If Tan Theta= -4/7 And Theta Is In Quadrant 2 Find Cos Theta

If cos theta = 5/13, theta in quadrant II, find sin theta and tan theta?

You are right!!!! In Q2, cosΘ is negative.

Assuming the mistake was in omitting the negative sign, this is a 5 - 12 - 13 right triangle in Q2, with
cosΘ = -5/13

sinΘ = 12/13
tanΘ = -12/5

If tan theta = 2/5 and theta is in quadrant 3, find cos theta?

tan ∅ = 2/5
r² = 2² + 5² = 29
r = √29
cos ∅ = - 5 / √29

If tan(theta) = -1/2 for theta in quadrant II, find sin(theta) + cos(theta). Please explain process.?

theta = arctan(-.5) + 180degrees = 153.4349488 degrees

sin(153.4349488 degrees) + cos(153.4349488 degrees) = -.4472135955

Answer: -.4472135955

If tan of theta = -7/24 and theta is in the second quadrant find sin theta?

If theta is in the 2nd quadrant, it means that the 'x' is negative and y is positive. This means that it is supposed to be (7)/(-24)

The length of the diagonal of the triangle formed is always positive, ie: sqrt( 7^2 + (-24)^2 ) = 25

Hence sin of theta
= opposite/hypoteneus
= 7/25 [positive]

If sin theta=4/5 and theta is in quadrant 2, what is the value of tan theta?

1) tan theta is definetely negative ! In 2 squadrant all are negative except sin .. So u can find cos by the fundimental rule ==> cos^2=1-sin^2 that gives cos=-3/5
Tan theta is sin/cos = -4/3

2)as i remember that third quadrand ony cot and tan positive so sintheta is negative and sin^2 =1/(1+cot^2)
And u find sine :D

If tan theta = 1.5 and theta is in quadrant 3, is the value of sin theta -3?

No, it is notIf θ is in third quadrant, thentan(θ) = - 15/-10= - 3/-2Hypotenuse = √((-3)^2 + (-2)^2)= √(13)sin(θ) = -3/√(13)

If sec theta+tan theta=2/3, then how would one find the quadrant in which theta lies and as well as sin theta?

Answer should be -5/13 as theta lies in 4th quadrant

Find sin 2theta. tan theta=8/15, theta lies in quadrant 3?

We have that tan(θ) = 8/15
We know that tan(θ) = opposite / adjacent (from SOHCAHTOA) so we draw ourself a nice right angled triangle where the opposite side = 8 and the adjacent side = 15.
Now we use Pythagoras to find the length of the hypotenuse:
c² = 8² + 15²
c² = 64 + 225
c² = 289
c = √289 = 17

So we have all lengths for the triangle.

sin(2θ) = 2cos(θ)sin(θ)

Using the triangle we found, we have that
sin(θ) = opposite / hypotenuse = 8/17
cos(θ) = adjacent / hypotenuse = 15/17

sin(2θ) = 2(8/17)(15/17)
= 240 / 289

Hope that helps :-)

As θ lies in quadrant 3, sin(2θ) must be negative.
sin(2θ) = -240 / 249
Sorry about that!

Find sin theta if tan theta = -√3/3 and falls in Quadrant 4?

Tan theta = Opposite / Adjacent
Tan theta = -√3/3

Opposite = -√3
Adjacent = 3

Hypotenuse = sqrt((-√3)^2 + 3^2)
Hypotenuse = sqrt(3 + 9)
Hypotenuse = sqrt(12)

Sin = Opposite / Hypotenuse
Sin = -√3 / √12
Sin = -√3 / (√3 * √4)
Sin = -√3 / (√3 * 2)
Sin = - 1 / (2)
Sin = - 1/2

Answer is C

cos = Adjacent / Hypotenuse
cos = 3/√12
cos = 3*√12/12
cos = √12/4
cos = (√3*√4)/4
cos = (2 * √3)/4
cos = √3/2

Answer is A