If A Baby Was Born Nov 25 How Old Would He Be Now

What is my age if I was born in 1999?

It depends on when in the year we are.Take the current year (2018) and subtract the year you were born in (1999). The resulting number is 19. The is the age you will turn once your birth date has passed this year.This means if your birth date is today, 11/27, or has already passed this year, you are 19.If your birth date is after today’s date this year, you are still 18.

Born in 1991, how old am i now ?

around sixteen. why?

If You Were Born In 1991 What Year Would You Graduate?

It depends on where you live, when you were born and the requirements for graduation for where you are.

If you are in an average state in the U.S., born before July 1991, registered and in school in August, 1996 for kindergarten, plus 12 years in succession, graduation would be expected in May/June 2009.

However, if the child was not born early enough to get into kindergarten in 1996, it would be one year later.

A man was 26 years old when his daughter was born. Now he is three times older than his daughter. What is the present age of the daughter?

Suppose the present age of daughter is x. Then, father's age is 3x (given that he is three times as old as his daughter). when daughter was born the age of father was 26, if present age of daughter is x, then father's age is 26+x. so we can say that 3x = 26+x, by solving this we get,3x = 26+x3x-x=262x=26x=26÷2x=13.Age of daughter is 13.Age of father (3x = 3*13) =39

Who is most likely the father of my baby?

My first day of my last period was on November 25, I had unprotected sex on Dec 7, with guy X and he came inside me, but I was on top. Then I had sex on Dec 11, with guy Y,(my ex boyfriend) and we used a condom. Then I had sex again with guy Y, and used a condom in mid to late December. I think it's guy X, but I'm worried. I ovulated around the 7-11th according to a calculator on line but I'm hoping you will all know more! Thanks!

How old are the members of BTS?

Actually it's kind of complicated. But I'll try my best to answer.The Korean Age System is a lot different compared to other birth date systems. Koreans believe that when you are born, you’re already 1 year old. You become a year older every New Years Day. This makes you a year or two older than you actually are. Since you are 1 year old at birth and you become a year older every 1st of January you are actually 2 years older than your international age until your birthday comes again. This means you are only a year older than international age once your birthday has passed until it’s the 1st of January.Now, onto the members’ ages:Kim Seokjin, born 1992 4th December.International Age: 25 years.Korean age: 27 years.Min Yoongi (Suga), born 1993, 9th March.International age: 25 years.Korean age: 27 years.Jung Hoseok (J-hope), born 1994, 18th February.International age: 24 years.Korean age: 26 years.Kim Namjoon, (RM), born 1994, 12th September.International age: 22 years.Korean age: 24 years.Park Jimin, born 13th October, 1995.International age: 22 years.Korean age: 24 years.Kim Taehyung, born 31st December, 1995.International age: 22 years.Korean age: 24 years.Jeon Jeongguk (Jungkook), born September 1st, 1997.International age: 21 years.Korean age: 23 years.Andddddd that's about it. I hope this actually helped. Some info may not be correct since this all is coming from a non Korean and I have just consulted Wikipedia and several other sources.

When to start trying if we want a summer baby?

My husband and I want to start trying for another baby again this coming year (2011). Our daughter was born November 25, 2009 and this time around we would like to plan to have a summer baby. Preferrably May,June, or July 2012. But I am a bit confused about calculating how far back to start trying. I know a typical pregnancy is 40 weeks so 10 months, but if I count from when my daughter was concieved (March) until her due date (November) it only comes out to 8 months. I know when she was concieved based on a period/fertility calender that I kept at the time but I'm not sure why it comes out a couple months short.
Can anyone explain how to figure out when the best months to get pregnant would be in order to have a baby in the early summer?

Thanks ;)