If You And Your Sister Were Born In The Same Month Are You Irish Twins

How is raising "Irish" twins different from raising regular twins?

I've done both and Irish twins are much easier. Nature, in Her infinite wisdom, engineered it so that the older baby is 10 months old when the younger baby is born, which is exactly the very earliest age for the baby to be developmentally matured enough to allow for a small degree of independence. It’s a very small degree but it's enough! Newborns are demanding little beings, but a 10 month old is mobile and using a sippy cup and eating solids, sleeping through the night and not eating once an hour. They can also understand the concept of waiting a lot better than a newborn can. Compare and contrast that with 2 babies that are the same age, enjoying and experiencing the same very needy and demanding lifestyle and don't sleep very much at one time. Plus they’ll likely be teething together, and passing viruses back and forth, and both needing to be carried around. You get the picture lolGiven my choice, I'd prefer Irish twins over birthday twins any day!

What does it mean to have "Irish Twins"?

It means having babies 12 months or less apart. My daughter is 20 months old and my son is 9 months old. Busssssy..but so worth it.

And nope, I'm not really Irish.

eta-''it is generally not used in print or in polite society''
Oops, must have missed the memo on that one, lol.


Can somebody tell me what are Irish twins?

Babies born less than 1 year apart

What do you call siblings that was born the same month and day but diff year, nothing just siblings?

.....Dear kingstonja, just because they were born on the same day in different years doesn't really mean anything. Sheer coincidence. Other than the fact that it's really unique I don't see that it's really that huge of a deal. :-)

What are Irish twins? Where did that phrase come from?

The phrase Irish twins is used to describe (non-twin) siblings who are born shortly after each other, often within a year.  The connection with being Irish is because birth control used to be considered a serious sin in Roman Catholic Ireland, so a couple who became intimate again, without contraception, soon after the birth of a child was soon on the road to parenthood again.  A couple of personal examples- I am one of five children born over the space of six years, and my maternal grandmother was one of 13 children born within 17 years.  We Irish apparently are a very loving people.

What do you call two sisters who born in the same year but not in the same month?

They are rudely referred to as "Irish Twins".

The term pokes fun at the stereotypical fertility of Irish Catholic families, which traditionally do not use birth control. In addition, it implies that the Irish lack the ability to plan ahead or control themselves, having children in quick succession rather than responsibly spacing them. Finally, it suggests that the Irish do not understand the medical definition of twins, which involves two children conceived and born together.

Irish twins for 2 years apart?

I know irish twins are when the babies are about a year apart but I have two little girls who are literally identical in everyway other than birth marks and moles and they were born on the same day two years apart. is there anything special that babies such as this are called?

My sister and I were born the same day but different years, are we twins?

I know there's two types of twins: identical (same egg) and the other one (different egg). My sister and I were both born on today's date, but are five years apart. We're obviously not identical since we come from two different eggs, but I'm curious now if we are that other type of twins because I know part of being twins is that you have to be born on the same day?

I also know twins tend to be mentally in sync with each other. This has occurred between us as well. For example, we both like the color blue and to drink soda. Also, sometimes when she yawns, it makes me yawn.

Have you ever met siblings born in the same year, that aren't twins?

Yes. This occurred on both my mother’s and father’s sides. On my mother’s side, she is one of 16 children by the same mother and father. My maternal grandmother had 3 sets of twins. After the first set and second set, she gave birth to my uncles, who are 10 and 11 months apart from the sets of twins. They end up being the same age for almost 2 months each year commonly known as “Irish Twins.”On my father’s side, my grandfather had 3 families that all lived in the same city! There were 13 children with 3 different mothers, and he took care of all of them! My father and his brother were both going into the Navy, and were at the recruiting office on the same day when it was discovered that they were brothers. They’d never met until that day. It turns out they were 5 months apart! They also have another sister who was born 2 months after my father, so my grandfather had 3 children in the same year.My own brother repeated this also. 3 children who are 6 months apart from oldest to youngest. He now has three 14 year olds.

Do you or anyone you know have a sibling who was born the same year, but aren't twins?

That can be the case of what’s called Irish Twins - two siblings born less than 12 months apart. I went to high school with two sisters who celebrated birthdays in the same year, they were born one in January, the other in November. One was overdue, the other full term and they were born 10 months apart.