In Simplest Form 2x-8/x^2 X-12 Divided By 20-5x/2x^2-5x-3

How do you solve for x:(12 + 5x - 2x^2) divided by (2x^2 - 3x - 20)?

alright, so first (if it is set equal to 0) move the bottom across so it would read:2x^2–5x+12 = 2x^2–3x-20 then subtract 2x^2 over so it reads:-5x+12 = -3x-20 then add -3x and subtract 12 so it reads:-2x = -32 divide by -2 so it reads:x = 16if it is not equal to zero then I can’t help you off the top of my head

When 5x^5+3x^4+2x^3-2x^2+ax+b is divided by (x^2 +1), the remainder is (3x -2). How do I find the values for a and b?

Do the long division (hard to format well here)[math]\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\enspace\,5x^3+3x^2-3x-5\\ x^2+0x+1\overline{\smash{)}5x^5+3x^4+2x^3-2x^2+ax+b}\\ \qquad\qquad\quad\;\underline{5x^5+0x^4+5x^3}\\ \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad3x^4-3x^3-2x^2\\ \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\underline{3x^4+0x^3+3x^2}\\ \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\quad\enspace-3x^3-5x^2+ax\\ \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\underline{-3x^3+0x^2-3x}\\ \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\;-5x^2+(a+3)x+b\\ \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\enspace\,\underline{-5x^2+0x-5}\\ \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad(a+3)x+b+5[/math]Now set the remainder in terms of [math]a[/math] and [math]b[/math] equal to the given remainder[math](a+3)x+b+5=3x-2[/math][math]a+3=3\land b+5=-2[/math][math]a=0\land b=-7[/math]

PLEASE SOLVE FOR X! 5 simple two step equations. Best answer 10 points?

4(-5x + 7) - 2(6x - 11) = 82 distribute 4 & -2
-20x + 28 -12x + 22 = 82 combine like terms
-32x + 50 = 82 subtract 50 from both sides
-32x = 32 divide both sides by -32
x = -1

4(-5 * -1 + 7) - 2(6 * -1 - 11) = 82
4(5 + 7) - 2(-6 - 11) = 82
4(12) - 2(-17) = 82
48 + 34 = 82
82 = 82

5x + 5 - 3x - 1 = -8 combine like terms
2x + 4 = -8 subtract 4 from both sides
2x = -12 divide both sides by 2
x = -6

5(-6) + 5 - 3(-6) - 1 = -8
-30 + 5 + 18 - 1 = -8
-7 - 7 = -8
-8 = -8

x + 6 = -2x - 9
3x = -15
x = -5

-x - 7 = 3x + 5
-12 = 4x
x = -3

3(3x + 1) = x + 19
9x + 3 = x + 19
8x = 16
x = 2

In simplest form 2x-8/x^2+x-12 divided by 20-5x/2x^2-5x-3?

(2x - 8)/(x^2 + x -12) divided by (20 - 5x)/(2x^2 - 5x - 3)
= (2x - 8)/(x^2 + x -12) multiplied by (2x^2 - 5x - 3)/(20 - 5x)
= (2x - 8)(2x^2 - 5x - 3)/(20 - 5x)(x^2 + x -12)
= 2(x - 4)(2x + 1)(x - 3)/-5(x - 4)(x + 4)(x - 3)
= 2(2x + 1)/-5(x + 4)
= -2(2x + 1)/5(x + 4)

Multiply. (4x-12)/(x^2+6x) times 5x/(3-x)?

1. OK, multiplication of fractions. You multiply the numerators and denominators separately, right? Right, so we can go ahead and combine it so it looks like this instead...

(4x-12)(5x) / (x²+6x)(3-x)

Now, Since we want to get this in simplest terms, the easiest way to do it is to reduce each item before multiplying it out. 4x-12 can be factored, as can (x² + 6x), giving us instead...
(4)(x-3)(5x) / (x)(x+6)(3-x)
(20x)(x-3) / (x)(x+6)(3-x)
We can divide 20x by x to leave 20, giving us...
20(x-3) / (x+6)(3-x)
Here's another simple trick... (x-n) * -1 = (n-x)... so...
20(-1)(3-x) / (x+6)(3-x)
-20 / (x+6)

So long as x ≠ (does not equal) -6, 3, or 0.

2. Divide. Division of fractions is the same as multiplying by the reciprocal, so...
[ 3 / x^7 ] ÷ [ 6 / x³ ] =
[ 3 / x^7 ] × [ x³ / 6 ]
Now, since order of multiplication doesn't mattrer, we can rearrange that to say...
[ x³ / x^7 ] × [ 3 / 6]
Now, since dividing exponential expressions with the same base is done by subtracting the exponent, and 3-7 = -4, we have
[ 1 / x^4 ] × [ 1 / 2 ] =
1 / 2(x^4)

3. Again, division is multiplying by the reciprocal, so...
[ (2x-6) / 21 ] ÷ [ (5x-15) / 12 ] =
[ (2)(x-3) / (3)(7) ] × [ (3)(4) / (5)(x-3) ]
[ (2)(3)(4)(x-3) ] × [ (3)(5)(7)(x-3) ]
Cancel out like terms, and we have
(2)(4) / (5)(7)
So long as x ≠ (does not equal) 5

Please help me with some algebra 2, very important?

1. What is the solution to the rational equation x over x squared minus 9 minus 1 over x plus 3 equals 1 over 4x minus 12 ?

2. What is the simplified form of the quantity 4 x squared minus 20x plus 25 over the quantity 2x minus 5 ?

3. What is the solution to the rational equation 3 over 2 minus 1 over x minus 4 equals 1 over 2x minus 8?

4. What is the simplified form of the quantity x squared plus 5x plus 6 over 15 x y squared all over the quantity 2x squared plus 7x plus 3 over 5 x squared y ?

5. What is the solution to the rational equation x over 5 plus 4 over 5 = 7 ?

6. What is the simplified form of the quantity 3 over x minus 2 over y all over the quantity 3 over x plus 2 over y ?

7. What is the simplified form of the quantity y squared plus y minus 6 over the quantity y squared plus 2 y minus 3 ?

8. What is the simplified form of x plus 1 over x squared plus x minus 6 divided by x squared plus 5x plus 4 over x minus 2 ?

9. What is the simplified form of 3 over 2x minus 5 + 21 over 8 x squared minus 14x minus 15 ?

10. What is the denominator of the simplified form of 1 over 2 minus 3 over 4 x plus 2 ?

Basic algebra problem: 8 (x/2-5 ) = 2x - 6?

Having a little bit of trouble with this problem...
8( x/2 - 5 ) = 2x - 6
8x/16 - 40 = 2x - 6 multiplied left side by 8
128x - 640 = 32x - 96 multiplied both sides by 16
96x = 544 simplified
x = 5.67 dividing 544 by 96

But the answer should not a decimal. Help please!

Math Questions!! algebra! please help....?

1) subtract 5 from both sides and subtract 2x from both sides leaves you with
x = -14

2) cannot tell exactly what you meant to type! if you meant to type :" two and a fifth x minus three fourths equals four and a half" then

add 3/4 from both sides, giving you two and a half x = five and a quarter.

now, on the left hand side of the equation, two and a half = five halves , and five halves is equivalent to ten quarters

on the right side of the equation five and a quarter = twenty one quarters.

so, the entire equation should read:

ten quarters x equals twentyone quarters.

after dividing both sides by ten quarters, you get
x = twenty one tenths

3) after grouping like terms on the left side of the equation, you get
2x + 8 = 8x - 25
add twentyfive to both sides and subtract 2x from both sides , you get
33 = 6x
divide both sides by 6 , you get
x = thrty-three sixths

4) Again, your notation has to be wrong
it looks like you put too many exponent signs on the left side???
if so, then it would be 'negative 3 to the second power times negative 2 to the third power'

well, neg three raised to the second power is nine and neg two raised to the third power is megative eight. now, 9 times negative 8 equals negative 72 (-72) your answer

5) is this mutiplying or adding? if mutliplying, then use parentheses. if adding then use an addition sign

6) after grouping like terms, you get,
-8x + 10y + 10
factor out a two for an even simpler form,
(2)(-4x +5y +5)

7) solve for x in the first equation, then plug that value in for x in the second equation
add 3 to both sides to get,
7x = 28
divide both sides by 7 to get
x = 4
now, in the second equation, put 4 in place wherever there was an x
so 1/2 x + 1 = 1/2 (4) +1 = 2 + 1 = 3

so whenever seven x minus three is equal to twenty-five, then one half x plus 1 equals three

8) again, not sure if the original problem had parens around the six? in other words, i assume the negative sign is inside parentheses, if so, = 36 + 1 = 37

9) it seems like ther may be missing parentheses?

Ian for 3) 25 + 8 does not equal 32

and for 6) factor out a two for simplest form

How can one solve the following by using the method of factorization: [math]\frac{4}{x-3}=\frac{5}{2x+3}[/math]where [math]x[/math] is not equal to [math]0[/math] or [math]-\frac{3}{2}?[/math]

4/x-3=5/2x+3Multiply both sides by (x-3)(2x+3)4(2x+3)=5(x-3)=8x+12=5x-15Subtract 12 from both sides8x+12 -12 =5x-15 -12= 8x=5x-27Subtract 5x from both sides.8x -5x =5x-27 -5x= 3x=-27x=-9

How can I factor this trinomial (step-by-step), 3x^2 - 2x-8?

I’m sure you can see that one of the factors will be [math]3x[/math] plus or minus some number, and the other factor will be [math]x[/math] plus or minus some number. This is not always true but it’s usually the case for simple problems and a good place to start.We have: [math]\left( 3x + a \right) \left( x + b \right)[/math], where [math]a[/math] and [math]b[/math] stand for the two numbers we need to work out.If we multiply this out we get [math]3{ x }^{ 2 }+\left( a+3b \right) x+ab[/math]. You can ignore that complicated middle term. Just look at the third term, [math]ab[/math], that does not involve [math]x[/math]. It has to be the same in value as the term that does not involve [math]x[/math] in the original expression, namely, [math]-8[/math].[math]ab[/math] is a product that makes [math]-8[/math], and there are only a few pairs of integers that work!Try them: (-1, 8), (1, -8), (-2, 4), (2, -4).You will quickly become used to doing this.The answer is [math]\left(x - 2\right) \left(3 x + 4\right)[/math].