If You Steal Something From Your Job And You Get Fired Can You Still File For Unemployment

I got fired from my job can i collect unemployment?

Generally yes, but there might be some restrictions.*

If you get fired from your job can you still get unemployment?

Only if the firing wasn't justified by your conduct or job performance. (E.g., if you were fired for economic reasons. . .the company couldn't afford to keep your position, you can get unemployment.)

Can you draw unemployment in ky if you are fired from your job?

The part of eligibility associated with how you lost your job depends on;

1) the conditions of you being fired,
2) if the company chooses to follow up with unemployment denial.

To be eligible you must be fired through no fault of your own. Being fired for showing up late, mouthing off to a boss, stealing, not doing your job and so on, you are not eligible. If the company just had to make cuts, then you are, at least in that aspect of eligibility.

However, sometimes, even if you are at fault, a company fails to follow up with having your claims denied, or does not have the proper documentation to prove your fault, and still could end up managing to get it.

That being said, the condition of your being fired is only one factor in your eligibility. I know time of employment and hours you have worked is another is another. I don't know all factors, but you do have to meet all to be eligible.

I got fired for stealing can i get my unemployment money?

nope - go find another job - n hope the stealing incident doesen't provent you from getting work

Can you collect unemployment if fired for any reason?

In order to collect Unemployment Insurance benefits, you must have been terminated "through no fault of your own."

Thus, if you were terminated due to "poor" work performance but, in truth, the employer had raised the requirements for "good" performance to unobtainable levels, then you might be eligible for UI benefits. Or if, for example, your job suddenly required that you be able to lift 100 lbs boxes but you only weigh 98 lbs, you may be eligible.

If you were fired for theft but the employer never proved it, but just alleged it, you might be eligible for UI benefits.

If you were late because you were hospitalized after an accident but the employer had a "never late under any circumstances" rule, you may be eligible for UI benefits.

Again, it's a "through no fault of your own" eligibility. No matter what the employer claims happened and no matter what their internal rules are, if you were not at fault, you may be eligible. The old "facts and circumstances" system.

If someone was fired, could they still get unemployment benefits in California?

Yes, you can. The only reason a person cannot apply for the unemployment would be if he resigns.I have heard of some job making the person resign. If that happens, that person cannot apply for the unemployment. On the other hand, it looks better at the next interview since he can make up some (lame) excuses about leaving that job. Keep in mind that unemployment doesn't last forever and it is only there to pay most bills and while you are on the unemployment, you must be actively looking for a job.If it is denied, you can make an appointment to challenge that decision with an administrative judge. You present your case politely stating only facts. Bring all your yearly evaluations and letters of recommendations and supports and dress professionally. The other party (your ex employer) may be there – you must remain professional and do not get flustered.There are various reasons a person can get fired. Tardiness or excessive absenteeism – or even something like insubordination (by arguing with the boss) may be the reason they let a person go, but it is nothing criminal like stealing, embezzlement, assault or murder. (In such a case, I really don't think they would be willing to provide the unemployment.)

Can I still get unemployment if I was fired for theft?

are u kidding me....wat are u 12? file for unemployment....ur previous job is gonna be won't get unemployment benefits because u stole......just look for another job...

Can you collect unemployment if you are fired for theft or suspicion of thief?

Of course you can file, but your employer can fight the claim if they feel your termination was a result of misconduct. If they (your employer) fight your claim for umemployment, you can request a hearing which requires them to cite their charges (or suspicions).

If you think you can beat it (i.e. they have little evidence or you were falsely accused), make sure your request that hearing. Don't stop when he get those "denial" papers.

The hearing is usually pretty informal. I'm not sure a judge even presides, usually it's a few members of the unemployment board.

Your former employer may send a lawyer on their behalf... if it's a smaller company, the director of HR might attend.

The hearing is usually scheudled two to three weeks after the DENIAL comes through. In the meantime, work with the unemployment office and continue lookling for work. Gather ALL the evidence you can that supports your case.

You can't walk in their spouting off about how you feel screwed. Your employer has a paper trail, you need to have one, too. If there' a co-worker who helps your case, ask them to appear. If they can't, have them write down their testimony and make sure it's notarized (any bank will notarize their affidavit.... they'll need to show ID and it might cost $5.00).

Your employer will use any data they can to deny your claim.... anticipate their complaints so you aren't taken off-guard at the hearing.

Good Luck. Dont let the man get you down. Many employers deny unemployment claims simply because they doubt you'll follow through and request a hearing.

If you're guilty, look for another job. If you're innocent, follow the advice above.

Can I still get unemployment if I have another job?

I currently work 2 jobs, but the place which is my main source of income will soon be closing. My other job is just a little bit of additional income. Can I still apply for unemployment benefits when my main job ends? How do I go about applying for this? I live in the state of Connecticut (CT) if this helps.