, on the back side of my kneecap. My "knee pit," if you will. After I would feel like everything's all fine and dandy and I'm over whatever was making me relatively depressed/ just a little bit miserable/ slightly sad/ feel betrayed by those whom I thought were my friends/ mildly not in a good mood, there would still be this residual feeling of what Oprah would probably call "negative spiritual energy" and I can't get rid of it until it goes away on its own. It's like it's there reminding me that not everything is fine and dandy and I should not be over whatever was making me relatively depressed/ just a little bit miserable/ slightly sad/ get the picture. But even if the problem is resolved, there's still that residual bit of unhappiness that makes my knee pit muscles tense up or want to quiver or something... So HYPOTHETICALLY OF COURSE, would cutting my legs off relieve this unpleasantness, or would I still feel phantom pain where it would be? Or does the physical pain suck out the emotional pain, which would mean that if I were to cut off my legs, would it make me more emotionally unhappy?

Should i cut off a freckle on my leg?

ok. this is really random. but theres this little freckle on my knee and it just bugs me, so i was wondering if i should just cut it off with a scisors or something? i dont think thre would really be any harm.

I cut off a piece of skin while shaving legs?

Around the ankle is the hardest place to shave! I have had a fair few nicks down there. Give the skin air to breathe, otherwise it won't scab up for you. I used to put vaseline on my cuts after I got them to stop the bleeding. This usually let the blood dry and scab, even though it was covered. You may have a scar for a while, scars sometimes disappear after a year or so, but you still might be able to see it. Mine are just visible when my legs are cold and you can see the whites. Just try and keep the band aid off to give it air, ti should heal faster :)