In A Triangle Abc A=8 B=10 C=12. What Is Angle C Equal To

In a triangle ABC angle, C =3 angle B = 2 (angle A+angle B). What are the three angles?

Let angle A = xAngle B = yAs mentioned in the question angle C = 3 angle B = 3yAngle C is also given as 2(Angle A + Angle B)= 2(x+y)So,3y = 2(x+y)y = 2xSo angle C = 3y = 6xWe know that sum of all the 3 angles in a triangle = 180degTherefore,Angle A+ Angle B + Angle C = 180x+ 2x+ 6x = 180x = 20Hence Angle A = 20Angle B = 40Angle C = 120

In a triangle ABC, a=8, b=10, c=12. what is angle c equal to ?

In a triangle ABC, a = 8, b = 10, c = 12.
What is angle C equal to ?
C = 82.819 degrees

In triangle abc, a=12, b=16, angle c=78. Find side c.?

c² = 12² + 16² - (2)(12)(16) cos 78°
c² = 144 + 256 - 384 cos 78°
c² = 400 - 384 cos 78°
c = 17.9

In triangle ABC, measure of angle A=32 and b=10 Find the measures of the missing angles and side of triangle A?

A = 32° & a = 12
b = 10

using law of sines:

sin(A) / a = sin(B) / b
sin(32) / 12 = sin(B) / 10
10 * sin(32) / 12 = sin(B)
sin^-1( 10 * sin(32) / 12 ) = B
26.2° ≈ B

180 = A + B + C
180 = 32 + 26.2 + C
180 - 32 - 26.2 = C
121.8° ≈ C

sin(C) / c = sin(A) / a
a * sin(C) / sin(A) = c
12 * sin(121.8) / sin(32) = c
19.2 ≈ c

In triangle ABC, if a = 13, b = 14 and c = 15, then what is the value of sin(A/2)?

[math]\sin(A/2)=\sqrt{\frac{1-\cos A}{2}}[/math][math]\cos A = \frac{b^2+c^2-a^2}{2bc}[/math]

In triangle ABC, angle A=90°, angle B=30°, BC=8cm. Find the length of side AB and AC?

angle A = 90° and angle B 30°=> angle C = 90° - 30° = 60°=> BC is the hyp = 8 cm longAC = 8/2 =4cm (sin30° = AC/hp => 8sin30°=ACAC = 8×1/2 = 4AB = √(BC^2 - AC^2) = √(8^2 - 4^2) = √(64-16) = 6.93cmAC = 4 cmAB = 6.93 cmHappy new year

In triangleABC, a=19, c=10, and angle A is 111. Which statement can be used to find the value of angle c?

The law Sines states

(Sin A) / a = (Sin B) / b = (Sin C) / c

since you have the angle A use this equation

Sin C = c * (Sin A) / a
Sin C = 10 * (sin 111) / 19

The nasty and cruel part of this question is that Sin 111 = Sin (180 - 111) = sin 69 (check it on your calculator!)

Sin C = 10 * (sin 111) / 19 = 10 * (sin 69) / 19
answer 4.

In triangle ABC, if a=8, b=5, and c=9, then cos A is?

Apply the cosine rule.

In triangle ABC, a = 8, b = 9, and mC = 135. What is the area of triangle ABC?

sides angles
a : 8.000 ,A: 21.104236
b : 9.000 ,B: 23.895765
c : 15.711 ,C: 135.000000

Area : 25.45584
Perimeter : 32.71061