If I Run 5 Miles A Day And Do 150 Push Ups And 100 Chin Ups A Day Would I Be Toned And Muscular

If I did 200 pushups, ran 10 miles, and did 50 pull ups every day how fit would I be?

Extremely fit. You have selected two of the best body weight resistance exercises you could. However, 10 miles is a long way to run. Unless you are planning on doing marathons it's not clear why you would do so much. I would also step back from 200 push ups. Cut the number of push-ups, and the pull-ups (nothing wrong with them but that's a lot of volume on what is a tough exercise). Consider adding some more variations (still all body weight), such as burpees (squat thrusts), dips and goblet squats (requires a heavy dumb bell). Also planks for the core. In push ups you've selected a total body exercise that works an incredible range of muscles. You need to engage your legs and core as well as your arms and chest to do these properly. With pull-ups/chin-ups the focus is more upper body but you are still working a lot of muscle in a very demanding way. I'd include the goblet squats because you are only one heavy dumb bell away from them so you don't need a gym membership. These can be done at high reps (20 rep sets) at say 100-140lbs and they provide a good substitute for some of the cardio as well as targeting the legs effectively. I suspect 10 miles is more than is sustainable and I also suspect that my constantly doing the volume of the two body weight exercises you mention there may be too much fatigue carried over from the previous day. All that said, 200 push ups, 50 pull ups and 10 mi./day = insanely fit, toned as hell, decently strong, with excellent stamina and muscle endurance but possibly a little under-developed in the legs.

Will 150 pushups a day help me get a bigger chest?

150 pushups is a great number and of course will definitely make you strong and increase your endurance.But if you are going for size, then large numbers of pushups is not the best option to take.You want a bigger chest, for that you need bigger chest muscles, and for bigger chest muscles you need to lift heavier weights. Pushups do not provide adequate resistance for your body to adapt (after a certain stage).Sure, if you do 150 pushups when you can only do 10 in one set… the gains will be superb, quick and visible quite early on.But once you reach the stage when you can do 30, 40 or even 50 pushups in one set… then 150 pushups becomes more of a cardio routine than strength training. It would hardly take 15 minutes for you to do 150 pushups.After that stage, you’ll need to switch to weight training… benchpress, weighted pushups etc to continue seeing changes because those 150 pushups fail to remain an adequate challenge to provide stimulus for your body to change.

How do you know if you gain fat or muscle weight?

your not always going to gain weight when you gain muscle, sometimes you wont lose anything but its basiclly your body replacing the fat with muscle, so even though you might werigh the same or more, you will see that clothes fit better ect. for example, a swimmer like me can weigh 150lbs but when everyone guesses my weight they will guess 120-130...and someone who never really worksout and who eats junk and weighs 150lbs it will be much more noticable.

one way you can measure body fat is google "body fat calculator and put in the numbers it asks for