If My Teeth Shifted Slightly . Can My Retainers Reverse It

If I only wear my retainer at night, will my teeth get messed up?

Your teeth will always be trying to move into a different position... everyone's teeth does this. Some have more movement than others. Being that you just had most of your teeth moved with braces, you need to have it on just like the dentist said 24/7. In time you will get used to talking with the retainer in and your speech will improve. A lot of money was spent for you to have your teeth corrected and to take a chance of not wearing it and reversing what was done, that would not be good at all.
I am a dental lab technician...
I make retainers on a daily basis and have seen the outcome of people that didn't wear the retainers like they should. It's always more time and more money to correct something again and again

Retainers and straight teeth?

i got my braces off 6 years ago and i would wear my retainer on and off. My teeth always lookd straight until recently i noticed one tooth on the bottom that is starting to turn crooked. it looks like the other teeth havn't been affected by its movement, because they still look straight. I freaked out and decided to start wearing my retainers now every night. This morning my teeth hurt like hell, but it looked like that tooth straightened a little that possible in one day, or are my eyes just playing tricks on me?

Can my old retainer straighten back my teeth?

You can try. It depends on the condition of your relapse(not sure if it is suitable to express in English). Based on your description I guess it might still work, though would feel pain for a while. But if it is too painful and, for some of my patients (most teenagers with low obedience )in my country that cannot wear it back but still willing to improve, I would have them try modified hawley retainer(I presume you are using clear plastic retainer) to see if it can work. If this still not working, the last option is second orthodontic treatment.

Will my teeth shift back if I haven’t worn my retainers in a couple months?

Just a tip for you, as your question has already been answered: to determine how much your teeth may have shifted since you went sans retainer, just try to put it on.Really tight and hard to seat = teeth have shifted appreciablyGoes on easy, first try = probably not much shiftingFYI, it’s entirely normal for teeth to drift over time and as we age, our teeth tend to migrate towards the front of the mouth, which is why crowded teeth may sometimes occur later in life, most notably in the lower anterior region. Some dentally aware patients I have had, will actually wear their retainer(s) or positioner(s) throughout their life. I have a relative in her 70’s, who had braces as a teenager. She still wears her positioners at night, just often enough for them to fit properly and, as a result, her dental alignment appears very similar now to what it probably once was.

Will my teeth shift overnight?

I forgot my retainers at my friend's house. She was going to bring them to me in the morning sometime. I've had my braces off for 7 months. Will going one night without them cause them to shift at all? I'm kinda worried about it.

My retainer hurts my teeth?

i got my braces off on march 31, for about a month i was pretty good about wearing my top retainer. my bottom retainer if fixed, glued to the inside of my teeth. when i got my braces off, my orthodontist made me two retainers. the one that covers the bridge of your mouth and has a wire over the front of your teeth, and another one that is clear and fits over your teeth. about a month after getting my braces off i started only wearing my retainer at night. i know my teeth have moved because the clear one, which was made from my original mold after getting my braces off, hurts so badly when i wear it. even though it hurts, if i work through the pain, will it move my teeth back to how they were when i got my braces off?

I forget to wear my retainer sometimes, could it reverse my overbite?

I'm supposed to wear them every night, if I skip out on wearing them for one day I can feel my teeth shifting. There have been times I forgot them 3 days in a row. I put them in, and my teeth started to bleed as a result. Recently I noticed my overbite is still there a bit, and my jaw doesn't look good, my profile is weak. I can't remember how everything looked when I got my braces off, it was 3 years ago. I have never forgotten them more than 3 days, but the times I do forget to put them in one night are so constant. I wasn't responsible before because I didn't think missing out a few days would do anything, but now I'm worried maybe my teeth are relapsing. Same with my overbite, I had rubber bands and they pulled my teeth/jaw forward. I can still see and indent in my mouth of where my teeth were originally set before being pushed forward. So it's not as bad, but is my overbite worse than it was when I got them off? Can it really make a big difference that quickly? To leave my retainer out?