Im Not Depressed Or Sad. So What Kind Of Borderline Personality Disorder Do I Have

Do I have borderline personality disorder?

I told my doctor that I think I am depressed and she referred me to a psychologist. Although, I don't think I have depression because my moods change really badly. I searched up my symptoms, and I think I may have bordeline personality disorder, or some other kind of personality disorder.

Let's say I start off the day happy and neutral. I go to class, talk to friends, and then something makes me upset. It could be the fact that I got a bad grade, or someone yelled at me, or that I see people around me that are better in any sort of way. Anyway, I start to feel horrible, and everything in my life, makes that tiny problem seem huge. I start to feel bored, empty, then start to get very suicidal. Anything can make me cry or get angry. My moods last for hours, or for max. 2 days. I am constantly questioning my friends, and family. One day I feel like they're amazing, and I'm so lucky to have them in my life, and another day I really REALLY hate them. I don't have bad confidence, I just think I'm worthless, and a bad person. A lot of the time I feel bored and empty, and sometimes when I do, I eat a lot, listen to really loud music in my ears, or self-harm, just to feel something. I'm really bad with relationships, I tend to ignore the guys I like, or make them think I hate them. I sometimes do this with friends and family too, treat them badly. And then later on I feel like a waste of space because I have no real relationships. I don't know what else to say.. I have a really hard time with change: moving friends, ex-boyfriends, death of pets, throwing things out, I have a memory box, to remember EVERYTHING, even bad relationships.

So, do you think I have borderline personality disorder? I'm 15. How can I tell my psychologist that I think I do?

I think I have Borderline Personality Disorder?

Okay so I need your input. Does the following sound like BPD?

-Not often angry, but it's awful when I am

-Uncomfortable with even the slightest changes in my daily routine

-Randomly occurring scenes of depression

-If there is an issue at hand, I feel like I'm partly responsible even if I'm not and I apologize way too much

-Mood swings

-Uncomfortable in some social situations

-Often isolating self from a group of others when I feel sad or anxious

-Constant fear of being abandoned, even when reassured

How do you know if you have borderline personality disorder (TLDR)?

I have BPD, and you certainly do seem to fit some of the crit... mind if I ask you a few questions which might help?

Are you male/female, how old are you?

Do you have any difficult childhood memories? Do you have any childhood memories?

Are you insecure? If so... can you describe how so?

When you used to be a cutter... tell me genuinely honestly, what was the real reason you did it?

Once you've answered these questions I can talk to you in better detail about what I know and what I think (I was in your shoes once, I used to research into personality disorders/mental illnesses... convinced I had BPD, a year after I was convinced did I actually get a diagnosis)

OK - thanks for your honesty there - it's certainly possible you do have BPD, but it's impossible to say, partly because I'm not a professional, and partly because it's impossible to tell online... you need to go see a doctor and tell them what you've told us! If you want to know more about BPD check out my website which tells you everything there is to know!

Do you think i have Borderline personality disorder? Im worried....?

im 13 and im really worried that i might have BPD
this is why:
i have outbursts of anger and become extremely agitated and aggressive this only lasts upto 3 hours and then i am fine again
i also sometimes feel completely empty and sad. i feel sooo bored and i just lay there because i feel i cant move and i feel heavy
when i get angry i have noticed it is mostly at my mum who i love but is so annoying
whenever i feel like it becomes too much i used to cut myself but i have tried very hard to stop which i have.....but now i substitute that for hitting my head soo hard that i sometimes get a bump and a massive headache...i know its bad but i cant stop. i have thought about suicide in those moments of complete sadness that i cant submerge from but im sure i wouldnt actually try it

my dad had suffered from Bipolar and died from suicide 3 years ago.
i have gotten counselling but i hadnt mentioned any of the anger or head banging because that was concentrated on my self harm and stuff about my dad...
i feel isolated and ugly and i rarely go out because it makes me really nervous and i just hate meeting people or just walking next to a stranger.
so, my question is do i have BPD and if it sounds like it (i know YOU cant diagnose me but id like to know what you think ) id like to know how to get help :)

Does severe depression and borderline personality disorder always go hand in hand when being diagnosed?

This is just like comparing apples and oranges.The ICD-10, which Psychiatry professionals such as myself use to diagnose depression and borderline personality disorder, lists them as two separate conditions. One is a disorder of personality and the other is, well, a disease per se.One can exist without the other or can be an incidental finding in the other. But I definitely can vouch for the fact that they don't go hand-in-hand. Both are two different conditions. And the human body can have n number of conditions at any given time.Hope this helps.Regards,Dr. SriramVisit me at!

Quorans with borderline personality disorder, do you have to consciously avoid falling into fantasies? If so, how? What’re your triggers?

Sexual fantasies, yes, lmao. Otherwise nope. I mean, I read the other answers and I can relate to some extent.When I was severely depressed I would fall into maladaptive daydreaming. It’s my coping mechanism since I was a young child, but after I got out of depression that stopped.Right now I don’t have to consciously avoid falling into fantasies, as I’m not depressed, I don’t feel lonely, sad or anything similar to these feelings. My life is fine.What are my triggers? I wrote a whole answer on them, and I’m not gonna repeat myself. Very few people manage to trigger me (IRL and/or online). I’m working on not getting triggered anymore, so wish me luck! ;)