In Psychological Terms What Applicable Fallacy Applies To The Haves And The Have-nots

Why are people only holding Republicans responsible for the mess?

In 1995, President Bill Clinton asked for a revision of the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 that was more streamlined and would allow poorer Americans to own their own homes. The result was the Community Reinvestment Act of 1995, which was passed by a Republican Congress and signed by a Democratic President. This created the so-called Subprime Mortgage Market. During Congressional hearings in 1995, one William A. Neskanen claimed this revision of the CRA would, in the long term, contract the banking system.

In 2007, the Subprime Mortgage Market crashed and the banking system contracted drastically - leading us (partially) into this recession.

RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: Republicans (Passing the Bill) and Democrats (Signing the Bill)

The repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act was accomplished by passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. This act allowed banks to acquire other financial assets such as mortgage backed securities and collateralized debt obligations. The passage and signing of this bill essentially encouraged banks to practice predatory lending. When this Act was combined with the CRA95, it became the main force behind the 2007 financial collapse.

Responsible Parties: Republicans (Passing the Bill) and Democrats (Signing the Bill)

So...when are you Democrats going to man up and shoulder your fair share of the blame? You can't keep blaming Bush forever.

How can a person create a complex, practical and in life applicable system which will help him/her reach longevity? What are the secrets of longevity?

Thanks for the detailed questions. I draw from books on longevity & healthy aging, my personal experiences & interaction with elderly citizens, as well as some knowledge of biology in aging. Won’t cite references because this is quite a loaded (but very good) question.What are the most imprtnt. psychological factors for longevity? Minimize stress, loneliness & depression. Maximize happiness, purpose in life & self-esteem. The first 3 are modern world chronic conditions are are increasingly being known to cause illness. We should aim for the complete opposite, the other 3.What are the most imprtnt. behavioral factors for longevity? Adequate sleep: Sleep helps the body regenerate. Active lifestyle: An active lifestyle uses your entire physiological system, keeping it resilient. Little indulgence: The Japanese say a word or two before each meal & it translates to eat only until 80% full. Whereas the majority of us indulge in food thru overeating or thru the richness of food, I discovered thru various sources that calorie restriction plays a vital role in a longer lifespan.What are the most imprtnt. environmental factors for longevity? Clean air. I find this to be the dominant factor in external influences on health & life span.What are the most imprtnt. socio-economical factors for longevity?Quite simply, this is a matter of the haves vs the have-nots. In the developed world, if your status is at least in the middle class strata, you should be able to afford essential healthcare, proper nutrition & other resources (including time & social circles) essential to work-life balance. If you are in a developing community, socio-economical factors may not hold as much weight because of slack law enforcement, ease of entry into markets & community assistance.What attributes have longevious people common? Holistic health. No one factor can determine longevity. It is the continuous interaction among all these factors that constitute the overall lifespan & health of a human being. This includes spiritual health too, something overlooked by many.

Why are people only holding Republicans responsible for the mess?

In 1995, President Bill Clinton asked for a revision of the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 that was more streamlined and would allow poorer Americans to own their own homes. The result was the Community Reinvestment Act of 1995, which was passed by a Republican Congress and signed by a Democratic President. This created the so-called Subprime Mortgage Market. During Congressional hearings in 1995, one William A. Neskanen claimed this revision of the CRA would, in the long term, contract the banking system.

In 2007, the Subprime Mortgage Market crashed and the banking system contracted drastically - leading us (partially) into this recession.

RESPONSIBLE PARTIES: Republicans (Passing the Bill) and Democrats (Signing the Bill)

The repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act was accomplished by passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. This act allowed banks to acquire other financial assets such as mortgage backed securities and collateralized debt obligations. The passage and signing of this bill essentially encouraged banks to practice predatory lending. When this Act was combined with the CRA95, it became the main force behind the 2007 financial collapse.

Responsible Parties: Republicans (Passing the Bill) and Democrats (Signing the Bill)

So...when are you Democrats going to man up and shoulder your fair share of the blame? You can't keep blaming Bush forever.

What are some of the sociological causes of homelessness? What are some potential solutions? Why does homelessness persist?

The causes of homelessness involve many things. Here are some of the major factors that lead to homelessness:Lack of economic opportunities to acquire a living wage. Many of the available jobs today, do not pay a living wage. They do not pay enough for a person to be stable enough to have housing under the proper circumstance.The lack of stability in available employment: Many of the jobs available, even those that pay a living wage, do not offer much security. Many people are easily replaced, and their labor is not rewarded properly. They are mainly just a commodity or others.The lack of a safety net in society. There is less and less services available, mainly to cut cost of governmental agencies. Many are necessary to keep people out of homelessness.The hyperinflationary cost of Real Estate. Many of the available places to live in a lot of areas, are dramatically increased beyond what they should be. Real estate in this country is generally seen as it means to profit massively, even if it involves leaving many people incapable of paying the cost to have basic housing.Undiagnosed psychological issue, or Mental Health crisis. Well this is not the majority, it does play a factor on the continued states of homelessness for various people. Many people do not have the capability of sustaining themselves to have housing.Recklessness in regards to economic choices. Some people, although a few choose to be homeless for various reasons, which are not valid.Freedom to not be tied down to any contract or lease. Many people do not function properly when they have to pay a lease to live somewhere.Sacrifice to achieve something. There are homeless people who choose to be homeless, in order to fix previous issues of the past, such as paying off that or to save money to build a better standard of life via the sacrifice. Living in an apartment with a job, dramatically hinders this.The freedom to not work a job, and to pursue your passions. Many passions that people have do not pay enough to live in housing.

Will America split into three kingdoms?

I would suggest that America if it did split would probably split into more factions than just three.

Considering the segregation of government at state, regional and city levels in the USA I would suggest you may even get smaller autonomous states existing than you do now.

I think many states wouldn't concern themselves with aligning with other states, so you'd get most divisions at a state level (e.g. I couldn't see Texas joining with others).

I would imagine a split in the USA would be fairly amicable too ... that is it would be done through a democratic process (perhaps similar to the dissolution of the USSR, with less threats).

I think the cultural differences across the USA are not as strong as the other "empires" you mentioned, and most of these empires dissolved because they had conquered others (when the USA is largely the same people). You are probably more likely to have a revolution in the USA due the socio-economic differences between the haves and have nots.

Liberals and conservatives>What is the role of government?

This is for my Intro to Statistics class. No Im not cheating, he suggested we post it online. Please answer completely. Thank you for your participation.

Goal: Find out what people think the role of government is.

(Answer which best describes your position)

1. How do you normally vote? Registered Republican, vote how I feel, wrote in Ron Paul for president, voted Democrat for national congress, Republican for state house

2. What is your age? 18-25

3. What is your race? White

4. Location? North East

5. What is your religion? Deist

6. Social security?
c. It should be privatized

7. Healthcare?
b. Health coverage for the middle class and below
c. Targeted health coverage, (like Medicare) (to select groups like children, disabled, seniors, etc)
a mix of those 2

8. Security?
b. It’s fine the way it is

9. Liberty?
d. The Government intrudes too much in our lives

10. Tax system?
c. We are taxed too many ways, too many laws, too many lawyers

11. Religion?
d. The government should not be religious in any way

12. The government should be responsible for providing my………… (Check applicable)

_somewhat__ Cash retirement benefit (social security)

_for people are are very destitute_ Housing

_somewhat__ College education

_somewhat__ Healthcare

_no__ Dental care

_no__ Vision care

_no__ Day Care

_yes__ Transportation

_?__ Food allowance

13. Patriotism?
b. America is good, it could be great if we fix certain problems

14. I consider myself………
a. Liberal
b. Conservative
Neither, depends on the issue, social libertarian, fiscal moderate

15. What is the role of government? (choose only one)
a. To protect our freedoms and security

16. On a scale of 1-10, how much should the government be involved in our lives? _3__

Would we have had morality without religion? Is morality a social construct or is it solely because of religion that we have morals today?

It is the other way round. Religion is a social construct and the reason for it is because we have morals.Scene: a cave.Caveman 1: I think I might go kill a cavewoman today.Caveman 2: Why?Caveman 1: Just because, really. I’m bored. And I quite like the way they scream. It’s kinda hot.Caveman 2: I dunno… that sounds like a bad idea.Caveman 1: Huh? What the hell do you mean? Bad? Bad in what sense? Like - I might lose the fight? Doubt it. I am stronger and have a big club. So I think it is clearly a good idea.Caveman 2: No, bad as in not nice. You know… a bit evil.Caveman 1: What’s an evil?Caveman 2: It is not a thing like a rock or a tiger. It’s… ugh, how do I explain? Like, there is the world of things, like rocks, tigers, and screaming murder victims. And there is an invisible idea-world you can imagine in your head of how the world could be - an ideal world. When the actual world is different to the way the ideal world would be, that is evil. When the world is how the ideal world would be, that is good. Do you see?Caveman 1: No.Caveman 2: …ugh… ok put it this way. If you kill a cavewoman just because you are stronger and feel like it, a big invisible caveman in the sky will be angry. And he is as strong as a thousand tigers, and made of rock.Caveman: And he would get angry? Uh oh. Would he hurt me?Caveman: Yes, forever.Caveman: Uh oh… but hang on… arguably that is evil in itself. He isn’t better, just stronger.Caveman 2: Look it’s a f ***ing metaphor. Basically, just stop being a dick.Caveman: …ok, fine, I see. Um… can I pull a cavewoman’s hair at least?Caveman: Yes, within a consensual relationship.Caveman: And what if I covet an ox?Caveman: No that’s just wrong.Caveman: …but if it’s within a consensual relationship?Caveman: *sigh* it isn’t. If you do it, big caveman in sky will do the same to you.Caveman: …fine… um… anyway, I am just going to go for a walk… see how the oxen are doing….Caveman: Ok, but just so you know - big caveman in sky can see you at all times.Caveman: UGH FINE I WILL JUST STAY IN AND WATCH THE FIRE ALL NIGHT LIKE A GOODY TWO SHOES THEN. Stupid big sky caveman, always bossing me about… I’ll disprove him one day and then he’ll be sorry…

Should money be distributed equally among people across the world?

Ideally money should be distributed equally. That would probably end all wars, poverty, famine etc.Earlier timesThere used to be the barter system where in people exchanged goods and satisfied their needs. There was no monetization of goods. Hence a sense equality or even equity prevailed.Marx had said that the distinguishing feature between haves and have nots started with capitalism.Role of capitalismCapitalists clearly stated that profits generated from production should only be spent on producing more rather than redistribute it or even give anfair wage to labourers (here is where the idea of wanting more and more without consideration crept in which started discrimination of others) . They had little regard for people who worked for them (to be called labourers)With no regulations (concept of laissez faire) and markets controlling the economy there were created huge gaps between haves and havenots. This introduced cut throat competition where in People would kill to gain more. This perpetuated greed and want for things beyond what is necessary.Once people have money that is beyond necessary they would only want to spend it on things they already have or just don't need. Luxury and money is to ostentatiously prove a point.This over spending and usurption of resources leaves nothing for the have nots who will always remain poor unless a benevolant soul helps them out. Goverments also step in these days to redistribute resources in the form of taxation and social sector spending .Sadly helping the poor or the marginalized too these days seem to have an ulterior motive .Idealism is only to be desired for